Monday, March 26, 2018

Traitors To Justice

To all the law enforcement of the U.K. and Australia..

Been reading lots of the Islamic senseitivity training your receiving to better understand Islam and the Koran....Tell me this????

When the bloody hell did you all turn your backs on justice and the law??!!
When the bloody hell did you abandon your peoples to be murdered indescriminatly??!!
And especially......
When the bloody hell did you decide to abandon your women and children to be raped/murdered/and enslaved by the barbaric animals you've let into your countries in the name of "diversity" and "inclusion"??!!

Are you being good little Sharia Enforcers?? Letting enough children be groomed and raped??
Are you offering up your own wives and children??!!

What ever "police officer" can still carry a badge with a clear mind deserves what happens to them!!

Pathetic,cringing traitors!!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Congratulations From America

Word just reached her a bit ago that Vladimir Putin had been re-elected President of the Russian Federation!

Sir,you have no idea how glad i am that Russia and her territories continue to be in sane,safe hands.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Bigoted Double Standards In Movies And Cinema

You idiots say you want to be inclusive racially and ethnically?? Bafflegap!!

Gods Of Egypt:A good film with a good cast but you could find no Egyptian actors for principal roles!!??
The X-Men first Class movies:Moira McTaggart and Sean Cassidy aka Banshee are both Irish. What goes there??

Now here's the other side of your double standard.
Re-writing established characters to be more "inclusive"!!

Should other ethnic groups have representation in cinema and television??
Of course they bloody should! But not at the expense of the original work!!!

PC case in point. The upcoming Netflix reboot of Lost In Space..
A female Dr.Smith?? A black Judy Robinson??
For pity's sake why?????? Is not the basics of the original story enough??

Again,should all ethnic groups have their time???? YES!!
So create new material or promote the existing material!
CW's Black Lightning
Marvel's Black Panther

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

You Give Baal Power With Your Disbelief

The faith of "Islam" has brought the demon moon god Baal to power...Why you ask??

The fixed focus of nearly 1 billion supplicants across the world is why...

Contrary to the belief of many,all the Gods.Even the One God of the Christians draws power from their worshippers!
The Christian Church,now corrupt.Has turned the faithful of God to belief in them and their twisted interpretation of His Word.
Hence,His power is  weakened in this world..

The Pagan?Wiccan?Celtic faiths were all but destroyed over the centuries,but the result is the same.
The Old Gods powers are weakened in this plane.

I beg of thee all!!
Turn back to the truth! Turn back to the light!
I care not if it's the One God of the Christians!
I care not if it's to Odin,Zeus,Amon Ra,The Morrigan
or whom ever!!

Turn back now lest evil wins without a fight!!