Friday, October 31, 2014

The One State Solution Maybe??

Oh Israel,and you in particular Benny Netenyahu.

Such language they are calling you in Washington of late.I mean i can't even repeat it here LOL :)
What is it? The Neocons annoyed with you because you won't sacrifice every last Israeli to the cause of Pax Americana.They're wanting you to launch a first strike on Iran right,and they want Israel to do the dying and then sort the spoils later.Probably including you..Did you expect anything else?!

You do their bidding killing Arabs they want dead by the thousands.Make yourselves pariahs with what you do to the Palestinians.Now comes the big campaign to remake the Arab world,and you were supposed to be it's masters for us weren't you?...You were lied to just like all the rest...
You keep fighting them,and your usefulness to the Pax Americana will be over,yours and Israel's.
What will it be?? A strike on the Knesset in session,killing all of the government.
ISIS in the holy land??

Make up your mind Benny.The map makers might be calling that plot of land Palestine again...

For Donetsk And Lughansk

From an American citizen in the state of Pennsylvania on your upcoming elections.

I wish the newborn Republics of Donetsk And Lughansk all the best in your futures.And please,i beg of not judge all the peoples of the west by our asinine and idiotic leadership..

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Question And More For Candyman Poroshenko

I hear the recent elections went well.But sympathies for having to make a coalition government with the rat face Yatsenyuk.
But i also hear of the other elections soon to come in Donetsk and Lughansk.
What's the matter??? Can't get your military to slaughter enough of their own people to solidify Ukraine's slavery to the west??

Been reading media here.Both new republics are readying for when you come calling,after all can't have any real self determination here..We might decide to cut your aid/bribe money..
But you'll go,like the bought and paid for property you are.
Another 4/5/10,000.What's it matter anyway?Just so long as you get that 40 room dacha on the Black Sea eh??

I can just hear the call now from your owners..

Petro..Petro,it's time to go kill people again,you like that don't you??"Sounds of begging and panting from you".
Now sit up and beg nicely for your next million Euro..."Woof Woof,Woof...
There,that's a nice little plaything.."Pats you on your head"

At Least Someone Has Working Rockets

Thank you Washington and NASA for setting American space travel back AGAIN!!

No matter what the cause of that explosion,the damage at the Wallops Island launch facility will take months to repair.
And frankly i no longer care how Un-American this may sound.But thank you Russia and Roscosmos for having another supply mission ready for the ISS.We need to return to space and i don't care who gets it done any longer.

If Russia and China can get us back to the Moon,,so be it!!
If Norway can get us to Mars,DO IT!!

And if NASA and the United States no longer have the ambition to start the Big Breakout for the Human Race.
Then get out of the way and let those who can get it done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2014

The Ebola Outbreak What Is Your Game??

It makes no sense as a culling of excess population,it doesn't kill fast enough.
Is this going to turn out to be a new variant to be used in the next round of human viral weaponry experimentation??

Or is it to be something far more crass and basic??A simple method of terror and distraction to keep attention away from Pax Americana's latest push for world control.Kill off a few hundred thousand,or few hundred million to keep the masses from uniting against you..
I've asked before.How much blood,how much death will be enough?Now i have to ask this of the people.
Exactly how far are you willing to let this go??

Britain,Canada,America What Is The Problem???

You have citisens,regardless of their birth declaring treason against their governments by siding with ISIS and you say you will not declare them stateless.....WHY??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Save your nations untold billions in court costs and prison expenses for treason/terrorism charges.You should want these cultural gene trash out of your nations and banished for the rest of time!!
Why don't you,i really want to know that???????

Monday, October 6, 2014

I Have No Understanding Of This!!

It is spreading across cybermedia that the Syrian city of Kobane has all but fallen to a fierce military advance by the Islamic State.
What is even more disturbing is that Kobane is within sight of the Turkish border.And the government in Ankara has given NO military aid whatsoever to defend this city!!!

It makes no sense at all!! Is it cowardice?? Or is it something else???
Letting a dangerous enemy gain territory within sight of your border makes sense only if you intend on joining with the Islamic State...Is that it???  Oh Obama,your "underestimation" of this new enemy might be taking on epic scale!!
Is that how it's going to be Erdogan? Not just one more rag tag terror group in alliance with ISIS but an entire NATION??!!

If so,the near future is going to be very interesting indeed....