Friday, June 7, 2013

See What You Make Of This

The governments of the United States and the European Union,spending more than they ever make and still keep going.Throwing open their borders to mass migration with seemingly no limits..
Here's a possible answer....

These nations far overreaching agendas require insane amounts of money correct??They have been selling pieces of themselves.Seaports,manufacturing,technology and labour.
In turn these countries not only get the advantage of political and monetary power.They manipulate the greed and avarice of the above parties to sweep the cultural trash from their own societies onto other shores.
The attempts to stop the growing political and financial union between the Arabs,China,and Russia will fail because the ones who would try to stop it are having their own greed and lust for power used against them.

Would you imbecilic idiots just stop and think!!You've given up so much of yourselves,and for what!!
How are the damned agendas working out for you eh??!!How close are our cultures to being footnotes in history,how close is all we might still be to being swept away??!! 

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