Wednesday, February 5, 2014

His Arrogance Knows No Bounds!!

The Kenyan traitor,also known as the American President Barack Obama is living in his empire of executive orders.Spinning my country closer and closer to it's end.
Our congress and senate,their alliance to the rule of law and their pledge to protect the country from all enemies foreign and domestic is gone.

Our government has become the very enemy it once swore to fight.

He shouts from the rooftops of the stability of American power and the American economy,spending trillions he doesn't have to prop up the failing Neocon hegemony across the Earth.His signature toxin for the economy also known as The Affordable Care Act is being touted as a continuing decimation of our job market by the Congressional Budget Office.
Americans can all look forward to jobs gone,hours per week gone and even more unemployed!

And he and his conspirators in government and business simply do not care,for them it's all about the money.Nothing more.
And if Americans won't work for slaves wages,there's always the illegals.35 million strong and growing because of Obama's open border policy...

I say this in closing what i say to all those who will listen..
Look out around the Earth,find a political system and culture that suits your fancy and leave by any means necessary..Save yourselves and your family and friends,for your leadership has abandoned you.......

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