Friday, August 30, 2013

So What Now Obama??

The British Parliament told you NO!
Most all your European allies,without a Security Council Mandate said NO!!
Both parties in Congress want more proof and an exit strategy from you,and I'm sure you have nothing for them!!
Elements of main stream media are pulling their support from you...

So,what now??
Start a war on Presidential order alone??
Bypass Congress and constitutional law,AGAIN!!
There is no version of this where America wins.
There is no version of this where YOU and your agenda win.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is This Really Happening ???

It doesn't much matter what your political or personal beliefs are.The preparations are in place for what looks to be a war that might engulf Earth..

Is this the Oncoming Storm,the Final Night.Where the evil and the power crazed rise to take this world and her people to the brink of extinction to create an idealised "perfect" political or religious society??
Hopefully this will be just the Crucible.

The evolutionary fire which some civilisations must go through to advance to their next level.Where the would-be "empire builders","cultural visionaries",or self styled "religious saviors" are sent to their deserved place in damnation!!
I've always held the view that this is not a fixed point.The change that will come will not be without massive loss of life,but to have the mad ones risk a nuclear,chemical or biological carnage cannot be risked!!

You might ask how,but i still believe in the future of humanity?I have seen the examples in the world to convince me.And there are those few people that i call my friends.The Pasta Priest,The Irish Wraith,The Professor,The Escapist,and The Gamester Of Virginia to name a few.
You've convinced me that the human race doesn't have to burn in blood and fire,that it can live on...

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Are The Traitors Making Their Move??

With the latest gas attack in Syria the West cries for "intervention" once more!!!

Barack Obama and his i guess soon to be Secretary Of War Chuck Hagel seem to be positioning the pieces for an outright attack on the government of President Bashir Al-Assad.
The U.N. and NATO are crying for the need to intervene as well.But say that without American firepower they have no chance.

Translation,they want America to do the fighting and dying for them,because even though they want the "agenda" to go forward.The NATO/E.U. financial situation makes mobilisation for war impossible!!

Well here is where i start to try to influence events..
To the politicians in America and NATO/E.U.
STOP this insanity now!! This course will lead to nothing less than the destruction of our nations and all we have accomplished for the rest of time.THIS MUST NOT HAPPEN!!!!!!!
This "shaping' of future history is nothing but an act of madness!!

The true future of Humanity is for the defeat of evil,not it's encouragement.We must NOT allow a retreat to the carnage and bloodshed of centuries gone by!!
All of you hear me on this,stop now before there is nothing left to save!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

The President No One Hears 2

Is your voice getting sore Mr.President?? Thought so...

All that dialogue with Russia about Edward Snowden and their response is..We don't hear you anymore America.Your voice carries less and less power in the world today.

And now Egypt.
It's new government and it's military seeking with a vengeance to remove the Muslim Brotherhood from any future power.Crushing them into extinction without mercy.Understand,i in no way condone the death that has so far resulted.But to put down those who would promote such violence will not come without price.
You threaten their financial and military aid.They've probably already talked to China or Russia.You "implore" them to restore a civilian government and democracy..They do not hear you there either!!

The nations of Earth are sick and unbelievably tired of our American meddling and "shaping history" to suit our needs and not theirs!!And one by one they are saying NO!!!!!
Get used to it Barack..

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

To Humanity...I Have A Challenge For You!!

Untold numbers dying in Egypt,untold thousands more in Syria!!
New bombings,death and carnage,the "Superpowers" with their nuclear missiles!!
This thing called Islam,this blood soaked faith sweeping the world.Unchanged for the last 14 centuries!!

HOW!! When i see the stirrings of such potential in you,that the enemies of the future are in your streets.In your governments corrupting you from within.
I may not be quoting this right but isn't it said that for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing!!

Well humanity..Here's my challenge...

Rise up and fight for your future now!!
In politics,vote the corrupt out of power.And if your political parties are beyond redemption,replace them with new ones that truly represent the will and benefit of the people..
Lay down allegiance to false faiths that preach righteousness publicly but  promote violence,perversion and destruction.

It was said in a good story that the Human Race on Earth grew beyond it's need to be violent and destructive.It advanced to thrive,and to expand to touch every star in the sky....

How about it Earth,the Human Race.
Are you up to it?? Prove me right!!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Political Correctness----Target Locked----FIRE!!

Well here we go again kids!!

The events in the above article,if they had happened to anyone else,would have been laughed off in 20 minutes and forgotten about.
It sems in a Missouri Fair a rodeo clown was dressed in  Barack Obama mask.And the announcer asked if anyone wanted to see Obama run down by a bull..Comments on the event ranged from Insensitive,Racist,Sickening....Seriously...:sighs dramatically"..

If that clown had been wearing a Joe Biden mask or Bill Clinton or either of the Presidents Bush.People would have been laughing themselves sick!! But not this time eh??
All politicians are fair game regardless of ethnic back round or colour.It's a mark a of a still healthy society where you can make fun of your leaders when they are being idiots,and to rake them over the coals when they are betraying those they are supposed to lead!!

And i was wrong about one thing..I AM here to change thing if i can!!
To get people thinking again!!
To get them talking again!!
And if Twitter,where i used to be viewed lots,can't stand opinions that offend your masters.Your loss,this blog is open to any and all..

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Guess i Struck A Nerve?

And it seems to have been when i brought up the word Nationalism!!
 I guess in these times it's very un-PC to stand up for your national and cultural identity and more preferred to be told to "integrate" and "adapt".To become part of the new greater whole,well screw that!!

That we can learn things from other cultures...Yes!
That we might better ourselves from what we learn??...Yes!
But to let all that we are and have made in the world be swept away in the name of "multiculturalism"i say
Governments turned traitors sending billions/trillions to other countries in aid while leaving their own by the millions homeless,jobless,and starving!Giving jobs to outsiders over their own for bribes,throwing open the borders to migrants legal and not.Letting city after city be taken over to the point where they cease to become recognisiable anymore.The same happened to my own hometown,one of the reasons i left it...

So don't you dare to be ashamed to still call yourself American,Canadian,English,Welsh.Irish,or whatever all!!These countries and others are still things to stand up for and defend!
When some multiculturalist boot licker tries to change your mind you just look them in the face and yell..I'M AN insert country here AND YOU'RE NOT TAKING IT AWAY FROM ME!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This Is NOT The "Homeland"

Get it right you jackboot loving slags at the Department Of Homeland Security!!!!!

Our country is called The United States Of America!! REMEMBER THAT!!

Every time i hear America called that the only images that come to mind are of the would-be invaders marching off in their hopes of claiming the Earth and making it over in their world view!Imposing their politics,religion,and morality on those who don't want it!!The only thing missing from the modern version are the salutes,and the cheers of Hail Victory!!

Our leadership is beyond corrupt,it's citizens abandoned.Where are the ones to rise up and take America back from the evil that will destroy it??
Your time is NOW!!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Oh Come Off It!!

Terror alerts and travel warnings....Closed embassies and dark terror plots!!

Oh the melodrama of it makes you want to vomit!!
So,two jail breaks releasing over 1500 Al-Qaeda troops and "intelligence" and dark doings sometime between now and the end of August.You know to make anyone believe this something is GOING to have to be destroyed and innocents are going to have to die!Now i know you and yours have no problem killing anyone you have to to realise your agendas.

Do really see yourselves collectively  as Dr.Pavlov.Getting ready to blow your whistle to see if you can get your "dogs" ie..the citizens to jump when you yell Al-Qaeda??You don't dare do anything spectacular,so what will it be??
Another consulate or diplomatic mission?
Don't think Egypt,to hard to arrange now.
No...I'm thinking Europe or the British Isles.Governments in disarray border security more of a joke than here.The end to your sick bloodlust will come soon....

Friday, August 2, 2013

To My Readers Again

You know sometimes i think people are afraid to read about the things i write about here.
Are you afraid about the big bad bully boys who might how up in your life if you might dare agree with me?? Well,their time is very short.And they know it...Don't you fellows and girls??

And if you disagree with me that's fine too.My purpose for being here is NOT to influence future events!!But just to express my views and opinions on things.Like me/agree with me,fine!
Don't like me/disagree with me,also fine!You know where the "next" button is on the browser..

Let it be known here.I do NOT support the govt and media controlled "Popular Agenda"!
I am NOT Politically Correct and never will be!
And if i had to define my politics,they would be called Nationalist never Globalist!
And as for my"spiritual" beliefs.Well, the higher powers are more than welcome to chat anytime they like!!
And now i would like to speak to the latest in the long and pathetic line of "visionaries" seeking to guide the future of Earth.
Don't you get it yet??!!
Another horde of would-be empire builders who believe.."We have it now,we know where the mistakes were made"

The mistake you KEEP making is this!!Your world view is and will forever be flawed!! Peace and security at the point of a weapon will never work for long.There is NO example in history that doesn't result in needless death and destruction and the end of your latest "paradise"!!
There are nothing but graves and dust to mark those past "visions"!
Abandon this now.You were always stopped before,you will be stopped again!!

An Observers View

There have been so many wars on this world in it's history.
For resources,territory,politics,and religion.But it is still a young world,so such things are to be expected.

Religion has always played a large part in their development socially and culturally.The pantheons of Olympus and Asgard.Buddha and Allah,and the One God of Christianity.
And oh how many bloodbaths have been staged in the pursuit of putting one "God/Gods" or faiths above all others!?
In the early part of their 21st Century religion was once again becoming an issue.Corruption at all levels of the Christian faith were causing followers to flee by the millions.Numerous old faiths including the Pagan were seeing a resurgance they had not seen in centuries!

But the corrupt leaders of a faith called Muslim,and regardless of it's original intent,had risen it the shadows to to fill the human need to believe.Governments were infiltrated along with the media.Whole cultures,some that had existed for centuries were in the process of being made extinct.Then it happened.
Officially it was called World War III.Some called it "The Transition" or "The Purge".Eight months it lasted until 15 June 2014.It was never committed to future history texts as to why the guns went silent,only that a new peace was reached on Earth.

And here we are today,23 September 2043.There is no war,but also the human race has laid aside their need for Gods/Religion.The many temples to the once many faiths are museums now.They came close to self extinction,so close in scared them into wanting to live.

Writers note:I am NOT trying to advocate any belief system over another.And as for my own beliefs,i accept as a fact the existence of powers/entities more evolved than myself.And if ANY of them should choose to sit down across from me and explain any facts of the universe,i've got a second chair waiting...