Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Most Curious Misdirection??

Obama,Netenyahu what game are you two playing at??
One says ISIS is the third---excuse me THIRD greatest threat in the world today??? The other is on his ratty soapbox singing that tired old refrain about the evil Iranian nuclear weapons plans,proof of which has been shown??Nothing!!!

Some opinion suggests that there is no real plan to this "strategy" against ISIS.They continue to press their offensive on the Syrian border city of Kobane despite the airstrikes.New news reports say that ISIS and Al-Nursa Front are forming alliance because of the coalition attacks.
And i've noticed in recent media Obama you're already blaming your national security adviser for "underestimating" ISIS in Syria.

Typical,when you've started down yet another path to idiocy and when you get caught out at it.You pass the blame.After all,NO blame can ever be allowed to touch your door can it??
WHERE are you going with this??!!
If this should spill into Russia or China you are going to end up with blowback NO amount of propaganda or verbal intimidation will stop!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Enforced Regime Change But At What Price??

Don't the imbeciles in power EVER learn when it's not working?????!!!!

15 years of war and only Afghanistan looks to be properly subjugated.Libya is a shattered wreck of the land it once was.
Your drone attacks in Pakistan,Yemen,and Somalia have accomplished nothing except to make America more hated than ever.But you couldn't beat Syria...

Three years,thousands of renegade vermin and foreign mercenaries.And let's not forget being accountable for the deaths of 190,000 deaths in Syria and the new killings in Iraq.What was the intent of the creation of ISIS anyway??
A hammer to bring the rest of the Arab world to heel for the future World Order?
Obama,you and your cohorts have no worthy allies in this.The boot licker Cameron will be voted out in the national elections next year and Nigel Farage will slam the "special relationship" squarely in your face..

And as for Islamophobia??A well played traditionalist mindtrance,just like Nazi Germany.Give the people you want to control "an enemy",hire the lowest of the low to go across the world committing all the appropriate sins to change opinion.But your stage play is too grande.
The majority of NATO and the E.U. won't play.Iran doesn't trust you,and your folly with Russia will go off in your face..

There will be a regime change upon the Earth,but it won't be one you'll like....

Thursday, September 25, 2014

To The Leaders Of Europe:Stop Being America's Bitch!!

Stop the tolerance and appeasement of having the enemy fly it's cursed black flag in you cities!!

European Union and NATO,you're reluctant to join Obama's Petroterror Coalition in military strikes inside Syria??   Can't say i blame you.Violations of international law,Iran,Russia stepping in to save Assad.Don't want Sukhoi fighters over your capitols do you???

Theres an answer you know???

Turn away from this sociopathic idiocy!! Make new alliances that serve Europe's future and interests,clean out the terrorists garbage from your nations that you willingly let in.Make over your nations to be new lights to the future,not victims to one more failed attempt at Empire!!

The future can still be.It has never been set!!

A Message To Our "Moderate Rebels" In Syria

I've been reading how you are all so worried the Obama's coalition airstrikes might be turned against you....Did you ever doubt it??

Our lying trash of a President has been breaking every alliance he has made of late.Haven't you asked why NATO and the E.U. are still staying out of this for now?They are deathly afraid that joining us in bombing ISIS in Syria will draw in Iran,the Russia.
Obama and his OPEC/terrorist supporting cohorts are going to remake the Arab world their way.And will you,his many well paid little "regime changers" have any place in this new Arab future???


You are the tools and cannon fodder for his goals.What ever he or his henchmen may have promised,it will be a lie leading to all your deaths.
Change this and change this now!!

Side with Assad,bring in Iran.And Russia as well if need be to make sure that there is a Syria for anyone left at all...!!!

Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm Sorry.....WHAT!!!???

Please read the following and try not to laugh in disbelieving disgust!!http://news.yahoo.com/iraqi-soldiers-describe-heavy-losses-islamic-state-overruns-194559860.html

Oh the propaganda they have been pushing.
How with our "advisers" training and our re-equipping the Iraqi army in combination with American and coalition airstrikes ISIS will be degraded and destroyed..
Out of nearly 1000 men in the above article only 200 survive??

The commanders of the Iraqi army seem to have a very skewed perception of how to fight an enemy??What have you been doing with the food and munitions we've been giving you,selling them to ISIS?? Obama,if this is what you intend to use to keep American troops out of the fight then the black flag of the enemy will be flying over Baghdad by years end..

To the innocent Iraqi citizenry as an American i can only apologize on behalf of my country and hope that one far off day you can forgive..

Saturday, September 20, 2014

I Know I'm Not The Only One Out Here!!

Many who have their own established websites,Youtube Channels,or little digital speakers corners like mine.Who look at our own government and their "spokespersons" such as Jen Psaki and Marie Harf "The Mistresses Of Fihnya".To watch them is to see Imperial Comedy in action!!

I look at the sky high food,medical,and fuel prices and i call you profiteer!!
I look at the absence of border security and defense and i call you traitor!!
I look at your call for ANOTHER useless war and call you sociopaths!!

Who are we to sit here or wherever and call you out on this??????


A Rush To War?? And A Question??


The need for the failing Western Empire to preserve it self by any means necessary draws nigh..In 2017 the Leftists will lose the French Presidency to the National Front of Marine Le Pen.

In 2015 the position of Prime Minister Of Great Britain will go the United Kingdom Independence Party's Nigel Farage.

Many Central European governments are leaning toward new political views.

And now for my question..Is it just that so many of you are hide bound by habit in your relations to America??Or is it that you are afraid of us?? Afraid that if you turn away from the One World agenda we invoke the Planned Armegeddon??!! Humanity under one rule,or no ones rule!!
This is NOT a fixed point in the future and it can and MUST be changed! This new war they plan MUST NOT HAPPEN!!
Turn your backs on the past and embrace the future as it needs to be.NOW!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You Are Joking,Right????

The Free Syria Army and the Syrian National Coalition,thought of from the propagandists view are a motley collection of misfits who after being trained,equipped and funded by various Arab states and America for the past three years cannot bring down the professionally trained army of Bashar Al-Assad.
How are they expected to help fight and defeat ISIS??!!...They're not,that's why....

After all this time and complicity in the deaths of 190,000 plus civilians in Syria and Iraq the aptterns emerge.
In a grande scheme with just as much gratuitous melodrama as the last 14 years have wrought,America,it's Saudi and European allies have begun to move forward to destroy the last of the countries daring to resist the new Western/Arab Empire.
Years of corruption from within the E.U.Dropping defenses from within,ensuring the "free movement" of citisens thus making infiltration all the easier.

This enterprise,which has all the elements of 17th century European intrigue and The Man From U.N.C.L.E. would be laughable if it weren't for the possibility of bringing us all to global war.

Exile For Would-Be Jihadis---This Is A Debate????!!!

You limp wristed  politically correct worms!!

You actually want to keep these potential suicide bombers in your countries..To do what???
Mentor them in the error of their ways??To make them useful members of society again??

You should be wanting these deviants gone from your lands and make this clear to them all!!

"Go! Fight for your cause but know this,as soon as your planes leave your citisenships and passports will be rescinded for life!
You will be branded in exile and stateless for the rest of your lives.Any attempt to return will result in immediate deportation without trial!
Such should be the sentence for all traitors....

Which WW 3 Is This,You Seem Confused??

Obama,Foggy Rasmussen.Have you given up on Russia because they wouldn't take the cheap bait you were offering to shoot first in your very dusty war scenario??
What did you expect from the former head of the KGB, idiocy??!!

And now here we are dealing with ISIS and your continuing desire to turn the Arab world into a sea of blood,death and fire.Your "coalition"?? A motley collection of sand piles,only a few of which have a decent military...Paid for by America,by the way...and a goodly number of them accused of supporting terrorists themselves!
We all know why Syria and Iran are excluded from this.The West has been screaming..BOW,YIELD,KNEEL to them for years.And they've been telling you rightly so to piss off!!

You can't have your nuclear holocaust,because China and Russia will never oblige you.So what's it to be??A global religious crusade????

Go ahead,you might not like who turns against you!!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Never Raise More Demons Than You Can Put Down

ISIS,the largest and most dangerous of demons created by unneeded Western meddling!

Was Iraq a harsh country under Hussein? Yes.His methods were brutal but it kept the sectarian carnage which now is destroying Iraq in check.How many thousands have died under the weak Western backed leaders?

Libya.under Gaddafi?An iron fisted ruler,yes again.But under his rule he brought his country to one of the highest standards of living in North Africa.Then we determined Libya needed "democratic western ways".
The result?
Airstrikes destroying the Libyan military and driving Gaddafi from power to be shot down in the street.And where is Libya today?
A meat grinder,with little central government or military.Torn to shreds by various Islamic factions.And again the French want to return for another "intervention" to prevent Libya from becoming a "terrorist hub".Funny?
The country was fine before we came and blew it up...

We have done so much damage all in the name of Western manifest destiny.And now it has come back to haunt us hasn't it??
Now our President wants a "coalition" to make un-war with ISIS in Iraq and Syria.But my question is this..If we use this as a platform to destroy the Assad government,what will Iran and Russia do on Syria's behalf??

Doesn't look at all good,does it??

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Muslim Revolution?? Did I Miss Something??

Now this article posted on Yahoo.....http://news.yahoo.com/jihadists-beheadings-sow-fear-prompt-muslim-revulsion-205000146.html

Would seem to suggest that the actions of ISIS are actually condemned by Muslims world wide.Again have i missed the street demonstrations of Muslims in the hundreds of thousands in cities across the Earth denouncing the Islamic State and it's actions??!!
Did i miss the official condemnations from Imam's and other Muslim religious leaders??!!
Didn't think so....

So spare me your empty words :religion of peace"!!
Your hypocrisy and lies are no longer heard......

Too Far Now The March Of Idiots

The following is a link to an RT article....http://rt.com/news/184836-isis-putin-kadyrov-syria/

Where supposedly ISIS is threatening to "liberate" Chechnya and Caucasus and bring them into the caliphate.And also to use aircraft taken from a Syrian airbase to launch attacks.
To the ISIS leadership,are you truly being serious here??...Attack Russia???!!!

Europe will be easy enough.Most of the Muslim appeasing governments there hold their borders open for anyone.America?? An 80yr old man,half blind and deaf could gain entry through our borders.Obama rewrote the book Lady Liberty holds,it now says "Come On In,The Benefits Are Great"!
And we all know that when Obama threatens the world laughs in hysterics.But these days when Russia speaks NATO has to change it's knickers!!

Check the history texts.There is a good reason Russia has never known a conqueror.And when you cross that line and attack them you are going to find out why..

No Rules Of Engagement Or Articles Of War Against ISIS!!!

Obama,do you actually seek to fight a civilised orderly war conducted in a proper and modern fashion against ISIS??
If you do,you are more of a threat to the future of America than i ever could have imagined!

I have seen the un-edited videos of what they have done.Theirs is a military and social mentality that has not been seen on Earth for over a thousand years,they are the Mongolian Hordes under Genghis Khan with AK-47s and Humvee s.They are a force of violence and fear and must be met with violence and fear!!

You won't even protect us from the ones who go to them to fight for their cause!!You let them all return,boasting of the people they've killed and your response is "Well,have fun while you were away"??
Let them go!! As well you should.And the price being they loose their passports and citisenship for life!!
Betray the nation that fed,clothed,reared and educated you and be cast out forever!!

The ONLY rule and article to follow with ISIS..DEATH TO THE ENEMY!!!!!

ISIS Advances And......

The news says..Look At The Evil Russians!!

James Foley and Steven Sotloff are murdered like farm animals and Washington says..Yes,we have no strategy..
Muslims in Denmark endorse the ideals of ISIS and the news claims Putin Takes Kiev in Two Weeks!!

Their numbers swell like maggots on a corpse.Their influence spreads from country to country and the world stays silent and tells you..You just think about all those naked actress phone pictures instead while ISIS kills another 1000 innocent people.
Be a nice drone and only think about "evil ruskies" when Jihad John shows up at your door with $25 demanding to marry your 6yr old daughter..

So what say you humanity,is the Crusader spirit alive to leave this enemies blood in the dirt??Or are you going to be nice little appeasers and line up to have your heads taken??

The governments bleat "The Russians Are Coming"!! To fight for the future without ISIS,i almost wish they were!!!