Monday, July 14, 2014

Katie Couric:Traitoress To America

You sit on your vaunted media throne at Yahoo as the White House's propaganda mistress to sway public opinion on the illegal immigrant invasion from Mexico and Central America!

You sorrily forget madame of the scores of OUR children that go hungry every day because 10s of billions of our tax dollars go wasted in so called "foreign aid" to other countries.My government and it's lackeys and sycophants(yes,including you Katherine C.) make me ill to my soul!
Their rampant abandonment of constitution,civil,and moral laws for the agendas of business and government.

Those children you try to sow so much sympathy for?Many have heard the stories in the media,they'll end up with the rest.Picking tobacco in 90 degree heat for 10hrs a day.And their parents?
Well there's always maid staff ,nannies,and gardeners for our rich and affluent.After all,can't pay a citizen fair wages when you can get a whole family you can threaten to send back if they don't like their slaves pay and table scraps!

Katie Couric,time to remember where your loyalties lay.With the American people,or with Washington..

And YES there is a difference!!!

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