Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Oh How It Must Burn Inside?

The challenges to your supposed authority.Finding out again again that you are not the big dog.
That more and more countries have decided not to bow down and lick your boots!

How does it feel Barack Hussein Obama to be the President who can only command respect in the world through fear!
Vladimir Putin has very little to worry about regarding a conventional military response from any of you.14 years of war,as well as you all spending trillions to subvert governments across Earth has left your economies bankrupt!
The community organiser vs.the former head of the KGB? A Pomeranian vs a wolf  is what that is..
He beat you with Syria!
You and your allies in Brussels tried to grab Ukraine and misjudged badly.And then you loose Crimea.

And financial reprisals? The U.K. is already set to start buying Russian gas and oil this year so we already know Cameron will abandon you.And the rest of Europe?? They are NOT going to risk Gazprom turning off the taps.So,methinks that you have another Putinslap coming.Can't wait.....

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