Saturday, February 16, 2013

They Should Be Ashamed!!


That's all you keep hearing after the passage of that asteroid and the meteor fall in Russia.To be fair,these things do happen to greater or lesser degrees all the time.But it gives the excuse for the gloom and doom eggheads to come out and start prattling on about how easily we all can die.
Possible yes,but the scientific community might be better suited to figuring out ways for humanity to survive instead.

Asteroids,meteors,global warming,every manner of possibility to get the human race into their graves as soon as possible!! The sky rocks?? Develop practical methods of defense that can be implimented now.Climate change?? Maybe not putting multi-metric tonnes of toxins into the atmosphere,along with working solar and thorium based power sources to leave fossile fuels where they belong,in the past.
I am formally calling all of you smug scientists out!! I DARE you to conceive from now on about all of you LIVING for the next thousand years and beyond!!
That this planet and the human race can still be here and thriving until the day the sun dies!!
How about doing that??

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