Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh How It Must Burn Inside?

The challenges to your supposed authority.Finding out again again that you are not the big dog.
That more and more countries have decided not to bow down and lick your boots!

How does it feel Barack Hussein Obama to be the President who can only command respect in the world through fear!
Vladimir Putin has very little to worry about regarding a conventional military response from any of you.14 years of war,as well as you all spending trillions to subvert governments across Earth has left your economies bankrupt!
The community organiser vs.the former head of the KGB? A Pomeranian vs a wolf  is what that is..
He beat you with Syria!
You and your allies in Brussels tried to grab Ukraine and misjudged badly.And then you loose Crimea.

And financial reprisals? The U.K. is already set to start buying Russian gas and oil this year so we already know Cameron will abandon you.And the rest of Europe?? They are NOT going to risk Gazprom turning off the taps.So,methinks that you have another Putinslap coming.Can't wait.....

Monday, March 17, 2014

Never Assume

To everyone who has ever read my posts here that i am a real American citizen living in the northeastern United States.

As the title states never assume that the warmongering,Sabre rattling jackboot marching rhetoric spewing from Washington D.C. reflects the views of every American.
Our,and i use the term politely "leadership" has abandoned it's people!
Our economy is disintegrating,we have no border security.We spend trillions every year that we don't have to prop up a global image that we can no longer maintain.Except in the deluded minds of our politicians!

And no matter how badly this crisis over Ukraine and Crimea may go understand this one thing...
I DO NOT want a war to start over this!
The American people DO NOT want war over this!!!

To The People Of Crimea

Yes i really am an American,and more of us than you know think like this.

First off i cannot at all blame you for choosing to return to being governed by Russia.And i find myself making apologies AGAIN for the criminally stupid and insanely dangerous acts of my government and their continual delusion that they have the right to impose their will where ever they choose.

I am very much afraid that my "leaders" and their allies in Europe will escalate this to the point of war once attempts at economic reprisals fail.I have no understanding of their reasons for collapsing the legal government in Kiev and installing a Neo-Nazi fascist regime as they've done?
What was that about learning the lessons of history?

Let us all hope that on every side in this that the adults in the room will come forward and stop this from becoming more than it ever need be!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Flight MH 370:The "Explanations" Grow Thin And Tiresome

Loads of ideas.AND STILL NO PROOF! And the questions remain???

Pilot Suicide/Decompression;Where is the wreckage??
Terrorist Bombing:Why has no one taken credit--Where is the wreckage??
Hijacking:No one has made any demands!
No eyewitness accounts of sighting the jetliner anywhere.Such a beast cannot fly un-noticed!

So,un-named "officials".WHERE IS FLIGHT MH 370 !!!???
It is day 8 and 290 families want to know where there people are??

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Too Many Guns On Both Sides Here!

Been reading in the media on all sides.
NATO build ups on one side Russian build ups on the other in the run up to the vote to be held Sunday in Crimea to stay a more autonomous part of Ukraine or to fully become part of the Russian Federation.

The E.U. is fast tracking it's financial arrangements with the new leaders in Kiev because they are so desperate to have a new country to feed off of to keep their collapsing economy and political power alive a little longer.
And as for our Madman In Chief Barack Obama.I am deeply more afraid of his intentions than i am of a Russian "march across Europe"...
I make no plea for sanity from Obama,for i believe he is passed redemption.But for the European Union leadership in Brussels and to all the involved countries.

Show the rest of us that there are still some adults left in charge.Let Crimea go if that's what they want!
There must be no war over this!Much less a potential world war!!

And The Mystery Continues

Malaysia Air Flight MH 370.
Missing since Saturday last with 239 passengers and crew.
209 ft long
Wingspan 199 ft.

Searched for by aircraft,on the sea and in space by 12 countries now.And the results of this mighty effort to discover the fate of this aircraft have after nearly one week has been nothing!
Nothing except the most tragically confusing series of contradictory reports regarding the sighting of wreckage,of course changes,and engine telemetry transmissions.

Intelligence services cannot even promote a terrorist/hijacking scenario.Because no group or organisation anywhere has come forward to either take credit for the planes destruction or to make any demands from any government.
If it was a hijacking,it was an admittedly laudable criminal act.To steal such a beast,neutralise all communications and get it to a secure location.As well as hide both it and the passengers from detection.

But that no one at all has come up with even a passable lie to keep the families and the media placated the question remains..
Flight MH 370...Where the hell are you???

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mad Fools Don't You Dare!!!!!

Have you sunk so far into madness Barack Obama?

Reports of an American destroyer,the USS Truxton in the Black Sea.
Fighter aircraft and soldiers deployed to Poland and Lithuania.
Rumors of Blackwater mercenaries in Ukraine...

Are you actually trying to bring about America's destruction and to bring about the war that must never be?

Hollande,Merkel,Cameron and the rest of you.Turn away from this now!!
This madness will shatter the true future of this world for all time and must not happen!!

Well This Is A Mystery Isn't It??

I am sure you all have read in your respective medias about that Malaysian jet liner gone missing with 239  people on board.Air and surface ships from 10 countries searching for 3 days now and nary a seat cushion found.
No mayday could indicate a mid-air explosion,but where is the debris? And why no signals from the flight recorders???

And on the matter of those people flying with stolen passports that were never flagged,very bad security there.If they were terrorists who got on the plane with explosives which they used.Why has no group anywhere taken credit for the kill??
Or if it was a very bold and brazen hijacking,where are the ransom demands and/or the political/religious statements usually connected to such things???

I'm as curious to see where this leads as you probably are....