Saturday, August 10, 2013

Guess i Struck A Nerve?

And it seems to have been when i brought up the word Nationalism!!
 I guess in these times it's very un-PC to stand up for your national and cultural identity and more preferred to be told to "integrate" and "adapt".To become part of the new greater whole,well screw that!!

That we can learn things from other cultures...Yes!
That we might better ourselves from what we learn??...Yes!
But to let all that we are and have made in the world be swept away in the name of "multiculturalism"i say
Governments turned traitors sending billions/trillions to other countries in aid while leaving their own by the millions homeless,jobless,and starving!Giving jobs to outsiders over their own for bribes,throwing open the borders to migrants legal and not.Letting city after city be taken over to the point where they cease to become recognisiable anymore.The same happened to my own hometown,one of the reasons i left it...

So don't you dare to be ashamed to still call yourself American,Canadian,English,Welsh.Irish,or whatever all!!These countries and others are still things to stand up for and defend!
When some multiculturalist boot licker tries to change your mind you just look them in the face and yell..I'M AN insert country here AND YOU'RE NOT TAKING IT AWAY FROM ME!!

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