Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Our Allies In The Arab World

Have you all gone so far round the bend in your alliances to the west that you will risk turning your part of the world into a blood soaked nightmare??
Our Idiot In Chief Obama seriously jumped a very big shark in his "decision" to arm the "rebels/Al-Qaeda" in Syria.One,our relationship with Russia.Chilly as it was has gotten far worse with his decision.
The claims that Assad has used chemical weapons harkens back to the WMD that were supposed to exist in Iraq.Also Russian President Putin has declared that there will be no no-fly zones over Syria,and i no doubt that he will back that up with more than words!

He talks of democratic Arab States.What he means is democratic western allied states.He and his minions want control of the resources and territories to block the advance of America's political and economic enemies.Do they care what becomes of your cultures,peoples,or ways of life??
You know as well as i that answer is NO!

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