Monday, July 29, 2013

NASA Where For Art Thou??

In the later years of the 20th Century you were the leader,the innovator.The one who helped blaze the trail for humankind's march to space.
What Happened??????????

Where are the lunar mining colonies the should have been established by 1994??
Why wasn't there a manned landing on Mars by 2004??
It was an eventuality  that future space travel would be taken up by private sector technology companies and i so regret that you are no longer capable of what you once were.Thanks to my government dedicating itself to destruction and war rather than life and the future.

So NASA,i lay to rest the memory of what you were to me in my youth.And embrace those who will take up the cause of taking humanity to the stars.For that is where Earth's tomorrow lies...

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Shot Back At Rolling Stone Magazine

Since the once reputable Rolling Stone magazine feels fit to descend in to cheap tabloid journalism with it's August edition on Dzhokar Tsarnaev.
I thought THIS cover i made for them is far more fitting their current standards..

The Further Decline

Depending where you are in the world you might not have heard this yet.
But Detroit,Michigan one time centre of the American automobile industry has filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection in an attempt to re-structure and stay in operation.

Re-structure??Decades of continually failed economic policies and mis-management have brought this city to it's knees.To the bankers and politicians of Detroit and the state of Michigan...................
YOU HAVE FAILED UTTERLY!! Hundreds of thousands have left the former Motor City,whole neighbourhoods are deserted.It has become a sick testament to the cancer that has destroyed this country........YES,i said destroyed!!
My fellow Americans you have all fallen for the oldest magicians trick,misdirection!Look at the left hand,12yrs of war and the government spreads it's "interests' across the world.Global Terror,Global Warming.

Now look at the right hand.Industry after industry disappearing overseas,skyrocketing food,fuel,and food costs.Cheap foreign labour through "guest worker" programs and illegal immigrants!Our soldiers returned from the Empire's wars,scarred mind and body forever left to fend for themselves as forgotten cast-off's..
I know you don't want to believe that the country that bore you could be like this,i don't want it to be either.But look at Detroit,look at your own cities and towns right now.I don't pretend to know how to fix it,i'm just still looking for a way to survive it..

Thursday, July 18, 2013

To My Readers

Thank you.When i started this last year i really didn't expect much after all.I mean really,how many blogs on how many subjects are here on Blogger??
I try to write about things of interest from here in America and round the world.And my nearly 1300 page views as of this post their seem to be many like minded.The majority of my visitors are from America and Russia in the majority,with a smattering from central Europe and the United Kingdom.

My most well received post so far is The Proper Timeline.My view of the last 20 yrs as it should have been.Come Back To A Time When has also done well.
I like to make people think outside the narrow little reality our would-be lords and masters in government and religion offer.Believe me when i say this manipulated,controlled,hate filled world they shove down at us every day can be altered....Ok,off the soapbox and get back on topic writer man!!

Thank you again to my visitors from round the world.And to Twitter,my friends on Facebook,vampirestat and all the others.I'll try to keep it interesting for you..

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Just When I Thought.......

The American media had run out of ways to make me sick!!
Comes the 1 August edition of Rolling Stone magazine is coming out with a feature cover story on Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and how he was failed by his family etc...etc...

Have the publishers of this supposedly respected magazine truly gone over reality's final frontier??
How HE was failed???!!!
Were he and his dead brother raised in such a home life and schooled in such a way that their only path of development and self expression was to murder and maim innocents??!!Oh,the things i could say here.Most of which would have this blog shut down.

Why does Rolling Stone have no respect for the victims?Where are their cover stories??
Where is the remembrance of 8yr old Martin Richard and all he might have been??
No.You give a platform to his accused killer..

Has my country become such a moral wasteland that killers and terrorists can be made celebrities??
If so,may our end be quick and with more mercy than we have shown the innocents we have truly failed....

Monday, July 15, 2013

Who Are You,And Why??

What do i call it??...Geo engineering??..Terraforming??Genetic Euthanasia??

And by who exactly,and why??

Spraying billions of tonnes of aluminum particles into the atmosphere is toxic enough,and is of no benefit for the humans.Promotes Alzheimer's and a host of neuro-degenerative conditions.And as for climate change,the highly charged metallic particles will realign the planet's weather patterns with the assistance of your HAARP device in Alaska.

Bur the ones doing this are supposedly no more protected than the regular population.So how do you keep from poisoning yourselves??A natural immunity?That raises even more interesting questions..
An artificial barrier then?Developed to protect you from what you're inflicting on them.That might make more sense.Me thinks this madness does come from within....I would ask again WHY??!!

The pernicious mad obsessions of the biblical prophecies of Armegeddon.Dangerous fiction to begin with!!The belief of the "chosen" elite and their self determined superiority over all other life,God complexes are such dangerous things you damned fools!!There are those who will stop you,you know there are.This planet IS protected and you will not win..

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Ascension Of Humanity

Of all of the philosophies concerning the evolution of this human species many amuse and confuse me..

God has it very wrong to me!Make a species,advance it.Train it then give them a series of moral and philosophical guidelines to follow to base a society on then leave,on the assumption that they'll just do as you say..End of story....
Didn't work out that way....Did it??

God,it is said that you are the ultimate perfection.Without flaw,no shades of grey what so ever.That is YOUR flaw in this!You either fail to recognise the dual nature of the human race or you think it advanced enough to rise above their darkness.And you think that putting them through the apocalypse you will purify their souls enough to return to you.Incorrect!!
In one of the better fictions it was asked how humanity on Earth survived as long as it had.The answer was they had finally learned to embrace the dark parts of recognise that they were predators and killers.
We are not going to kill..Today!!There will be more wars in the future,and that first today lasted a decade,the second lasted thirty years.The most recent lasted 300 years.

That is when humanity will be ready to ascend,when they have learned that.Not Before!!

Friday, July 5, 2013


A new word I've just been introduced to.Supposed to apply to an effort to combat global warming by removing CO2 gasses from the atmosphere and reducing the amount of solar radiation from the sun.
You might also call it terraforming..

I for one call it an act of the purist insanity!!
What makes you presumptuous apes think you even think you have even the beginnings of the technology needed to do such a thing,and what gives you the right to try??!!You've held off the nuclear holocaust by only the smallest margin of common sense...So what is it now you gibbering monkeys that call yourselves scientists.Weather wars!!
You mental pigmies!! Does no one ever read the better fiction on these matters??IT ALWAYS TURNS OUT WRONG!!!!!!
Spraying BILLIONS of tons of particulate aluminium into Earth's atmosphere.In sufficient amounts it's a neurological toxin!You're getting your climatic changes all right,changes in growing seasons and animal migratory patterns.Along with droughts and famine,epic tornadoes and storms resulting in equally epic death tolls.

This is one of many Frankenstein experiments in which the villagers need to come with their torches lit!!What is your true motive??
Global Extinction??
The Need For Power And Control??

I'm going to say to you what The Doctor sometimes says.
Just stop!!Just step back and think about what you're doing!!

Usually doesn't work for him,maybe i'll do better..

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

So,The Threats Begin Now Do They??

I don't know how much of this is propaganda and how much is truth,but it seems Edward Snowdens's chances of finding a new home are getting slim.And the reason is painfully clear..

Russia would have accepted him if he stopped his "anti American activities".
Threat:Accept him and we cut off the grain exports!!..Snowden refused.

Ecuador received a "friendly call" from our Vice President..
Threat:Probably to block future international exports and trade..

European Union:Despite their anger at being digitally raped for information by their "trusted allies".They need American financial aid far too much to ever defy them in this matter.

I feel so ashamed of my government.Their power has extended much to far and needs to be reigned in.
Edward,i hope you do find someone with the courage to take you in.Telling the truth should not be a criminal act!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

An Ancient Returns

In the most secret texts and archives of the most shadowed societies of what are today known as The Freemasons and The Illuminati there is the story of Him.

Even in the most inner councils of power he is spoken of in fear.That one from so long ago,the one from whose people they stole their technology and powers from and then used it to destroy them.

They knew what would happen if anyone powerful enough came along to wrest their secrets from them and what would occur when used for evil.So one was chosen.Changed and altered,given abilities that made him more than mortal and something other than demon.The enemy knew of Him and struck in hopes of claiming what they came for and destroying Him in the process...They were wrong.....

A secret for you.The "Mason's and Illuminati are not from your world,they never were.They hid on planet after planet and they managed to hide here for the last 5000 yrs.Until now!!
For fifty centuries you have hid,but no more.The one who has come to be known in his hunt for you as Kallas,Lightstorm,He Who Make The Darkness Afraid and most recently The Traveler has found you..

So here you have come,to this far place of Earth.You thought the hunter eluded,searching elsewhere among the stars??  No..The Traveler's journey has led him to his prey.

You will NOT have this world and her people as you have done so often before,i pledge this!!
Watch the shadows and do not pray for their God's mercy!!

For you God is not here...I AM!!!!!

I Think You've Got Something Backwards

Meaning as far as immigrants settling in new countries.
Integrating into a new society is no doubt a confusing and upsetting thing but something seems to have gone wrong here???You leave you lands for what ever reason,religion,politics,economy whatever!!

But then you make every effort to re-create the societies,customs and  even the laws you left behind.That's where this blogs title comes in.My utter confusion as to why the governments in my country and the United Kingdom allow this!!
Here in America it's mainly Hispanics and their unchecked flood across our open borders along with their 11 million strong illegal brethren are claiming our cities one by one.They even make it possible for illegals to obtain a drivers licence for pity's sake!!

And it seems my friends in Great Britain are under a full scale immigrant invasion with complicit conspirators in all three of their political parties.Including their Prime Minister!!Business and community takeovers to the point where some areas are no-go zones for British natives.Sexual assault,child sex grooming rings,murder.All on the upswing.
And just as here government officials say how important immigrants are,how much of an asset they are to our societies..CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
American and British unemployed are left to rot in the streets while our governments reap the rewards of giving away more and more away to foreigners!!

I hope it doesn't,i truly do.Because the loss of innocent life will be frightening.But I'm seeing the possibility of race,religion,and culture wars in our countries if this isn't stopped..