More media stories blaze about the new Pope and his desires to reform the Catholic Church.Good luck in that you pitiable fool!
The Holy Roman Church has all the problems of any corporation.Financial corruption,abuse of power at every level.And even those who might object will stay quiet to protect themselves and lie to protect the "corporate reputation" of those in power.You live like demigods in your palaces of gold and antiques,the best foods and wines to dine on and your ornate robes to wear.
A fine example to set for the starving and homeless......
Humanity do you truly need to believe in something outside yourselves so badly that you would willingly turn your eyes away when time after time ad nauseum the agents of "righteousness and decency",the priests of the Church are exposed again and again for sexually molesting children!You do not band together by how ever many of you there are and DEMAND in one voice that these protected sex criminals be publicly excommunicated and turned over for civil prosecution! No.It's don't blame all for the actions of a few...Such a cheap cop-out.
And there goes another generation of innocent children sent for defilement!!
How much more are you willing to turn a blind eye to? How many billions in "victim payoffs" will you take to protect this evil?
The REAL powers on high are waiting for an answer???
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