Friday, October 2, 2015

Indeed,How Much Does It Sting??

The wheels and gears of the Washington propaganda machine are glowing red from the strain of having their thunder stolen by a new alliance of nations joined to destroy the Islamic State and it's allies.

Iran,Russia and Syria.
You'll note that they're aren't any of the traditional "good guys" in that list right?? The days when the West was thought of as the cavalry,riding up to save the world from the bad guy of the moment.
Those days are very much over!!

Washington tries to convince you that America is still the paragon of power,prosperity,and freedom....BOLLOCKS!!
Too much of Earth sees US as the invading,manipulative parasite seeking to rule directly or by proxy all corners of the world.But our economy is in total ruin..$19 TRILLION in debt and continuing to accelerate unabated.
Thousands of us are fleeing to the four winds to find futures elsewhere while those who chose to stay are arming themselves against our government.

America,our allies either crumble around us from their own misdeeds or are turning from us having seen us finally for who we have become..

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