Friday, August 2, 2013

To My Readers Again

You know sometimes i think people are afraid to read about the things i write about here.
Are you afraid about the big bad bully boys who might how up in your life if you might dare agree with me?? Well,their time is very short.And they know it...Don't you fellows and girls??

And if you disagree with me that's fine too.My purpose for being here is NOT to influence future events!!But just to express my views and opinions on things.Like me/agree with me,fine!
Don't like me/disagree with me,also fine!You know where the "next" button is on the browser..

Let it be known here.I do NOT support the govt and media controlled "Popular Agenda"!
I am NOT Politically Correct and never will be!
And if i had to define my politics,they would be called Nationalist never Globalist!
And as for my"spiritual" beliefs.Well, the higher powers are more than welcome to chat anytime they like!!
And now i would like to speak to the latest in the long and pathetic line of "visionaries" seeking to guide the future of Earth.
Don't you get it yet??!!
Another horde of would-be empire builders who believe.."We have it now,we know where the mistakes were made"

The mistake you KEEP making is this!!Your world view is and will forever be flawed!! Peace and security at the point of a weapon will never work for long.There is NO example in history that doesn't result in needless death and destruction and the end of your latest "paradise"!!
There are nothing but graves and dust to mark those past "visions"!
Abandon this now.You were always stopped before,you will be stopped again!!

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