Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Privet Rossii

And no i don't speak the language,just thought I'd give a proper greeting.

I just wanted to tell you all how much i appreciate my most regular international visitors.

Do svidaniya seychas...

Monday, January 6, 2014

Greetings To The NSA

I've heard it said in these times truth is the new treason.
That to say what's really on your mind is to be condemned.

Tell me something??
Is it something you enjoy? Shoving your digital fingers into as many lives as you can across Earth,all those e-mails and phone calls.All the CCTV cams,and let's not forget mobile and laptop cameras.Oh the things you must see you naughty boys and girls..Are you looking at me through mine now??????

Now i'll tell you something about Edward Snowden you haven't let on.
He's not a uber hacker who managed the ultimate hack,he's not Neo for real.
YOU did it all to sew dissent in the members of the supposed New World Order and your dear Edward was sent off on his merry adventure like a Golden Snitch for everyone to chase.
But to what end??

Are you working for the peace and stability of a unified Earth,or is it yet some other agenda?? I guess we'll all have to wait and see won't we??