Friday, August 2, 2013

An Observers View

There have been so many wars on this world in it's history.
For resources,territory,politics,and religion.But it is still a young world,so such things are to be expected.

Religion has always played a large part in their development socially and culturally.The pantheons of Olympus and Asgard.Buddha and Allah,and the One God of Christianity.
And oh how many bloodbaths have been staged in the pursuit of putting one "God/Gods" or faiths above all others!?
In the early part of their 21st Century religion was once again becoming an issue.Corruption at all levels of the Christian faith were causing followers to flee by the millions.Numerous old faiths including the Pagan were seeing a resurgance they had not seen in centuries!

But the corrupt leaders of a faith called Muslim,and regardless of it's original intent,had risen it the shadows to to fill the human need to believe.Governments were infiltrated along with the media.Whole cultures,some that had existed for centuries were in the process of being made extinct.Then it happened.
Officially it was called World War III.Some called it "The Transition" or "The Purge".Eight months it lasted until 15 June 2014.It was never committed to future history texts as to why the guns went silent,only that a new peace was reached on Earth.

And here we are today,23 September 2043.There is no war,but also the human race has laid aside their need for Gods/Religion.The many temples to the once many faiths are museums now.They came close to self extinction,so close in scared them into wanting to live.

Writers note:I am NOT trying to advocate any belief system over another.And as for my own beliefs,i accept as a fact the existence of powers/entities more evolved than myself.And if ANY of them should choose to sit down across from me and explain any facts of the universe,i've got a second chair waiting...

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