Friday, October 30, 2015

A Very UnMerry Christmas

To the soulless creatures of Washington,i want to remind you of something you will never care about..

Homeless and starving Americans this winter..

For all the illegals our tax money will feed,clothe and house this winter.And i am sure you'll be feeling very good about yourselves,remember all the abandoned Americans who will be shivering in empty buildings,alleyways and basements without jobs or food this Yule Morn..

Can it even phase you any more that when you're sitting round the tree opening presents and then that fine dinner later how many of our people will have nothing??
Scraps and handouts if they're lucky,frozen and starved if not.Does the image of a mother and child huddled together in an alley frozen dead even make you blink anymore?? I think not!!

All that matters to your kind is power and alliances,control and dominance.No matter how much it costs or who has to suffer for it..
The Greatest Country On Earth??
Leader Of Freedom,Democracy And Opportunity???

Tell that to the face of every dead,starved child that's pulled out of the snow this winter!!

Traitors Stand Forth And Declare Yourselves!!

I don't understand how or why the governments of the western world are intent on cultural suicide!!

To wrap your head around this almost entails embracing concepts that shouldn't exist outside of fiction.
An impossible global alliance between the Catholic Church and Islam along with their national rulers to change the face of culture/race/and government dominance the world over!!???
The actions of the E.U. and the United States in allowing these "migrant" invasions of their countries holds to no logic i am aware of...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I Weep For America Lost

Never even in my life did i ever expect to see this here....

An Islamic Imam saying prayers in front of the House Of Representatives..

Washington has fallen....

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Glamour Is Fading

All the propaganda,all the bribes threats murder and lies.

The American government and it's traitorous allies have overreached themselves to remake the world to their liking.Destroying governments,collapsing economies and displacing millions in the name of power and control.....Fading

Your precious centre of power.Iraq,Libya,Syria.
The very unholy triad to make an armada that would eventually move into Europe to join their"refugee/migrant" brethren already in place...Not to be

A new alliance has been formed.Nations who have unified in common cause to stop your infection of madness.
That they have their own agendas,that is certain.But i would rather face that then a world thrown into global jihad.So lets hear it for the hoped for heroes against global terror..


Once there would have been another name there,but it seems no more..

"Gun Free Zones"?? Free Range Killing Fields You Mean!!

With all the recent school massacres here in America in "Gun Free Zones".

I was wondering what those signs might really say with some help from Photoshop..

Am i being politically incorrect enough??? I hope!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why The Hesitation??

You can't still be believing our main stream media can you?? About us i mean??
That we openly support multiculturalism and/or islamisation to the ultimate destruction of our cultures??
WE DO DAMNED NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You want to know who Americans really are,ask us??!!
For me on just this topic.Am i afraid the Russia wants to destroy America and take over the world???

NO! It's is 2015 not 1962!!
Before i die i want to walk the streets of Moscow or St.Petersburg on a winters night and be awestruck by the sight of it.To be in Crimea and stand on the shore of the Black Sea.
I do not want war with you,those with free minds here don't want war with you.

I want peace and a future for all on the Earth..

Indeed,How Much Does It Sting??

The wheels and gears of the Washington propaganda machine are glowing red from the strain of having their thunder stolen by a new alliance of nations joined to destroy the Islamic State and it's allies.

Iran,Russia and Syria.
You'll note that they're aren't any of the traditional "good guys" in that list right?? The days when the West was thought of as the cavalry,riding up to save the world from the bad guy of the moment.
Those days are very much over!!

Washington tries to convince you that America is still the paragon of power,prosperity,and freedom....BOLLOCKS!!
Too much of Earth sees US as the invading,manipulative parasite seeking to rule directly or by proxy all corners of the world.But our economy is in total ruin..$19 TRILLION in debt and continuing to accelerate unabated.
Thousands of us are fleeing to the four winds to find futures elsewhere while those who chose to stay are arming themselves against our government.

America,our allies either crumble around us from their own misdeeds or are turning from us having seen us finally for who we have become..