Wednesday, December 31, 2014

You Seem Surprised...Still??

American media must truly be painting more of a false picture of our citisens than i realise..

The "special polls" taken by "think tanks" when they actually talk to a real person are from carefully selected liberal/left wing/neocons who give the opinions needed to put forward the propaganda required to sway the rest of the populace.
To those willing to take the risk,find a real person out there in cyberspace.Lots of us are real,i am..
Right now i'm doing this waiting for my laundry to be done.

More of who i am?
I don't believe America owns the Earth by any right.My faith such as it is now would have to be described as pagan.
I do NOT support the Christians sick need to bring about the end of days!!
To live together in peace.
To learn from each other for the betterment of all..

Is that such a frightening concept???
I don't think so......

The Western Way? A Lie On Steroids!!

  • The chants in support of our Western way are inspiring aren't they?
    Pity they ignore the progressive destruction of national and cultural identity!
    Pity they ignore the unchecked spread of the Islamic Cult and their Sharia Law!!

    Crimea saw what was coming in Ukraine and ran in defense of their future,good on them!!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Hello Australia :)

Sorry for being so late noticing that loads of searches for my blogs have been through the web address.
Thanks for stopping by,and if this is Australia's version of GCHQ.Is someone watching you too??

Air Asia Your Clock Is Ticking

Flight 8501 with 162 on board disappear 42 minutes after starting a 2 hour flight.

An experienced and capable flight crew..again.A routine request to divert to avoid bad weather,again nothing unusual.Except...again no distress call to indicate any trouble.

To all the officials involved in this search you need to find this plane and quickly!
The depths of the Java Sea won't allow you to make any excuses about wreckage and recovery.There have to be witnesses from other aircraft of seacraft in the area where it went missing.All eyes could not have been elsewhere??!!
The SAR for this plane drags on for more than a month everyone will start invoking memories of MH370 in the media."Suspected Causes" and "Unknown Motivations" won't work again!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The Eugenics Wars For Real

Hitler wanted it.
His perfect,pure White Race through selective breeding.Didn't much work did it??

But now we have a new attempt involving many nations.With loyalty insured through subliminal mental influences and our new physical and cultural destinies brought about with forced migrations.Native cultures absorbed and replaced,national and language boundaries disintegrating.Histories being rewritten once more in the name of "needed change"!

What i want to know beyond doubt is this part of the next change in the Human species,or is this being engineered?


Friday, December 5, 2014

American Hegamony My Ass

It seems again i have to take it upon myself to apologize to the human race at large for the continual destructive,dangerous,homicidal and ludicrous acts of my government.
Should you be afraid of Washington?? Yes!!

Our cities and states are being gutted without mercy to help the Neocon lunatics fund their mad schemes.Paying bribes..i meant aid to their puppet slaves Europe/Canada/Australia.Funding their petroterror wars across the mideast through their bastard children Al-Qaeda and ISIS.The continued and laughable attempts to demonize Russia and China for daring to oppose the "imperial will"!!

But they will not win.Their are already cracks in Europe from Germany,Great Britain and Hungary.They will lose France when Marine Le Pen takes power in the next elections.
The E.U. is itself cracking from within.
The only way they will be able to hold power is to start out rightly killing national leaders that oppose them!

Nations of the Earth.The still free thinking people of the United States do not want a global American Empire.We want peace and fair trade for all our mutual benefits.And above all we want peace.

This is the truth!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Spread this as far as you can.Just came across this from Russia Today in the town of Rezh in Sverdlovsk region near Russia's Ekaterinburg.A mysterious bright "light" seen from several sources..
Here's the link......

Never seen the like of it before,any ideas????

Monday, November 10, 2014

You Seem So Surprised??

Thinking,all Americans are mind tranced drones.Do not believe our state controlled propaganda machine media.


That's all you probably see elsewhere isn't it?? know different,so do i..That's one of the reasons i started this blog,and it's the reason for so many others like it.To change how others see us.
Our people are not the great evil,spreading across the world at gunpoint to make the world ours no matter how many millions have to die!!

We do not want any more wars!!Enough of our sons and daughters have fallen in the name of the political machinations of our corrupt government.And far to many innocents in countries across the Earth that we have invaded overtly and covertly have died because of our leaders mad desire for power.For that,this American hopes that one day you can forgive us.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

America Is Concerned About East Ukraine

Concerned you're going to loose it you mean!!

Slay for pay President Candyman and his boasts of the latest "Russian Incursions" that STILL no one can get documented pictures and video of,and not even our esteemed Mistress Of Comedic Propaganda Jen Psaki will back it up this time!!

Personally i equate the peoples in Donbass and their desire for freedom from an oppressive government ruled by greed and avarice somewhat the same as America's thirteen colonies and their fight for independence from England.
I wish i could say that there was someone/group that was on your side.But if there are they are to cowed by fear to express themselves.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Self Determination They Way It Should Be!

Congratulation to the new leaders of the Donetsk and Lughansk Republics.And i am so enjoying that those same election results are chafing crotches from Kiev to Washington!
Illegitimate,illegal and a farce they decry!

Just because you have your trained dog Poroshenko in Kiev does not mean that one square inch of Ukraine belongs to the E.U. or America!..So condemn all you bloody like!!!!!

Friday, October 31, 2014

The One State Solution Maybe??

Oh Israel,and you in particular Benny Netenyahu.

Such language they are calling you in Washington of late.I mean i can't even repeat it here LOL :)
What is it? The Neocons annoyed with you because you won't sacrifice every last Israeli to the cause of Pax Americana.They're wanting you to launch a first strike on Iran right,and they want Israel to do the dying and then sort the spoils later.Probably including you..Did you expect anything else?!

You do their bidding killing Arabs they want dead by the thousands.Make yourselves pariahs with what you do to the Palestinians.Now comes the big campaign to remake the Arab world,and you were supposed to be it's masters for us weren't you?...You were lied to just like all the rest...
You keep fighting them,and your usefulness to the Pax Americana will be over,yours and Israel's.
What will it be?? A strike on the Knesset in session,killing all of the government.
ISIS in the holy land??

Make up your mind Benny.The map makers might be calling that plot of land Palestine again...

For Donetsk And Lughansk

From an American citizen in the state of Pennsylvania on your upcoming elections.

I wish the newborn Republics of Donetsk And Lughansk all the best in your futures.And please,i beg of not judge all the peoples of the west by our asinine and idiotic leadership..

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Question And More For Candyman Poroshenko

I hear the recent elections went well.But sympathies for having to make a coalition government with the rat face Yatsenyuk.
But i also hear of the other elections soon to come in Donetsk and Lughansk.
What's the matter??? Can't get your military to slaughter enough of their own people to solidify Ukraine's slavery to the west??

Been reading media here.Both new republics are readying for when you come calling,after all can't have any real self determination here..We might decide to cut your aid/bribe money..
But you'll go,like the bought and paid for property you are.
Another 4/5/10,000.What's it matter anyway?Just so long as you get that 40 room dacha on the Black Sea eh??

I can just hear the call now from your owners..

Petro..Petro,it's time to go kill people again,you like that don't you??"Sounds of begging and panting from you".
Now sit up and beg nicely for your next million Euro..."Woof Woof,Woof...
There,that's a nice little plaything.."Pats you on your head"

At Least Someone Has Working Rockets

Thank you Washington and NASA for setting American space travel back AGAIN!!

No matter what the cause of that explosion,the damage at the Wallops Island launch facility will take months to repair.
And frankly i no longer care how Un-American this may sound.But thank you Russia and Roscosmos for having another supply mission ready for the ISS.We need to return to space and i don't care who gets it done any longer.

If Russia and China can get us back to the Moon,,so be it!!
If Norway can get us to Mars,DO IT!!

And if NASA and the United States no longer have the ambition to start the Big Breakout for the Human Race.
Then get out of the way and let those who can get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Ebola Outbreak What Is Your Game??

It makes no sense as a culling of excess population,it doesn't kill fast enough.
Is this going to turn out to be a new variant to be used in the next round of human viral weaponry experimentation??

Or is it to be something far more crass and basic??A simple method of terror and distraction to keep attention away from Pax Americana's latest push for world control.Kill off a few hundred thousand,or few hundred million to keep the masses from uniting against you..
I've asked before.How much blood,how much death will be enough?Now i have to ask this of the people.
Exactly how far are you willing to let this go??

Britain,Canada,America What Is The Problem???

You have citisens,regardless of their birth declaring treason against their governments by siding with ISIS and you say you will not declare them stateless.....WHY??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Save your nations untold billions in court costs and prison expenses for treason/terrorism charges.You should want these cultural gene trash out of your nations and banished for the rest of time!!
Why don't you,i really want to know that???????

Monday, October 6, 2014

I Have No Understanding Of This!!

It is spreading across cybermedia that the Syrian city of Kobane has all but fallen to a fierce military advance by the Islamic State.
What is even more disturbing is that Kobane is within sight of the Turkish border.And the government in Ankara has given NO military aid whatsoever to defend this city!!!

It makes no sense at all!! Is it cowardice?? Or is it something else???
Letting a dangerous enemy gain territory within sight of your border makes sense only if you intend on joining with the Islamic State...Is that it???  Oh Obama,your "underestimation" of this new enemy might be taking on epic scale!!
Is that how it's going to be Erdogan? Not just one more rag tag terror group in alliance with ISIS but an entire NATION??!!

If so,the near future is going to be very interesting indeed....

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Most Curious Misdirection??

Obama,Netenyahu what game are you two playing at??
One says ISIS is the third---excuse me THIRD greatest threat in the world today??? The other is on his ratty soapbox singing that tired old refrain about the evil Iranian nuclear weapons plans,proof of which has been shown??Nothing!!!

Some opinion suggests that there is no real plan to this "strategy" against ISIS.They continue to press their offensive on the Syrian border city of Kobane despite the airstrikes.New news reports say that ISIS and Al-Nursa Front are forming alliance because of the coalition attacks.
And i've noticed in recent media Obama you're already blaming your national security adviser for "underestimating" ISIS in Syria.

Typical,when you've started down yet another path to idiocy and when you get caught out at it.You pass the blame.After all,NO blame can ever be allowed to touch your door can it??
WHERE are you going with this??!!
If this should spill into Russia or China you are going to end up with blowback NO amount of propaganda or verbal intimidation will stop!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Enforced Regime Change But At What Price??

Don't the imbeciles in power EVER learn when it's not working?????!!!!

15 years of war and only Afghanistan looks to be properly subjugated.Libya is a shattered wreck of the land it once was.
Your drone attacks in Pakistan,Yemen,and Somalia have accomplished nothing except to make America more hated than ever.But you couldn't beat Syria...

Three years,thousands of renegade vermin and foreign mercenaries.And let's not forget being accountable for the deaths of 190,000 deaths in Syria and the new killings in Iraq.What was the intent of the creation of ISIS anyway??
A hammer to bring the rest of the Arab world to heel for the future World Order?
Obama,you and your cohorts have no worthy allies in this.The boot licker Cameron will be voted out in the national elections next year and Nigel Farage will slam the "special relationship" squarely in your face..

And as for Islamophobia??A well played traditionalist mindtrance,just like Nazi Germany.Give the people you want to control "an enemy",hire the lowest of the low to go across the world committing all the appropriate sins to change opinion.But your stage play is too grande.
The majority of NATO and the E.U. won't play.Iran doesn't trust you,and your folly with Russia will go off in your face..

There will be a regime change upon the Earth,but it won't be one you'll like....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

To The Leaders Of Europe:Stop Being America's Bitch!!

Stop the tolerance and appeasement of having the enemy fly it's cursed black flag in you cities!!

European Union and NATO,you're reluctant to join Obama's Petroterror Coalition in military strikes inside Syria??   Can't say i blame you.Violations of international law,Iran,Russia stepping in to save Assad.Don't want Sukhoi fighters over your capitols do you???

Theres an answer you know???

Turn away from this sociopathic idiocy!! Make new alliances that serve Europe's future and interests,clean out the terrorists garbage from your nations that you willingly let in.Make over your nations to be new lights to the future,not victims to one more failed attempt at Empire!!

The future can still be.It has never been set!!

A Message To Our "Moderate Rebels" In Syria

I've been reading how you are all so worried the Obama's coalition airstrikes might be turned against you....Did you ever doubt it??

Our lying trash of a President has been breaking every alliance he has made of late.Haven't you asked why NATO and the E.U. are still staying out of this for now?They are deathly afraid that joining us in bombing ISIS in Syria will draw in Iran,the Russia.
Obama and his OPEC/terrorist supporting cohorts are going to remake the Arab world their way.And will you,his many well paid little "regime changers" have any place in this new Arab future???


You are the tools and cannon fodder for his goals.What ever he or his henchmen may have promised,it will be a lie leading to all your deaths.
Change this and change this now!!

Side with Assad,bring in Iran.And Russia as well if need be to make sure that there is a Syria for anyone left at all...!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm Sorry.....WHAT!!!???

Please read the following and try not to laugh in disbelieving disgust!!

Oh the propaganda they have been pushing.
How with our "advisers" training and our re-equipping the Iraqi army in combination with American and coalition airstrikes ISIS will be degraded and destroyed..
Out of nearly 1000 men in the above article only 200 survive??

The commanders of the Iraqi army seem to have a very skewed perception of how to fight an enemy??What have you been doing with the food and munitions we've been giving you,selling them to ISIS?? Obama,if this is what you intend to use to keep American troops out of the fight then the black flag of the enemy will be flying over Baghdad by years end..

To the innocent Iraqi citizenry as an American i can only apologize on behalf of my country and hope that one far off day you can forgive..

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I Know I'm Not The Only One Out Here!!

Many who have their own established websites,Youtube Channels,or little digital speakers corners like mine.Who look at our own government and their "spokespersons" such as Jen Psaki and Marie Harf "The Mistresses Of Fihnya".To watch them is to see Imperial Comedy in action!!

I look at the sky high food,medical,and fuel prices and i call you profiteer!!
I look at the absence of border security and defense and i call you traitor!!
I look at your call for ANOTHER useless war and call you sociopaths!!

Who are we to sit here or wherever and call you out on this??????


A Rush To War?? And A Question??


The need for the failing Western Empire to preserve it self by any means necessary draws nigh..In 2017 the Leftists will lose the French Presidency to the National Front of Marine Le Pen.

In 2015 the position of Prime Minister Of Great Britain will go the United Kingdom Independence Party's Nigel Farage.

Many Central European governments are leaning toward new political views.

And now for my question..Is it just that so many of you are hide bound by habit in your relations to America??Or is it that you are afraid of us?? Afraid that if you turn away from the One World agenda we invoke the Planned Armegeddon??!! Humanity under one rule,or no ones rule!!
This is NOT a fixed point in the future and it can and MUST be changed! This new war they plan MUST NOT HAPPEN!!
Turn your backs on the past and embrace the future as it needs to be.NOW!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You Are Joking,Right????

The Free Syria Army and the Syrian National Coalition,thought of from the propagandists view are a motley collection of misfits who after being trained,equipped and funded by various Arab states and America for the past three years cannot bring down the professionally trained army of Bashar Al-Assad.
How are they expected to help fight and defeat ISIS??!!...They're not,that's why....

After all this time and complicity in the deaths of 190,000 plus civilians in Syria and Iraq the aptterns emerge.
In a grande scheme with just as much gratuitous melodrama as the last 14 years have wrought,America,it's Saudi and European allies have begun to move forward to destroy the last of the countries daring to resist the new Western/Arab Empire.
Years of corruption from within the E.U.Dropping defenses from within,ensuring the "free movement" of citisens thus making infiltration all the easier.

This enterprise,which has all the elements of 17th century European intrigue and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. would be laughable if it weren't for the possibility of bringing us all to global war.

Exile For Would-Be Jihadis---This Is A Debate????!!!

You limp wristed  politically correct worms!!

You actually want to keep these potential suicide bombers in your countries..To do what???
Mentor them in the error of their ways??To make them useful members of society again??

You should be wanting these deviants gone from your lands and make this clear to them all!!

"Go! Fight for your cause but know this,as soon as your planes leave your citisenships and passports will be rescinded for life!
You will be branded in exile and stateless for the rest of your lives.Any attempt to return will result in immediate deportation without trial!
Such should be the sentence for all traitors....

Which WW 3 Is This,You Seem Confused??

Obama,Foggy Rasmussen.Have you given up on Russia because they wouldn't take the cheap bait you were offering to shoot first in your very dusty war scenario??
What did you expect from the former head of the KGB, idiocy??!!

And now here we are dealing with ISIS and your continuing desire to turn the Arab world into a sea of blood,death and fire.Your "coalition"?? A motley collection of sand piles,only a few of which have a decent military...Paid for by America,by the way...and a goodly number of them accused of supporting terrorists themselves!
We all know why Syria and Iran are excluded from this.The West has been screaming..BOW,YIELD,KNEEL to them for years.And they've been telling you rightly so to piss off!!

You can't have your nuclear holocaust,because China and Russia will never oblige you.So what's it to be??A global religious crusade????

Go ahead,you might not like who turns against you!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Never Raise More Demons Than You Can Put Down

ISIS,the largest and most dangerous of demons created by unneeded Western meddling!

Was Iraq a harsh country under Hussein? Yes.His methods were brutal but it kept the sectarian carnage which now is destroying Iraq in check.How many thousands have died under the weak Western backed leaders?

Libya.under Gaddafi?An iron fisted ruler,yes again.But under his rule he brought his country to one of the highest standards of living in North Africa.Then we determined Libya needed "democratic western ways".
The result?
Airstrikes destroying the Libyan military and driving Gaddafi from power to be shot down in the street.And where is Libya today?
A meat grinder,with little central government or military.Torn to shreds by various Islamic factions.And again the French want to return for another "intervention" to prevent Libya from becoming a "terrorist hub".Funny?
The country was fine before we came and blew it up...

We have done so much damage all in the name of Western manifest destiny.And now it has come back to haunt us hasn't it??
Now our President wants a "coalition" to make un-war with ISIS in Iraq and Syria.But my question is this..If we use this as a platform to destroy the Assad government,what will Iran and Russia do on Syria's behalf??

Doesn't look at all good,does it??

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Muslim Revolution?? Did I Miss Something??

Now this article posted on Yahoo.....

Would seem to suggest that the actions of ISIS are actually condemned by Muslims world wide.Again have i missed the street demonstrations of Muslims in the hundreds of thousands in cities across the Earth denouncing the Islamic State and it's actions??!!
Did i miss the official condemnations from Imam's and other Muslim religious leaders??!!
Didn't think so....

So spare me your empty words :religion of peace"!!
Your hypocrisy and lies are no longer heard......

Too Far Now The March Of Idiots

The following is a link to an RT article....

Where supposedly ISIS is threatening to "liberate" Chechnya and Caucasus and bring them into the caliphate.And also to use aircraft taken from a Syrian airbase to launch attacks.
To the ISIS leadership,are you truly being serious here??...Attack Russia???!!!

Europe will be easy enough.Most of the Muslim appeasing governments there hold their borders open for anyone.America?? An 80yr old man,half blind and deaf could gain entry through our borders.Obama rewrote the book Lady Liberty holds,it now says "Come On In,The Benefits Are Great"!
And we all know that when Obama threatens the world laughs in hysterics.But these days when Russia speaks NATO has to change it's knickers!!

Check the history texts.There is a good reason Russia has never known a conqueror.And when you cross that line and attack them you are going to find out why..

No Rules Of Engagement Or Articles Of War Against ISIS!!!

Obama,do you actually seek to fight a civilised orderly war conducted in a proper and modern fashion against ISIS??
If you do,you are more of a threat to the future of America than i ever could have imagined!

I have seen the un-edited videos of what they have done.Theirs is a military and social mentality that has not been seen on Earth for over a thousand years,they are the Mongolian Hordes under Genghis Khan with AK-47s and Humvee s.They are a force of violence and fear and must be met with violence and fear!!

You won't even protect us from the ones who go to them to fight for their cause!!You let them all return,boasting of the people they've killed and your response is "Well,have fun while you were away"??
Let them go!! As well you should.And the price being they loose their passports and citisenship for life!!
Betray the nation that fed,clothed,reared and educated you and be cast out forever!!

The ONLY rule and article to follow with ISIS..DEATH TO THE ENEMY!!!!!

ISIS Advances And......

The news says..Look At The Evil Russians!!

James Foley and Steven Sotloff are murdered like farm animals and Washington says..Yes,we have no strategy..
Muslims in Denmark endorse the ideals of ISIS and the news claims Putin Takes Kiev in Two Weeks!!

Their numbers swell like maggots on a corpse.Their influence spreads from country to country and the world stays silent and tells you..You just think about all those naked actress phone pictures instead while ISIS kills another 1000 innocent people.
Be a nice drone and only think about "evil ruskies" when Jihad John shows up at your door with $25 demanding to marry your 6yr old daughter..

So what say you humanity,is the Crusader spirit alive to leave this enemies blood in the dirt??Or are you going to be nice little appeasers and line up to have your heads taken??

The governments bleat "The Russians Are Coming"!! To fight for the future without ISIS,i almost wish they were!!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Earth To NATO!!!

To Foggy Rasmussen and Breed..i meant Strangelove at NATO.The commanders of ISIS must be laughing themselves ill at these comedic antics.

While you jesters do your sick dance Iraq,Syria,Iran,and Egypt will fall!Then they move north,Jordan,Lebanon,and your precious Israel will be under the black flag of the Islamic horde!!
Millions dead,whole cultures destroyed all while you play your silly power games...Pathetic

A Lack Of Focus And Confusion Most Severe!

Another African nation,Senegal has reported it's first case of Ebola.And the WHO lifts travel bans in infected countries.Letting the potentially infected take the disease even further????

The Islamic Plague of ISIS has added another massacre to it's hit parade.160 Syrian military prisoners.Europe stays silent on this,almost in fear.And fear they should!
Open borders,no travel restrictions,no revocations of passports or citisenship for those who would fight for ISIS.The same exists here in America.

A political structure divided against itself at every level.
Our President has NO ambitions whatsoever to protect the security of the American mainland or it's people.All our borders,especially to the south are virtually held open to any to come here no matter what their intentions may they be good or bad.

What will it take to remove this fog from your minds??Another 7 mile wide rock from space?Ebola erupting in every major city??
What!!?? Tell me??!!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Invader! I Name Thee!!

The continual claims of Russian military incursion in Ukraine.
But "surprisingly" no one gets pictures or video.Why??
Because if these "Russians" were seen in detail flaws would be realised.If faces were seen,identities could be traced to their place of origin.So they are never seen except in the halls of power.

The perfect actors,financed with the needed props and costumes to play "Russian Invader" whenever needed.There presence was noted in Ukraine months ago,and since shooting down flight MH-17 they've been rehearsing for their current roles..Who do i refer too,come on.I think you probably guessed already..

I mean that well known traveling road show of death and destruction,those mercs of mirth and mayhem....Blackwater!!

Who thinks i'm right??????

Thought I'd Try Something New

Via Google Translate to the Candyman in Kiev..

Candyman Petro Poroshenko.Vashi slova zmushuyut kvity rostut v pusteli..

Did i get it right??

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The He Said,She Said Invasion Contiues

Even as leaders and diplomats talk around tables in Belarus to end the conflict in Ukraine the fiction in media department of Candyman Poroshenko is spinning another tale of Russian invasion!

Claims that up to 100 tanks,rocket launchers assorted equipment and personnel are streaming across the Ukraine border.Supposedly to re-supply the rebels in Donetsk and Lughansk.Now,this is of course a very serious accusation and if proven does make the Russian government the clear aggressor in this matter..

So here i go again,again,and again...........
In these matters most serious is there no one..that can provide verifiable video or photographic evidence?????
Until you can i am so calling--insert Ukraine or Russian word for cow manure--on Kiev and NATO!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Does Anyone Agree??

Whenever i hear the politicians and the military prattle on about how something happened.I think of a scene from the film Star Trek V The Final Frontier where James Kirk asks the being claiming to be God for proof of who he is.

So,Admirals,Generals,Presidents and Prime Ministers.
When you talk to me about invasions,incursions and insane expenditures of money for ridiculous things just refer to the picture below..............

Does No One Have A Camera????

You expect the world to take you on your word alone when you have the reputation a used car dealer would laugh at!!
NATO/Candyman,you make these incredible claims about Russian military activity in and near Ukraine.First it was the armoured column that crossed the border and was partly destroyed..NO Pictures,NO video...

Now it's "thousands" of Russian troops massing on the Ukraine border.To the NATO SecGen Foggy Rasmussen.Why is there not a cacophony of photo and video of these "troops and equipment" being circulated across every news outlet across the world!!
Such proof justifies your claims and would make Russia out a gross liar!!
We're waiting Foggy

Proof and evidence.Those seem to be such hard concepts for you to grasp.Not for the rest of us....

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Too Little Too Late???

The warnings are starting to come in..

British SAS,American Special Forces about the global threat of the Islamic State and it's growing reach across the Earth.
The legitimate concerns of when their recruits return to their home countries to establish IS units and to bring a new generation of terror to the world.I mean what is it when Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda,and the Free Syria Army are openly denouncing ISIS as well!!

To the FSA i would say this.Lay down your war against Assad,unify your forces in combat against the true enemy of all the Arab world...ISIS!!!!
To the "leaders" of Europe and your misbegotten campaign of misdirection to demonise Russia at Washington's behest whilst crippling your own economies with these foolish trade sanctions.The enemy grows within.The immigrant,the disaffected and the dispossessed are turning on you as i speak!

And let us all see what happens with the Mosul Dam now that it has been recovered by Kurdish forces with their assistance from the American military.Can the explosives left by ISIS be safely disarmed without collapsing the dam.Killing a half million people in the bargain??

Mainstream media would tell you all is right with the world,we are striking back against ISIS!!
When the media and my leaders say that do you know what i look for first????

The Earth to open beneath my feet!!!!

Comments welcome....

Friday, August 15, 2014

Russia Invaded Ukraine?? Where's The Proof??

It's been reported that a column of Russian armoured vehicles some 20 in number crossed the border in front of border checkpoint guards and media from many countries.
That column was engaged by Ukraine military and was mostly destroyed!

Well maybe i missed something so far,but i have yet to see a single photograph or frame of video proving that such an event even happened??!! Even if EVERY single reporter were off in the bushes with a picture of Crimea's Chief Prosecutor,where is the photo/video evidence from Ukraine military to document in finite detail the aftermath of an event that would prove that Russia had been lying all along..

As the old American commercial asked..Where's The Beef??
Candyman Poroshenko,those who can see past the lies of this ask..Where's The Proof????
Accept your word:NO!!
The NATO SecGen:NO!!
Some who read this might think that i'm being a Russian suka,or bitch for not taking the word of western governments with out question.

Put the proof in front of us all that can be seen,touched,tasted and verified to the sixth decimal point

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Dare For A Dare

You sanction his banks:He goes to BRICS
You sanction Russian energy exploration:Exxon/Mobil says go to hell!

Kiev says the aid convoy of 2000 tonnes of food and medicines staffed with 280 workers will not be allowed into Ukraine,suspecting it a pretext to invasion.
They say Putin is an excellent chess player,and this will prove it.
He will send that convoy,armed only for self protection to bring the promised food and medical aid.He will dare you Candyman,to open fire on those aid workers on your "pretext" killing or injuring who knows how many.
Aren't there still observers from OSCE and other civilian agencies all throughout Donetsk??By firing on a lightly armed aid convoy he makes you more of a pariah throughout Ukraine.He humiliates America and Europe for continuing to support a bloodthirsty madman they themselves put in power..

And the game again goes to Russia.The latest version from the west of:It ain't our fault,it's those damn commies!! Fails again!!
ISIS spreads,and they say fear you...I DO fear ISIS,but not you.
Ebola spreads and they say fear you..I DO fear Ebola,but not you.

I see where the true threats to my country and the world are and so do many others!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pay Attention To The Massacres We Tell You To!!

East Ukraine:Over 1100 casualties,cities towns and villages left in ruin.To listen to our media you would think imps and slime demons were rising from hell to imperil all creation.Instead of innocent people who disagree with a government they did want and so-called elections to "legalise" it's power.
It seems disagreement with those in power is a life ending condition these days??

Iraq/Syria:From the start of Syria's civil war to the rise of ISIS,which has now made it's first land claim in Lebanon.175,000+ dead and climbing.Where is the intervention and the moral outrage,the retaliation against ISIS??????
Yes,that's silence you hear.
Gaza/Israel:First to be clear again.ANY group or government that kills for political or religious gain deserves to burn.Yes i'm talking to you Hamas!Both you and those idiots in Tel Aviv have passed any moral line in this conflict!!Nearly 2000 dead on both sides and governments round the Earth take all sides except the right one.THIS CONFLICT MUST END!!

But no,for what ever reason Israel as a Jewish state must survive at any cost.And what cost is that,the1.8 million in the Gaza??So we keep getting pointed to the latest important killings.
More must die in East Ukraine to keep it a unified Western ally to pen in "Evil Russia".
Iraq/Syria/Libya must be destroyed because they would not be controlled.
Israel must continue.....for whatever mysterious reason.

And the global body counts continue to rise....

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It Seems To Be Starting

Be on whichever side you are as to Israel's latest invasion of the Gaza Strip.The worldwide reactions have just stepped up a new level....

As it says in the article Bolivian President Evo Morales has renounced the 1972 visa exemption agreement signed with Israel and has branded them a terrorist state.
I've been wondering how long it would take a government,any government to come forward with a tangible response,and it looks like someone has..So what comes next people?? And from who??

ISIS In The Netherlands????!!!!!!!!!

Are they mad???!!! Are they truly that barking INSANE???!!!!
An ISIS rally at The Hague,the home of the International Criminal Court and you have representatives of the most bloodthirsty terrorists orgaisation on Earth on your city streets!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has the infection of your minds become such that you would allow those who promise the invasion of Europe in 5 years a voice on your city streets!!And i could not believe the people on that street standing there and actually listening to them..
Europe,the invader is at your door NOW!!! It is in your streets and governments.
Fight against it now before it's too late!!

Israel The Foolish

Could you be anymore idiotic??!!

With Muslim influence spreading across Earth like a plague and the pro-Muslim mentality infecting so many people and governments you go on what is being regarded as an Israeli "Final Solution" in the Gaza.
You are giving them the martyrdom they need to turn world opinion against you!!Possibly to the point of foreign military intervention..

One thing to be clear here..Palestine never asked for what happened to them.What western governments did was wrong.But for 67 years that there could be no coexistence between the two of you?? Why??
I can never be a supporter of Hamas,their aims and objectives are wrong.Neither can i ever support Israel..How many thousands must lay dead and injured  to justify your "Right to Defend",between "Cast Lead" and "Protective Edge" you're nearing 3000 dead!
If Israel's leaders and military can sleep soundly at night knowing how much innocent blood they have on their hands,then they deserve to fall.

Hamas,i would ask the same of you.But you have no more regard for the survival of Palestine than Israel..

Monday, July 28, 2014

What Are You Up To Candyman??

A new offensive to retake Donetsk,making it impossible for international investigators to sift through the remains and wreckage of MH-17.I mean if everything is as Western media and Washington says it is you should be anxious to have every single piece and remaining body part checked,then checked again!

What do you think you are going to get out of this Poroshenko??
Power??....Western billions??...You're a prop Candyman,a set piece in a planned war against Russia that will leave Ukraine a smoking wasteland and her people a scattered footnote in history!! Even if you care nothing for Ukraine,think of you own survival.And if you do care for Ukraine,look out your office window at all of Kiev that you can see.

The familiar buildings,people and traffic in the streets yes??
Now imagine those buildings shattered and burning from artillery attacks from all sides! Those people screaming in terror and death,the same terror and death you're making in Gorlovka.
Will Washington care??...No!!
Will NATO/Brussels care??...No!

You had better reconsider the part you're playing in this Candyman,because as it goes for now.In no version does Ukraine win..

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Shadows And Fog Media:The Art Of the Spin

When you need to manipulate opinion after a tragedy like MH-17 you strike while emotions are hot,before logic can set in.And most importantly to corrupt the perceptions of the masses so that even when properly examined and credible facts are presented it will not be believed.
Such as with this disaster.

The first of the crash victims have just returned to the Netherlands.The wreckage is only now being examined for chemical traces,for point of impact and remains of the projectile that struck it.
To read the media here it's unnamed sources,source requests anonymity,we believe and possibly.Damnation!!
All this vagueness is enough to make Baron Munchhausen spit up his strudel!!

I've got a damned novel idea here.Autopsy the victims,examine the flight recorders and wreckage.Interview witnesses and release the facts as they are.Don't alter the facts to fit the spin you want to achieve!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time To Get Myself In Trouble Here

The subject:Gaza..

The spread of the Islamic agenda is moving across the Mid East in a manner not seen outside of fiction.In cities round the Earth the demonstrations and rallies against the Israeli attack on Gaza grow almost daily,one might think if it were to go any further world governments might move militarily against Israel.

No sacrifice to great to spread the cause and word of Islam,isn't that right???Including,in their "right of self defense" to make Israel look like blood crazed berserkers in their retaliation against Hamas!
How long will it take after all? 1400 Palestinians dead in Operation Cast Lead and 630 + in Operation Protective Edge before people start comparing Israel's actions to Hitler's Holocaust?!

Who are you?? You play your own version of The Long Game with the lives of all humanity and their future at stake.You think people still don't see?? They do..

Friday, July 18, 2014

Malaysian Flight MH-17 What Next??

First,deepest condolence to the families who lost people in the tragedy.

Second,before this situation spirals out of any control from emotion or political leveraging to try and place early blame.FIND PROOF!!    Yes i know,that dirty word again..
The wreckage and it's flight recorders must be examined to the most minute detail by investigators by all involved parties to find out what happened..

Examine!! Who benefits,if this plane was shot down?? No one is who!
If it were separatists in E.Ukraine it goes badly for them and then for Russia.If it was on order of "Candyman" Poroshenko's  government,it brings retaliation on them.
It is said that there are three sides to every story.Your side,their side,and the truth.

This whole thing stinks of a deadly game to reign in the growing expansion of Russia's influence as a world power.If it were proven,even by proxy that Russia had anything to do with MH-17's destruction.World opinion would turn against them,alliances they might yet make could be cut off.
So who fired that possible missile????????????

There's been a third player involved in this game from the start.Supposedly sided with the Candyman,but they're killers for hire.Who knows who they really work for??...You know who i refer to,right????

Blackwater!! Killers for hire with no loyalties.Their actions could precipitate a war that would leave Crimea and Ukraine flaming bomb blasted ruins just so there could be war with Russia..

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Who Are You Truly ISIS??

The strategy,spreading across Earth seems to be this.
Turn both friends and enemies against each other.Create "distractions" in as many places as possible so that we can infiltrate country after country from within.

And it's working for them ISIS spreads in Iraq and Syria.And America and Europe say don't look there,the Russians and their "evil intentions" are the true threats.....TRUE THREATS!!!!!????
Jihad marriages,sex slavery,mass executions,all the wonders of Islam and their Sharia Law!!Noooooooooooo how could anyone think of that as a threat????

It's hitting the net that ISIS has infiltrated the Gaza Strip and Hamas.Also stories that they've tried to enter Egypt.
Who are you ISIS??
Who are your leaders and generals??
Who are you that you have poisoned so many governments against their own people??

When it is found out...In the memory of a warrior that taught Islam the meaning of true fear Vlad Dracula.
May all of you and the devotees of the "religion of peace" be sent straight to damnation!!


New sanctions imposed by Washington to economically hurt and isolate Russia for it's supposed actions to "destabilise "the puppet government in Ukraine.
Neither Washington nor Brussels can bring any verifiable proof of this,but go to youtube and other media locations to find legitimate video proof of Petro "Candyman" Poroshnko's campaign of air and artillery strikes against civilians!

But then i realise in the West all you need is enough bellicose rhetoric and constantly calling up the memory of Soviet Russia to get all the pre-programmed hatreds going again.

Proof has become an inconvenience to advancing agenda,has it not??

Monday, July 14, 2014

They Say It's So "Difficult" To Deal With

 Purging the Catholic Church of the serial rapists that have been defiling the innocent across the world is..difficult...

You were found out decades ago and went out of your way to hide it!! Making one empty promise and lie after another that something will be done.So many fear the representatives of "God's Church" to the point that the declining attendance is from parents keeping themselves and their children as far from you as they can!
You cry "I'm sorry" and please "Forgive us"!!And the desecration and defilement  continue without abatement.To paraphrase:It will better for you to serve in hell,for you will never serve in Heaven

Do please,continue you acts.Lucifer awaits his new playthings.It will be YOUR turns to visit the "Father" after Black Sunday School!!

To The Archbishop Of Canterbury

The Most Rev Justin Welby.Have you truly lost the plot!!!
The Church Of England allowing women Bishops while you publicly play down the threat of Islam to quiet a climate of fear against Islam.Well then sir,does that mean you will advocate those future Bishops to wear burkahs while performing services before the Cross in Christian churches across all of Great Britain??

Archbishop Welby,you are nothing more that a traitor to all Britannia and the God that you pretend to honour..

Katie Couric:Traitoress To America

You sit on your vaunted media throne at Yahoo as the White House's propaganda mistress to sway public opinion on the illegal immigrant invasion from Mexico and Central America!

You sorrily forget madame of the scores of OUR children that go hungry every day because 10s of billions of our tax dollars go wasted in so called "foreign aid" to other countries.My government and it's lackeys and sycophants(yes,including you Katherine C.) make me ill to my soul!
Their rampant abandonment of constitution,civil,and moral laws for the agendas of business and government.

Those children you try to sow so much sympathy for?Many have heard the stories in the media,they'll end up with the rest.Picking tobacco in 90 degree heat for 10hrs a day.And their parents?
Well there's always maid staff ,nannies,and gardeners for our rich and affluent.After all,can't pay a citizen fair wages when you can get a whole family you can threaten to send back if they don't like their slaves pay and table scraps!

Katie Couric,time to remember where your loyalties lay.With the American people,or with Washington..

And YES there is a difference!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Rule Number One,The Dollar Dies

Been keeping track these past months??

China and Russia no longer trading in dollars but each others currencies.
China,South AND North Korea trading in each others currencies.
French finance minister urging separation from the dollar after the billion plus in fines for BP Paribas banks.

How many more countries do we have to tick off for them to turn on us one after the other Obama??
The world is sickening of the Madman With His Oval Office and his Sonic Poison Pen..

I know i am,world your opinions please??!!

Impeach Obama? No One Has The Courage!

To look at the Speaker Of The House John Boehner,you see a beaten man.Is there any hope from the Democratic Party?? None!!
They are completely subservient to the will of the Imperial President Obama has he takes this nation at breakneck speeds towards it's oblivion..

My only possible hope lies in the state Governors.Particularly in California,New Mexico,Arizona and Texas to purge this immigrant invasion and stop the treason of the man wanting what seems to be the Plan For The Last American Decade..

Pass it on...

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The President Has Left The Country

First Australia,the only government who is finally taking a stand against an endless tide of unwanted illegal migrants coming from across the world looking to settle there.GOOD ON YOU ALL!!!
To bad the liberal traitors in their courts are trying to stand in their way....

And now for President Barack Hussein Al-Obama who has declared his interest in the security of America's borders to be null and void!!
A flood of Central American illegals,mostly children.Have been coming here bolstered by lies from slavers and smugglers that if get to the United States you be allowed to stay.Resources in this country are expended and these children are being held in makeshift detention centres warehoused like cattle!For a country that supposedly holds itself to such a high moral code,you would think you were looking at slave quarters on the old plantations!!

Where is you loyalty to THIS country and it's citizens President Al-Obama?? Or should we ask???

And for the first time EVER!!!! A shout out of support for Texas Governor Rick Perry and his deliciously vicious,and very public attacks on the POTUS for his treason/lack of action!!

If You Don't Talk About Them They'll Go Away

That seems to be the opinion of media as well as a former head of Britain's MI6 regarding ISIS,or now IS.

They are no threat to world security,just a group of malcontents in rusted trucks making a bother of themselves!No just blowing up holy sites all across Iraq at will,raiding museums and archaeological digs and selling the relics on the black market to fund their army with more arms and munitions.
As the world stays silent their recruitment spreads across the Earth swelling their numbers from a surprisingly effective army to a growing legion.

They say focus on the "threats" of Russia and China!
No.Just wait till The Islamic State,if they haven't already begun talks to unify their forces with Boko Haram and Al-Shabab.Pay no mind to the boasts of reclaiming old Muslim territories in Europe.
It will never happen here....Said Poland in 1939!!

Well i'm talking about you because i know you're not going away...

Monday, June 30, 2014

Am I Missing Something Here??????

Are the world governments not taking the advance of ISIS and their declaring the existence of a new "Islamic State" seriously??? That they are just a bunch of rowdy troublemakers with a few cases of beer and a couple of hunting rifles??

As i read here....

They may be absolute raving mad dogs,but they have accomplished a great deal in little time.Oh,if this is classic spin doctor propaganda to not panic the world.It's not working...
The mad fool Tony Blair said in an interview for American media that ISIS will be beaten back in short order..Beaten back by who???????
Only the Syrians have taken any military stance at all against them.Iran has yet to do anything of merit yet.O come mighty Persians,where is that warrior fire that made enemies fear you???!!!!

Beaten back by NATO? Muslim appeasers leading once mighty nations into ruin! America?? A bankrupt empire who's leaders are forever divided against themselves..
Who has the courage left to stand up to this rise of evil before it engulfs the world????

I'm still waiting to see you????/!!!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Something Personal Here

You get wrong numbers right? Happens all the time..
Well this time went a bit different.Few months ago i started getting phone calls from collection agencies thinking i was some woman named Michelle Savage.Took me quite a while and a few blocked numbers,but i thought i made it go away...I hadn't...

Got a mysterious text on my mobile last night sending a "verification number" what ever that meant and her apparent email.Well Miss Savage and all connected parties here's something back from me to all the police,collection agencies and whatever else may be!!!

I hope someone chooses to end this,because i want no part of it...And to all involved,if you dare to enter my life physically?I have no surviving enemies...................................................................

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Have You Asked Yourself This???

The sudden rise of ISIS and their blitzkrieg across Iraq has got me asking...Where did this group all of the sudden band together into an army with advanced weapons??
And don't give me any of that "they picked them up" from the retreating Iraqi army! They came to this fight ready and prepared for battle.

Many think,myself included that this ISIS campaign is being orchestrated  as a pretext for yet another mid-east invasion---lessons of history NEVER LEARNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, anyone checked the supply depots for western military bases in Kuwait???

This IS An Invasion!!!

ISIS is having a very good summer offensive so far.Re-taking Tal Afar,control of Iraq's western border.And of last report advancing on the dam at Haditha.The bad guys are on one hell of a roll.

But i have a question Earth??How is it,that an Al-Qaeda splinter group that last year almost no one heard of has become a very well coordinated,well equipped military juggernaut that has blasted it's way across northern Iraq with almost no resistance!!?? A population of over 36 million people is at risk here,and all i read about here is blather sessions of Iraqi government reformation and who's got the "right" to intervene...

Pardon my Cardassian but this political c*&k blocking has all the stink that Gulf and Western powers want ISIS to succeed!To turn Iraq,Syria,and maybe even Iran into jihadist nightmares to spread even further..
Anyone care to tell me i'm wrong????

What's Going On Now ?????

It's just been reported here....
That "unknown planes" have attacked ISIS positions in northern Iraq.Have one of Iraq's neighbours finally decided to take action on their own regardless of American intervention?? Syria?? Iran??? Was that you that did this??

If so,go get them!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Others Must Step Forward

Another week and ISIS has taken control of Iraq's western border.Towns and villages are surrendering  willingly to survive because they know their "government" is not coming to rescue them.
If Iraq falls ISIS will have access to an entire nations military equipment bought and paid for by America,isnt that just wonderful..

Syria will come under attack with this extra firepower next.And so far no other Arab nation has taken a stand against this invasion of Iraq except Syria.Obama and his lackey at large Kerry are singing the song of Maliki forming an inclusive new government speaking for all the peoples of Iraq....BOLLOCKS!!
8 years of war,corruption and needless dead for that to happen!!

Iran,Egypt and all in the region who believe that ISIS/ISIL,the Muslim Brotherhood and all their kind must be stopped now and for all time.Step forward now!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Obama,Have You Forgotten Something???

Loveley reading this too...

Such as your responsibilities to the protection of America's borders!Or is it like France,Italy,The United Kingdom and so many other countries where their governments have simply surrendered and opened their nations to whomever can make it there.Even if it means that the medical,housing,and other services are pushed passed the breaking point?!

New waves of illegals,mostly children now are coming to America now,gathered up like cattle and warehoused before they can be shipped off to facilities at military bases.
How are we supposed to deal with these masses??!!Our own go hungry,homeless and without medical care.More and more businesses collapse,cities go bankrupt....The list goes on...
You Obama,and your war hawks sit around and debate Desert Storm II-III-???

It is so bloody sad to see a nation whose civilian population has been left to fend for itself while it's leaders go off on mad dreams of world conquest...Obama fiddles while Rome/America burns...

Al-Maliki,You Need To Stop Using Obama's Speech Writers!

Lovely reading this....

Your military command disintegrating,and there you are giving your rousing speech about how this invasion by ISIS is a wake up call to action and showing video of the training of new police and military recruits.
Very encouraging and patriotic.

The barely trained thrown against highly experienced soldiers.And who has come to your aid? The Saudis?,Qatar? The West? Better hope not,they're still trying to reach a consensus on weather or not to re-invade.You remember that don't you?
8 years of war,and turning your country into the madhouse it is today.Stop being a good American toadie.All of you sit down,Shiite,Shia,and Kurd and make a country for all the people of Iraq and no longer be just another Western protectorate...

Last i looked ISIS was 35 miles from Baghdad...How close are they now???

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

That's No Insurgency,That's An Ivasion!

Boko Haram in Nigeria,Al-Shabab in Kenya,and now ISIS Iraq.!
And Obama,this is not SPARTA! 300 troops against the 7000 plus ISIS forces is a slaughter in the making!!

8 years of war under both Bush and yourself to install a puppet government that couldn't hold power for three pathetic years!Also to put an embassy staff of 5000 American's at risk of joining those hundreds of Iraqi soldiers in those ditches!
What is it Obama? You believe ISIS is going to cower in fear when they hear America is coming back?? No!! I think not!!

And who is the only one standing up to ISIS in any way militarily??? Syria...Iran,it's past time you stepped up on your own and tell that useless ass in Washington to piss off and we'll fix this on our own!!
Also Russia,Egypt and China.Looks like you'll be the ones to stop this terrorist invasion before it engulfs the world.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

You're Not Going To Believe This!

Heard about all the new hell in Iraq yet from ISIL??

Well reported first in Russia Today and then appearing in other world media publications.The Iranian government  is dispatching what is reported as many as 10,000 soldier from the Revolutionary Guard to assist Iraq in repelling and the regaining areas of the country taken by ISIL forces,including the cities of Mosul and Tikrit.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

For All Who Pass This Way

It pleases me that so many have found things of interest here.And i hope i have surprised my international readers that not all Americans think and act in lockstep with the political and philosophical manure that comes from our media and Washington in particular.
I invite all nations to come by here if it is of interest to you..
Y'all come back now ya hear LOL :)

America's Shame?? No Obama,YOUR SHAME!!

After the latest school shooting you say "We should feel ashamed".And yes i do,i do feel ashamed to live in a society where massacres at schools and military bases are seemingly becoming commonplace.
But i feel most ashamed because i live in a society in which there is no guidance from our leaders.No focus,no moral compass to show the people that there is a better way.

Where is your focus Barack Obama?? The care of our war veterans...NO
Jobs for the unemployed...NO
Rebuilding our cities and economy...NO
Defending our borders...NO

Your focus is:
 One billion dollars for NATO against the mythical "Russian Threat"...Yes
Taking in tens of thousands of illegals as cheap labour...Yes
Propping up our failing global power at the risk of global war...Yes

What is truly America's greatest shame??
The day it welcomed you as it's supposed saviour!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Question For You??

Agree or not??
The two most intelligent and insightful men on the subjects of religion,culture and politics..George Carlin and Ron Paul.....

An Hello To......

My new readers who have stopped by from and

I realise my little corner here represents a grain of sand on the blogging beach,and i am most pleased to all who have come by here.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Obama Faliure Must Be Feeling Familiar By Now

First the mega oil deal between Russia and China.Next the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union,then let's not forget the BRICS financial alliance finalised and soon to be up and running.
And here at home the Veterans Administration scandal.How many of our war heroes denied treatment and/or left to die??!!

And what in the name of all sanity did you hope to accomplish by selling five Taliban senior leaders for an American soldier that congress in 2010 determined he walked away from his post.It just hit the world media that a welcome home celebration for Sgt.Bergdahl has been cancelled.
Was it some incredibly vague PR spin for a war you said our involvement would be over this year,now it's 2016??!!
And just so i can make the sting come back,how did it feel?? Al-Sisi in Egypt and Assad in Syria winning their national elections by a landslide.Assad must be laughing at you,3 years of war all those killed and you STILL can't turn his people against him!!And then your precious Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt,if Al-Sisi lives up to his word the funeral pyres for the Brotherhood will be burning for months!!

Lastly your feeble attempt to demonise Russia.And the attempts to ligitimise the new government in Ukraine.
That's going so well isn't it?
The Candyman's "anti-terror campaign".Air strikes on hospitals? Civilians hiding in basements in fear of their lives?? Oh yes,Candyman Poroshenko is truly a devotee of the western ideal..
Follow the Western Way Or Be Blown Back To The Stone Age!

This won't last much longer and will of course end badly for the innocents in Ukraine...
So,what colossal faliure is in store for you next Barack Obama????

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Strange Case Of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

So many questions seem to be springing up over the United States government and it's need to retrieve Sgt Bowe Bergdahl from five years of captivity by the Taliban.
Many who served with him call him a deserter and/or traitor.The Republican party is in a merry snit fit claiming President Obama violated the National Defense Authorisation  Act in not informing congress 30 days in advance of any prisoner transfers,as regards to the five Taliban they gave in exchange.

Why,that in 2010 it was determined that Sgt Bergdahl walked away from his post.Again why,when it is "determined" that when he is in supposedly poor health to negotiate his return???
What is it about this one soldier regardless of his philosophies about America or the war that makes him so important?????

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Candyman Cometh To Ukraine

Petro Poroshenko.From what i've been reading of the new President Elect Of Ukraine,this picture seems to suit you best.
And if anyone there should want to use the picture,feel free!!

This Is Just Too Funny!!

It's me again Lucifer.Having myself a fine old time over the news item from the current Pope in Rome and his humorous statement that he is taking a "zero tolerance" towards his serial rapists priests.Equating their sex crimes to having a Black Mass.

I mean i'm almost feeling bored and unneeded.Here i am supposedly contributing to the moral downfall of Humanity,and here you all are doing it for me!!
There you are.Pope after Pope,swearing on your souls that you will sweep this horrendous evil from your ranks!!..As long as it doesn't get in the way of the churches shining reputation of course.....
Tell me your somewhat holiness,how long will it be if it hasn't happened already that Christianity will be equated with Islam in it's views regarding that it's "proper" to have sex with children??!!

I honestly hope you do the right thing,yes i do!! All those priests/bishops and archbishops,publicly excommunicated and sent from God's grace!!
I can't wait for the business!!...And if you don't....I'll always have you to look forward to...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Do You Want To Know Something??

All the media is trumpeting how Russia is making moves to reassert itself as a major world power and also to re-establish the old Soviet Empire.Cheap talk from dying political empires!

The European Union,with it's double digit unemployment.Economies destroyed by unrestrained mass migration and rampant crime,should hardly hold itself up as a standard for political and economic stability!
How many of their member states exist only because of IMF,ECB,or World Bank bailouts!!
And let's not forget their energy dependence on Russia shall we??

And America.I sit at this keyboard and weep for what my nation has become...
Our leaders bellow across the world to follow our way as though we had rights of ownership to this planet! Follow our way??!! A government that is twisted in it's morals and ideals and forever divided against itself!

Hundreds of billions sent to prop up our "allies" while one third of our population is unemployed!Trillions spent on weapons contracts that are never finished so that the contractors can be endlessly paid!
17.2 TRILLION dollars in debt and accelerating.Debt spending with no end in sight,border security abandoned!
As i said to a friend just yesterday.Russia and China do not need to go to war,unless we find a reason to strike first.They will attain political and economic dominance over the world by waiting for Europe and America to collapse from within,picking up the shattered pieces and making something new.

Monday, May 12, 2014

I Have Questions For Blackwater

One,did you ever find the one that was taken in Kahrkiv?? Odds are all you found were parts i think.
Two,exactly how much were you all paid for this anyway??
With the certainty that not one of you will ever collect you pay and any promises that you'll be extracted are a sorry bedtime story.No matter what involvement Washington had in you being there,it can never become full public knowledge that American's had anything to do with the many deaths in any part of Ukraine..

Three,i know your kind kill only for profit or pleasure.With no allegiance to flag,honour,or country.So tell me true and shame the devil..
Did you have anything to do with the massacre at the trade unions house fire in Odessa??Herding those people into that building,setting it ablaze.
How did it feel,burning innocent people alive?????

No matter how this turns out,your paymasters will see you all dead to the last man..
First rule of assassination,kill the assassins!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Things Just Got Interesting!!

This just in,at least by the time it got to me.

German news agency Bild am Sonntag has reported on 20 April that German Intelligence BND informed the government that Academi/Blackwater,an American mercenary army has deployed a force numbering 400 to fight alongside the Ukraine military in their "anti-terrorist" operation in Eastern Ukraine.

Oh,i have got SO many questions on this! Such as who is paying for this bloody soiree??Right Sector,Svoboda Party?? Or was it Washington D.C.?? My tax dollars at work for the empire again??

And aside from the latest deaths reported to stop the referendum votes in East Ukraine,Was any of that Blackwater?? And i think my readers might want to ask this question..Were American mercenaries responsible for any of the deaths in Odessa??!!
And where did the orders come from?? You Obama? SecDef Hagel? Gen.Breedlove at NATO??!!

I'm wondering how exactly this information got to the German press? Sounds like Chancellor Merkel isn't standing quite so closely beside Obama me thinks? After all,Europe stands to lose so much if they follow the mad rants coming from D.C.
Like i said,this just got interesting...

Friday, May 9, 2014

Social Media Campaigns And Raising Awareness..Are You Kidding Me?????!!

I am in a black mood this day so beware.

Nearly 300 dead in Gamburu.276 Kidnapped in Chibok. International efforts consist of police and investigators.And to top it all off the social media campaign to raise global awareness to the crimes  #Bring Back Our Girls!...My answer to this is WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Islamist terror army is running wild through Nigeria killing and kidnapping with impunity and it gets a limp wrist engagement and pep rally slogans on Facebook??!!
The proper reply to these acts by Boko Haram is naked merciless force!Hunt them down,do whatever is needed to obtain the locations of the kidnapped children and then make sure to the last man that these renegade fiends are removed from future history in such a way that no one will ever dare replace them!!

Told you i was in a black mood...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mass Killings And Slavery In Nigeria And...

The response from Britain is they'll try to send help,but it's "difficult" because it's an internal matter for Nigeria.The Americans are sending teams for hostage negotiations and victim assistance....Internal matter???
.....Victim Assistance????

The Islamist terrorist group Boko Haram has confessed to kidnapping over 200 schoolgirls with an open declaration of intent to sell them into slavery and the reply of two world powers is this??
Have parts of the Earth truly regressed to the days when armed hordes travel the countrysides raiding towns and villages for young girls to sell as slaves??!!
Or is it,and i know what some of you will think.That the followers of Islam-the "religion of peace" as they refer to themselves are finally being given a free hand to do as they wish across the Earth??

For the parents of those taken i have nothing but sympathy.For those taken,i have nothing but regret for a world that has abandoned you in this life.
For Boko Haram.I wish nothing but extinction as you deserve...

Monday, May 5, 2014

Oh I Just Love It When.....

Our glorious media can't  lie for Washington RE:

New York Times reporters with the 12th Company Of The Peoples Militia Of The Donetsk People's Republic gave insight into the men fighting against the Western allied government in Kiev.Our media reports that these men are Russian military and/or Special Forces.And according to the information given that is true..
True that they say some are ex-military from the Soviet era having fought in Afghanistan along with former Ukraine soldiers.But no admissions that they are in the service of,or being paid by Russia.
Almost immediately ABC news had it's rebuttal here.

That the Russian media seized upon it as a marvelous propaganda tool to bolster their arguments against the coup appointed Kiev government.Arguing themselves that it was part of an all-encompassing disinformation campaign to cloak Russian involvement in every aspect of this growing revolution in Ukraine.
Personally i think Big Brother and Big Ivan just don't have the reach to control that much of reality.
After all,look at the initial fall of the former elected Government?

Weeks of demonstrations,killings on every side followed by the ousting of the Yanukovich government.They must have assumed that the entire populations of both Crimea and Ukraine would simply submit like sheep to the new rulers..Crimea voted secession to become part of Russia in less than two weeks!!
And what of Ukraine??

The people vs. Kiev in increasing numbers.The Massacre in Odessa.New fighting breaking out daily.
 People of Ukraine,hear the words of just this one American.I would have my governments influence out of your country today if i could.If the future peace of Ukraine means becoming part of Russia en-masse   do it!!
Or becoming the Ukraine Federated Territories,go for it!!

I,and hopefully others across the world wish you nothing but peace,and a quick end to this conflict!

Friday, May 2, 2014

A Little Political Photoshop Fun..

When i first saw a photo of Ukraine's new "President" i was struck by the resemblance,what do you think??
And since every experiment needs a creator,i gave him one..Victoria Nuland..

The Facts And The Missing People

I admit i don't keep up on every news article or broadcast on Ukraine. To listen to it here in America gives me constipation..Ukraine military helicopters shot down over Slavyansk? By surface to air missiles indications that Russian military insurgents are responsible not civilian militia..

Well excuse me "President" Turchynov,you seem to be forgetting to remind anyone of the 2000 plus Ukraine military with all their deadly toys that have abandoned service both to you and your western boot licker government!!

And where oh where are your "Loyal Ukrainians"? Where are the thousands or tens of thousands of the civilian population not coming out in support of the new regime??A very missing propaganda angle to gain world support isn't it??

Monday, April 28, 2014

The Plan Moves Forward

The decades long plan to break the will of their enemies seems to be going apace.

Corrupt from within.Make national,cultural,and religious identity politically incorrect.Subvert national leaders to promote "new ideas" for the "good of the country".Infect finance and business at all levels to promote foreign influence.
Break national and cultural identity.
Allow the unbridled flood of foreign nationals into target countries both legally and illegally.Get them into national and local governments on all levels.Bankrupt economies by paying out billions in government benefits and by denying the local populations that same money.

Promote "multiculturalism". Weaken the national identity by telling the populace they are "stronger" as "one people". The individual achievements of centuries are to be washed away in favour of the "new order".The Chinese i am sure will agree to that...NOT!
Promote racial hatred.
Reopen the old wounds,stir up old guilt's.As long as any nation or culture is divided against itself in cannot see the threats that will destroy them all.

This must be stopped!! Will the world that i still see come to pass,i would like it to be...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Where Does Reality Start Anymore?

Has it gotten to where life imitates art?? Or,does science never learn from past mistakes??

On the first part that employees from the tech firm Freescale Semiconductor and their development of a new generation of radar cloaking technology.The idea going round is that an unknown power wanting these individuals for their expertise were kidnapped.With possible pre-existing access to or separate use of radar cloaking tech to hide the plane,along with the faked engine transponder signals to mislead any search.

Now for this to be even possible takes the world into the spy realms of Robert Ludlum,or the secret global organisations of sci-fi such as HYDRA.Even i am having trouble rationalising that!!

Now for the second part.Supposedly in 1943 the American government was investigating new technologies for making warships radar invisible.And that this new tech was tested on the U.S.S.Eldridge to most unexpected and unwanted results being that of material,temporal,or dimensional displacement through the use of electromagnetic field generators.
Was that it?? Someone at the DoD dig this out looking for a name for himself at appropriations time? And went to Freescale Semiconductor to develop it?
You made a new prototype and decided to test it out an a 777 passenger jet full of people.

It didn't go so well,did it??

Or maybe reality is this.We've been taught to believe a lie as fact and that fact is fiction.
Oh,this could be good....

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Trouble With Time And Bad Writers

Barack Obama,as i look at my computer clock it shows 10:38 pm EDT Saturday 19 April 2014...

So why is it that every time i read or listen to news it seems like it's 1962 all over again?? and since i'm only 51 that's quite an achievement!
I hear and see new spins on "Russian Aggression" this and Russian Threat" that! Am i actually going to hear CNN say "The Russians Are Coming"???? And so help me i will blow a blood vessel if i see ANYWHERE the words "Red Menace" used!! Oh..and the planned NATO build up in Poland?? Is it some form of black satire to think to start WW 3 in the same place WW 2 started??!!

Spare us the timey wimey and the mind trancing,it's just not working this time!!

And as for bad writing! Alleging pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk spreading leaflets that jews must register their identities and properties.Let's remember our history shall we??
That Russian Soviet forces helped liberate many of the death camps in Eastern Europe! Are you SO desperate for  PR spin in your favour that your trying to put forth that Russians are now culturally or politically anti semite??
If you tried to sell this plot as a political thriller in Hollywood it would be thrown out as hackneyed tripe!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

From Donetsk 15 April 2014

More evidence that the people of Ukraine want nothing to do with American/E.U. "help".
Clipped this of a Russia Today video posted yesterday I include the full video as well..

Yahoo News,Reuters,New York Times.I DARE you to post this!!!

How Much More Proof??

It's even being reported in western media of more Ukraine military forces switching sides in support of the "Pro-Russian" or maybe it should be called "Anti-West" movement spreading throughout eastern Ukraine.

Of course their have been swift denials from the government in Kiev.They have to say that naturally.After all it doesn't help your position that the troops you send in to quell an open rebellion turn around in support of it with their guns pointed at you now.
To the leadership in Kiev i ask this.How many in the military can you truly rely on? How many more will turn on you when you order them to kill their neighbours? Or do you think to hold power with just the influence of Svoboda Party and Right Sector alone?

End this now,for how many dead are you willing to see in a civil war? How many of YOU are willing to die for this lost cause?????

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If You Were Expecting To Find..................

an American who touts the appeal of "Western Democracy".Don't look here.
It didn't work during the Crusades when Rome went across the Earth shoving the Bible down the throats of those who did not want it,and it is not working now!

There might at one time have been some noble intent in their efforts to put everyone under a unified rule,but the power mad.Always infected by the dreams of the old imperial "glory days" found their way back to foul it all.And what do we have today children???

Political and economic carnage!!!Once mighty and just nations on the brink of collapse!!A third and more of their peoples unemployed and/or starving and homeless.The balances of power are shifting on this world,have no doubt of that!

Truth In Western Media,What A Concept

With all this talk of "Russian Provocateurs" destablising Ukraine.There is one thing not making it's presence known in main stream or alternative media.

Where are the demonstrators from the Ukraine population advocating western intervention?  All those in favour of extreme austerity.Pensions cut/prices doubled,tripled for food and fuel.Wages cut,jobs lost all in the name of being a member of the vaunted European Union..You don't see you???
The only reason they ever wanted you is to put another NATO state on the Russian border to "frighten" Moscow.

And the ONLY reason the E.U. wanted you,and i am sure you know this.Is to be an economic blood whore in it's continuing attempt to maintain it's own survival.

This next goes out to all those countries on the firing line in a possible world war.Poland,Moldova,Latvia,Belarus and all the rest.Now i 'm not saying go join with Russia but i AM saying do you truly believe in your most secret hearts where no one can see that NATO/ Brussels/Washington have your survival in mind??
No!!!! they will see you all laid to waste to the last man,woman and child if it means the success of their agendas..

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Enough Of This Tawdry Fiction!!

In the last 7 days before flight MH 370's black box transponder goes dark and the "latest revisions" of the last communications from the cockpit i have to ask in the name of decency PLEASE STOP!!

These continued updates,contradictions,and changes and as reported in a Russia Today article telling of "Sealed Evidence" I am asking not just for myself,but on behalf of all those on board that aircraft.


Is this some truly new mystery? A new era in air piracy?
Or is it something even more tragic? The revelation that that the command and control facilities regarding air traffic control and safety are more flawed than we ever could have imagined.That 239 lives were lost because the technology and procedures were not efficient enough to protect them?
You wouldn't want to admit that would you??

All involved need to start fessing up people.
Your constantly changing stories are convincing less and less.This is not the 1930's,where an aircraft could just be lost in uncharted areas of the world such as with Amelia Earhart!
With all the satellites both public and secret orbiting Earth the notion that such an aircraft can disappear without trace by conventional means is unsustainable.

To all the governments involved i ask..Where is Malaysia Air Flight MH-370????

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh How It Must Burn Inside?

The challenges to your supposed authority.Finding out again again that you are not the big dog.
That more and more countries have decided not to bow down and lick your boots!

How does it feel Barack Hussein Obama to be the President who can only command respect in the world through fear!
Vladimir Putin has very little to worry about regarding a conventional military response from any of you.14 years of war,as well as you all spending trillions to subvert governments across Earth has left your economies bankrupt!
The community organiser vs.the former head of the KGB? A Pomeranian vs a wolf  is what that is..
He beat you with Syria!
You and your allies in Brussels tried to grab Ukraine and misjudged badly.And then you loose Crimea.

And financial reprisals? The U.K. is already set to start buying Russian gas and oil this year so we already know Cameron will abandon you.And the rest of Europe?? They are NOT going to risk Gazprom turning off the taps.So,methinks that you have another Putinslap coming.Can't wait.....

Monday, March 17, 2014

Never Assume

To everyone who has ever read my posts here that i am a real American citizen living in the northeastern United States.

As the title states never assume that the warmongering,Sabre rattling jackboot marching rhetoric spewing from Washington D.C. reflects the views of every American.
Our,and i use the term politely "leadership" has abandoned it's people!
Our economy is disintegrating,we have no border security.We spend trillions every year that we don't have to prop up a global image that we can no longer maintain.Except in the deluded minds of our politicians!

And no matter how badly this crisis over Ukraine and Crimea may go understand this one thing...
I DO NOT want a war to start over this!
The American people DO NOT want war over this!!!

To The People Of Crimea

Yes i really am an American,and more of us than you know think like this.

First off i cannot at all blame you for choosing to return to being governed by Russia.And i find myself making apologies AGAIN for the criminally stupid and insanely dangerous acts of my government and their continual delusion that they have the right to impose their will where ever they choose.

I am very much afraid that my "leaders" and their allies in Europe will escalate this to the point of war once attempts at economic reprisals fail.I have no understanding of their reasons for collapsing the legal government in Kiev and installing a Neo-Nazi fascist regime as they've done?
What was that about learning the lessons of history?

Let us all hope that on every side in this that the adults in the room will come forward and stop this from becoming more than it ever need be!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Flight MH 370:The "Explanations" Grow Thin And Tiresome

Loads of ideas.AND STILL NO PROOF! And the questions remain???

Pilot Suicide/Decompression;Where is the wreckage??
Terrorist Bombing:Why has no one taken credit--Where is the wreckage??
Hijacking:No one has made any demands!
No eyewitness accounts of sighting the jetliner anywhere.Such a beast cannot fly un-noticed!

So,un-named "officials".WHERE IS FLIGHT MH 370 !!!???
It is day 8 and 290 families want to know where there people are??

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Too Many Guns On Both Sides Here!

Been reading in the media on all sides.
NATO build ups on one side Russian build ups on the other in the run up to the vote to be held Sunday in Crimea to stay a more autonomous part of Ukraine or to fully become part of the Russian Federation.

The E.U. is fast tracking it's financial arrangements with the new leaders in Kiev because they are so desperate to have a new country to feed off of to keep their collapsing economy and political power alive a little longer.
And as for our Madman In Chief Barack Obama.I am deeply more afraid of his intentions than i am of a Russian "march across Europe"...
I make no plea for sanity from Obama,for i believe he is passed redemption.But for the European Union leadership in Brussels and to all the involved countries.

Show the rest of us that there are still some adults left in charge.Let Crimea go if that's what they want!
There must be no war over this!Much less a potential world war!!

And The Mystery Continues

Malaysia Air Flight MH 370.
Missing since Saturday last with 239 passengers and crew.
209 ft long
Wingspan 199 ft.

Searched for by aircraft,on the sea and in space by 12 countries now.And the results of this mighty effort to discover the fate of this aircraft have after nearly one week has been nothing!
Nothing except the most tragically confusing series of contradictory reports regarding the sighting of wreckage,of course changes,and engine telemetry transmissions.

Intelligence services cannot even promote a terrorist/hijacking scenario.Because no group or organisation anywhere has come forward to either take credit for the planes destruction or to make any demands from any government.
If it was a hijacking,it was an admittedly laudable criminal act.To steal such a beast,neutralise all communications and get it to a secure location.As well as hide both it and the passengers from detection.

But that no one at all has come up with even a passable lie to keep the families and the media placated the question remains..
Flight MH 370...Where the hell are you???

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mad Fools Don't You Dare!!!!!

Have you sunk so far into madness Barack Obama?

Reports of an American destroyer,the USS Truxton in the Black Sea.
Fighter aircraft and soldiers deployed to Poland and Lithuania.
Rumors of Blackwater mercenaries in Ukraine...

Are you actually trying to bring about America's destruction and to bring about the war that must never be?

Hollande,Merkel,Cameron and the rest of you.Turn away from this now!!
This madness will shatter the true future of this world for all time and must not happen!!

Well This Is A Mystery Isn't It??

I am sure you all have read in your respective medias about that Malaysian jet liner gone missing with 239  people on board.Air and surface ships from 10 countries searching for 3 days now and nary a seat cushion found.
No mayday could indicate a mid-air explosion,but where is the debris? And why no signals from the flight recorders???

And on the matter of those people flying with stolen passports that were never flagged,very bad security there.If they were terrorists who got on the plane with explosives which they used.Why has no group anywhere taken credit for the kill??
Or if it was a very bold and brazen hijacking,where are the ransom demands and/or the political/religious statements usually connected to such things???

I'm as curious to see where this leads as you probably are....

Friday, February 28, 2014

A Message To Russia

Vladimir Putin,i in no way envy your decisions regarding Ukraine and Crimea.
The possible implications of where this could lead make me ill.And worse that the mad fool Obama in Washington is making threats of "unspecified costs" if you get involved militarily.

Please understand this.That no matter how this goes the sane thinking population of America wants NOTHING to do with interfering in the affairs of any country.
We would gladly sell our souls for a government whose interests were only within it's own borders,but sadly we do not. I and all Americans pray that the crisis in Ukraine and Crimea can be resolved as peacefully as possible but if it cannot.
Know that your enemy lies not in the civilian population but in it's corrupt leadership.

Peace be to one and all during this time!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Hate Political Mechanics

It's the penultimate liars game!
Last year when the Egyptian military,at the behest of the people overthrew then President Mursi it was called by most in the west a military coup.Now with the expanding crisis in Ukraine,with it's fragmented political and cultural views has had it's own Russian allied President driven from the country by western allied demonstrators it's being called a fight for democratic freedom..

And so far it stands to get nothing but worse!150,000 Russian soldiers are being mobilised.The Russian military base in Crimea might also come under threat.
For the unrepentant idiots in Washington and Brussels i have a question for you??!

Are you really so mentally deranged to take this all the way to a possible shooting war just for power??!!
Do you think Moscow and eventually Beijing are worried about this going to far is that one or both of you will invoke a nuclear "poisoning the well" scenario.
If you can't have it,no one can!!
Remember,China alone can end America in an hour by flooding the world markets at .50 cents on the dollar by selling off all those Treasury Bills they've been buying all these years to keep this failed nation afloat!

How willing are you all to push it to the edge?
How many millions/billions are you willing to kill in the name of your precious historical legacies??
Time to end the liars game soon,for i think the needed future for this world and her people will rise up and end you!!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Human Moral Ambiguity What A Concept

More media stories blaze about the new Pope and his desires to reform the Catholic Church.Good luck in that you pitiable fool!
The Holy Roman Church has all the problems of any corporation.Financial corruption,abuse of power at every level.And even those who might object will stay quiet to protect themselves and lie to protect the "corporate reputation" of those in power.You live like demigods in your palaces of gold and antiques,the best foods and wines to dine on and your ornate robes to wear.
A fine example to set for the starving and homeless......

Humanity do you truly need to believe in something outside yourselves so badly that you would willingly turn your eyes away when time after time ad nauseum the agents of "righteousness and decency",the priests of the Church are exposed again and again for sexually molesting children!You do not band together by how ever many of you there are and DEMAND in one voice that these protected sex criminals be publicly excommunicated and turned over for civil prosecution! No.It's don't blame all for the actions of a few...Such a cheap cop-out.
And there goes another generation of innocent children sent for defilement!!

How much more are you willing to turn a blind eye to? How many billions in "victim payoffs" will you take to protect this evil?
The REAL powers on high are waiting for an answer???