Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Political Correctness Be Damned

Multiculturalism they call it!!

Now first off here let me get something set in stone about me.I have NO objections about learning from and/or about other cultures and their ways.And i think many of you from around the world feel the same way to one degree or another.
So i think you'll agree with me on these things as well.
That you would object to millions of foreign nationals coming into your lands,supplanting their ways for your own.Making it so that you are required to learn their language as well as your own.Doing that should be a choice in your own lands,not a requirement..

And that this "cultural blending" is being brought about by our own governments escapes my understanding??

Great Britain, for 2000 years you have stood against those who would have made the name Britannia fade from history.And now your own Prime Minister and other leaders of government seem content to hand over more and more of your territory to foreign control.Islamic Sharia law practiced on British soil,an offense...!!

And America.Self appointed Global Police.You speak of the security of our borders?? Security??????
Just so long as that security doesn't get in the way of importing foreign labour and undercutting wages to American citizens.Town after town,city after city,the foreign wave grows.
Now AGAIN a point in stone..You want to come here LEGALLY,through the front door.FINE!!
Do the paperwork,learn what you need and take the oath.The welcome to your new home..
Come in through the back door,lie and cheat to get in.then all you deserve is deportation without trial!!

I would send a word of warning to those trying to force this upon the masses.This could bring about a race/culture war that might claim many innocents on both sides.
Exactly how many are you willing to kill to achieve this,how much are you willing to destroy??

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Hatred Sickens Me!!

Doesn't it you??

The political posturing,and manipulation.The power plays and endless agendas.
Senseless deaths by the millions over the control of food and water.
Who lives,who dies?
Those in power across this planet,is this the legacy you wish to leave for the future generations?
Might makes right? The weak must serve the strong?? Those who perish along the way don't matter??

Every empire,emperor and self proclaimed demi god has made those decrees in on form or another in Earths past.And where are they?? Where are they're great "achievements"??!!
They are dust and crumbling buildings,the echo of the screams of their victims. Is that what you want too??
Don't just look at your children and think of the power and privilege they will inherit.
Will there be any honour to it?
The wars that have and might yet be fought to insure your special realities.The thousands that have been put to death and those that might yet come.
How much innocent blood is enough??
How high do the bodies need to be piled??

Think!! Just for a change!!
You can still make the right choice....

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Only Adults In The Room

That's what Russia is proving to be in this insane situation with Syria.

They realise the implications.Not just if the Free Syria Army receive heavier weapons,but for the war spreading beyond Syrian borders.Can the disruption of production and export of OPEC oil be far behind??

Russia has blocked or attempted to block multiple U.N. resolutions involving giving the "rebels" weapons or the possibility of military intervention.Both the E.U. and America are painfully overreached on this due to their collapsing economies,Obama making promises he can't keep about game changing "red lines"and their implications.
And the Euroskeptics threatening the alliance in Brussels.They are petrified they're going to lose Great Britain,and their right.This war must be stopped now!!Too many innocents have died for those who's decree is follow our way regardless of what you want!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Renamed:Deaths Lament.

    As i look out over all these graves,over all the souls i have conducted to their destination.
    I spite of who i am,i feel pity for them.To kill for a religion,a philosophy,or politics.All these possibilities ended,all this potential snuffed out!! You would be wise to change now.I forever envy the life you throw away.
    For i am death,the only winner in every war.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

You Were Seen,You Know That

And the theatrics of actually bringing down a meteor to hide your entry into Earth's atmosphere.That was a difficult maneuver,deploying five ships and going to cloak before you were spotted.But you can tell me,did they know you were there?Or was it another pretty sky show to cover up an unprecedented spate of mass landings??

And what was "the big one"?? The one "asteroid" that passed so close to Earth after Chelyabinsk,Russia.
Was that the operations and deployment vessel?
So many of them looking up at the sky anymore,and the mistakes you make..Faulty camouflage,failing cloaks.They're not that dumb.They don't believe the "official" explanations,they're becoming resistant to telepathic influence.Your reasons for being here for so long won't be secret for much longer.
Of that you can be sure.......

They're At It Again

Israel for the second time has struck inside Syria.Hitting military facilities around the capitol city of Damascus itself.The story being they were destroying advanced missiles bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Regardless for the motivation of these attacks,the Syrian government is going to have to respond.And thus lights a powder keg which could ignite first the mid east then the world in war!!And who of a sane mind wants this???NO ONE,THAT'S WHO!!

And who do they think they have for allies??
The European nations of NATO?? With 45% of their member states population unemployed,their financial system dancing on a razors edge to avoid collapse.And a good amount of their civilian populace on the verge of revolt.Not much to count on there..

And America??Our few remaining allies are looking for the door in droves!!
Venezuela,Mexico,and how long can it be before Turkey leaves NATO.Now that it's dialog partner to the SCO.Israel,stop yourselves now,before it's too late..

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Theory For You

It's been rattling my brain as why the American and British governments are wanting to not only keep their borders open but to willingly keep criminal undesirables, a good many of which are both illegal and foreign nationals from being deported..

See how this works for you?
I don't know how it is in the British agriculture industry regarding crop harvesting.Feel free to tell me..
But here too many farmers willingly hire illegals for wages no American can sanely live with.So,hire X thousands of undocumented foreign nationals for less money and no benefits and save millions!
Now as for the criminal side...Both your leaders and mine are paid clandestinely,yours from Brussels and ours from wherever to keep their cultural trash..
Religious extremists,murderers,rapists and what all that they don't want.And considering what we end up with,can you blame them?

The European Union is in crisis mode,trying whatever crazed scheme to save their fading empire.My suggestion to Great Britain.In this days election vote BNP and UKIP,LEAVE the E.U. and deport their trash off your shores.For my country,for right now.I just don't know..I'll get back to you on that......