Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Spread this as far as you can.Just came across this from Russia Today in the town of Rezh in Sverdlovsk region near Russia's Ekaterinburg.A mysterious bright "light" seen from several sources..
Here's the link......http://rt.com/news/206691-sverdlovsk-urals-sky-flash/

Never seen the like of it before,any ideas????

Monday, November 10, 2014

You Seem So Surprised??

Thinking,all Americans are mind tranced drones.Do not believe our state controlled propaganda machine media.


That's all you probably see elsewhere isn't it??
Well.you know different,so do i..That's one of the reasons i started this blog,and it's the reason for so many others like it.To change how others see us.
Our people are not the great evil,spreading across the world at gunpoint to make the world ours no matter how many millions have to die!!

We do not want any more wars!!Enough of our sons and daughters have fallen in the name of the political machinations of our corrupt government.And far to many innocents in countries across the Earth that we have invaded overtly and covertly have died because of our leaders mad desire for power.For that,this American hopes that one day you can forgive us.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

America Is Concerned About East Ukraine

Concerned you're going to loose it you mean!!

Slay for pay President Candyman and his boasts of the latest "Russian Incursions" that STILL no one can get documented pictures and video of,and not even our esteemed Mistress Of Comedic Propaganda Jen Psaki will back it up this time!!

Personally i equate the peoples in Donbass and their desire for freedom from an oppressive government ruled by greed and avarice somewhat the same as America's thirteen colonies and their fight for independence from England.
I wish i could say that there was someone/group that was on your side.But if there are they are to cowed by fear to express themselves.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Self Determination They Way It Should Be!

Congratulation to the new leaders of the Donetsk and Lughansk Republics.And i am so enjoying that those same election results are chafing crotches from Kiev to Washington!
Illegitimate,illegal and a farce they decry!

Just because you have your trained dog Poroshenko in Kiev does not mean that one square inch of Ukraine belongs to the E.U. or America!..So condemn all you bloody like!!!!!