Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When The Night Came In Vengeance

The witnesses that retained their sanity tell stories that would have made Lovecraft and Poe shake their heads in wonder.

The stories of when the sky darkened as black as night.As though the sun itself hid it's light in fear of being seen by what came to the human world.
Mosul,Iraq was first when the storms and lightening came the likes of which none had ever seen.Lightening bolts jumped between clouds and then descending to cut into the earth like the angry claws of a beast!
Winds,tearing across the land and whipping through buildings to scour everything in it's path.The true voyage into nightmare came with the fog.

Rising from every crack and shadow as though a living thing.And maybe it was,because with it came the Hidden Things.
From then on the darkness of that supernatural storm erupted not only the hungry sounds of those that came to feed.But the pure sounds of terror of their victims,piteous cries for mercy.Shouts to Allah for protection!
But there would be salvation for none that night!

When the clouds cleared and the storm ended.It was found that along with many citizens,that every Jihadi warrior of ISIS was found dead to the last man and boy.
Not just dead,but skinned,dismembered and fed upon.And as a seeming warning that they were to come again..

To the north of the city exactly 100 ISIS bodies were mounted on makeshift stakes of wood and metal
and burned into the ground were the words...


Monday, January 19, 2015

Tolerance And Inclusion??? BE DAMNED TO THAT!!

3000 plus dead in Iraq/Syria
2000 plus dead in Nigeria and surrounding countries
17 dead in the Paris massacres..

All in the name of Islam and Sharia Law!

It is permitted to lie to the unbeliever.Isn't that what is said in the Koran??
Handing out white roses,joining solidarity marches...Lies and deceit to asses weaknesses is all it is!!
To reflect a picture i saw recently..
Do NOT mistake our leaders weakness and appeasement for ours!
You wish war??!! You will have it!! You want your blood running in the streets?? So be it!!


The Plague Of Boko Haram

Africa,do not look to the west for aid.It will never come,the "leaders" of Europe have been corrupted to the last.
Merkel in Germany all but wears a burqua in public.Hollande is a coward.Cameron wants a Muslim in Downing Street!!
And our own Grand Caliph Obama cheers in glee every time he hears of the success of Boko Haram's advance...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

One Surrendered And Two Left

The youngest of the murderous Islamic trio responsible for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo Magazine in Paris turned himself into authorities.His partners are still at large..

My question is WHY was he taken alive!!
And do not give me that limp wristed argument about how he must be questioned for what he knows..
It is past the time to set the example globally.NO MERCY/NO TRIALS!! Go on your rampages against the innocent and your only destination will be a body bag!!

The ones who go to fight for their blood soaked "holy cause" must be exiled for life!
Hollande,you let them all in,and no disrespect to the dead but you got what you had coming.This as well as the 12 mourning families is all on you!!

They hunt and kill us all with seeming impunity because they think us all to cowardly to reply..
I'd like to think we're not.....

What Did You Expect To Happen???!!

You let them go! In however many numbers to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq or wherever,and you state publicly of your fears that they would launch massacres once they came back.
And what did you do to stop them???


In the name of your vaunted "international law" you would not make them "stateless".You would welcome them all back to "rehabilitate" them.Give them counseling to make them see the "error" of their ways...Maybe they came in with the rest of the migrant invaders at Calais??Wouldn't that be a laugh,after all you let them come and fester there when a military controlled mass deportation should have started ages ago!!
For every attack,for every innocent death...


Tolerance And Acceptance? How Is That Working For You Hollande??

First i offer my deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of those killed at the offices of Charlie Hebdo  Magazine in France.

Love the Muslim? Be tolerant?? Be accepting of their ways??? Is this what you want in the streets of France Hollande???!!
Offend the Prophet/Offend Islam and be killed where you stand!!

For the French government i will only say this.It is PAST time to throw off your reputation of boot licking submissives to invaders! The sign at the Paris city limits needs to stop being "We Offer Our Lives And Property To "Insert Name Here"
The time for change is NOW! Not just in France,but across the Earth to turn back this invasion of the Blood Cult Of Islam!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Want To Hear Something Good??

The classic Tainted Love done by Bicetre Featuing Sof Strait...Listen here..

Find her on Facebook and tell her what you think.

The F-35 Superdeathtrap

Yes i know,not exactly a real word.But the F-35,that bloated expense,over promoted,misrepresented money pit has reached a new era of surreal.
Read here...
And here...

A brand new software glitch that is keeping it from firing it's weapons will not be resolved till 2019!!!!
Lockheed Martin,you have been responsible for some of the best aircraft civilian and military for many years.WHAT the hell happened???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What bunch of slack jawed,one eyed,eight fingered apes have you had working on this thing??China and Russia as well as the rest of the world must be laughing themselves sick over this.With the exception of the poor fools you conned into buying some of them..
And let's not forget kids,Lockheed Martin is also building NASA's new ship.The Orion,the craft that's supposed to be taking American astronauts back to space..