Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Church Is.........

Losing the faithful,golly geewillikers Mr.Wizard now why would that be i wonder?????
Further exposure of it's political and financial affairs?? Part of it no doubt.
Maybe it's something that goes a little deeper,like the Roman Catholic Church and it's unwillingness to purge itself of it's child raping priests to protect it's image.

To the incoming Pontiff,you want people to look to the Vatican as a beacon of moral decency and honour.A place where the faithful can believe you once again represent the word of God...
Then it's past time to take out the garbage!!!!
Let your first acts be the GLOBAL and PERMANENT excommunication of all those guilty of sex crimes against children going back 40 years.Turn over all evidence to the relevant local law enforcement for their arrest and prosecution.

Time for the Holy See to regain the trust of the faithful,isn't it???????

About The American Budget

This is to all those pathetic wastes of skin in Washington D.C. running around looking like they're doing something about the impending "sequester" budget cuts.Or as it's also been termed,The Meat Cleaver From Hell!!
They look to cut everything EXCEPT the most needless and wasteful spending out there.Here's what i think it should be...
1.Termination of ALL overseas financial aid.
2.Cut funding for ALL overseas military action,last i looked we were not at war with any sitting government on Earth.
3.End all current domestic defense contracts,Consider the complete failure of the F-35.By the way,don't we have enough weapons of mass destruction by now?????

Our leaders ignore AGAIN and STILL what their responsibilities are!!
We are NOT the Global Police,we never had that right!! What example do we set for the world??!!
Power and manipulation over law and order!!
Might make right?? Rubbish!!!
When they put another 100,000 Americans out of work,what does that show??
More special interests,as long as they get their money,they care nothing for what they destroy....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

They Should Be Ashamed!!


That's all you keep hearing after the passage of that asteroid and the meteor fall in Russia.To be fair,these things do happen to greater or lesser degrees all the time.But it gives the excuse for the gloom and doom eggheads to come out and start prattling on about how easily we all can die.
Possible yes,but the scientific community might be better suited to figuring out ways for humanity to survive instead.

Asteroids,meteors,global warming,every manner of possibility to get the human race into their graves as soon as possible!! The sky rocks?? Develop practical methods of defense that can be implimented now.Climate change?? Maybe not putting multi-metric tonnes of toxins into the atmosphere,along with working solar and thorium based power sources to leave fossile fuels where they belong,in the past.
I am formally calling all of you smug scientists out!! I DARE you to conceive from now on about all of you LIVING for the next thousand years and beyond!!
That this planet and the human race can still be here and thriving until the day the sun dies!!
How about doing that??