Monday, April 27, 2015

My Personal Message To The Islamic State

Let my voice stand out among the appeasers and the mind tranced.

May all traces of your influence upon the Earth be removed!
You call yourselves "Agents Of The Apocalypse"?Self styled,self appointed with only the power of your sick twisted hatred of all light and life to drive you forward.
Servants of Allah?
No god of light no matter who they are would ever support your perverted ideals.You are human evil run rampant and need to be made extinct!

And those of the Dark Realms who you claim to follow?They laugh at your pathetic motivations to subvert just one world!!
Your only future is mass extinction and damnation!
No other future will be allowed!!

Oh The Reasons And Other Things..

Why is the Islamic State becoming a growing power??:
The destruction of the following governments has given them territories to,Iraq,Syria,and now Yemen.

The complete corruption of the American,British,and European governments has allowed a cultural invasion that left unchecked will leave any resemblance to the nations we were raised in gone!
An Arab future??? No Frank Herbert,i think not!!!