Friday, December 25, 2015

A Need To Rant

They say meeting people online can be a dangerous thing.And the horror stories are all out there..

But i've met some fine individuals through the internet and probably like so many i met the one i wished i hadn't..
Anyone out there remember Yahoo 360?? They're early and failed attempt at social media,but it is where i met my friends first off...Including her...

When you do this you look for people with common interests yes??
Well so it was with Dani Bond78.
It took 2 and a half years after a supposed personal event in her life for her to tell me what i thought was her real name  Sian Black...Don't look it up,seems it's a very common screen name in Great Britain.
What really pisses me off is not her just going away and not ever saying why it's by a pure accident that i found not only her REAL name but that she'd been lying every day of the ten years we had been in contact!!

When i was able to travel and hoped possibly one day to meet face to face,you had so many opportunities to simply say NO!! It would have hurt,but i would have honoured your wishes!!
And you never had to lie to me about who you were...

I have forgiven you to give myself peace.And out of respect i will not use your real name here JJC.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Message That Needs To Spread

The lady is Emily Longworth and that her message to IS,that Obama no longer speaks for the American people is going viral,and it should.
There should be ones like her in every nation on Earth..

Watch here.....

The French Are Getting It--Too Little Too Late

Read here....

Mosques raided in France by police haven't been finding Korans and prayer rugs they've been finding stores of weapons,ammunition and terrorist propaganda.

Houses of worship?? Weapons depots for future massacres more the like..

Monday, December 7, 2015

For The Moorish Re-Invasion Of Europe

Did you think no one would ever see??
That no one would ever notice??

The firebombing of "refugee" centres.The attacks in the streets,it's just the beginning.
They know you're there,even if most don't know to call you by your proper name yet,but they will.

Innocent blood on all sides will be spilled by the tens of millions in this war.Your last..
I've seen the future and your not there..

Your "religion" is gone..
Your names and your god have been removed from future time.
This world and her peoples have a tomorrow on the wings of the Raven Queen

Blessed Be..

Iran Joins Cyberwar On Islamic State

Read here......

Well good job for the Iranian cyber security for their efforts.
At least Anonymous is not alone in their fight.But where oh where are the "heroes" of the West??

CIA,FBI,DHS,NSA,GCHQ....Where are you??
Twitter,Facebook and the rest...Where are you??

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Time For More Treason Against The Empire

And the same sick song goes on in MSM about the poor fate of the downtrodden illegals.

About how we have to do more and pay more to give these aspiring Americans a fair chance.

Over 500,000 American civilians and over 30,000 American veterans left abandoned by their government the so champions the cause of the weak.
Well where the bloody hell are their rallies??!!
Where the bloody hell are their caucuses??!!
Where the bloody hell is the help for our own "Dreamers"??

Writers such as those at the Huffington Post who peddle the empires agendas as though they were holy gospel.
Do you even see them when you walk by them??  You own fellow citizens??
Huddled in alleyways wondering where their next garbage can meal is coming from??
Is it even possible for you to care anymore??

Considering this time of year how about some help for our own?? Instead of telling them they no longer have a place at the table any more.
Stop telling them that there's no room at the inn!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

For Washington And Ankara

A classic movie theme for a new era enjoy.... From Russia With Love :)

I Stand With Russia Against Daesh... Do You??

DHS,State Department you should start seeing lots of this...Get used to it Blackhats!! Supporters please repost in support of the only major power fighting Daesh..

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

And The Imbecile Of 2015 Goes To...Sorry Obama

For authorizing the shoot down of a Russian Su-24 jet supposedly in Turkish airspace goes to Turkey's President Erdogan!!

Tell me Erd,did you do this very stupid thing on your own or was it on Washington's order??

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Need Something Nice To Listen To???

This cover of the Nirvana classic Lithium was done by up and coming British singer Sof Strait...

Monday, November 9, 2015

Friday, November 6, 2015

Remember Me Islam,For I Come Again

Islam,you revere the ways of the past so.
Regarding you,so do i..I see a vision of the near future in city,village,and town centres.Across fields and countrysides and roads.
Do you know what i see??
I see stakes being erected,each one with a Muslim body flailing helplessly to free itself.Just a few at first,then dozens then hundreds.
Some are left to die slowly as food for the ravens.With others,the earth beneath the stakes are soaked in gasoline and set ablaze!
The sight and sounds of your deaths are an image to make Lucifer smile...
Wait for me Islam,you will know my work when you see it again.
Do you remember my name??
You will soon so let me remind you.
I am Dracula Son Of The Devil!!

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Very UnMerry Christmas

To the soulless creatures of Washington,i want to remind you of something you will never care about..

Homeless and starving Americans this winter..

For all the illegals our tax money will feed,clothe and house this winter.And i am sure you'll be feeling very good about yourselves,remember all the abandoned Americans who will be shivering in empty buildings,alleyways and basements without jobs or food this Yule Morn..

Can it even phase you any more that when you're sitting round the tree opening presents and then that fine dinner later how many of our people will have nothing??
Scraps and handouts if they're lucky,frozen and starved if not.Does the image of a mother and child huddled together in an alley frozen dead even make you blink anymore?? I think not!!

All that matters to your kind is power and alliances,control and dominance.No matter how much it costs or who has to suffer for it..
The Greatest Country On Earth??
Leader Of Freedom,Democracy And Opportunity???

Tell that to the face of every dead,starved child that's pulled out of the snow this winter!!

Traitors Stand Forth And Declare Yourselves!!

I don't understand how or why the governments of the western world are intent on cultural suicide!!

To wrap your head around this almost entails embracing concepts that shouldn't exist outside of fiction.
An impossible global alliance between the Catholic Church and Islam along with their national rulers to change the face of culture/race/and government dominance the world over!!???
The actions of the E.U. and the United States in allowing these "migrant" invasions of their countries holds to no logic i am aware of...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I Weep For America Lost

Never even in my life did i ever expect to see this here....

An Islamic Imam saying prayers in front of the House Of Representatives..

Washington has fallen....

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Glamour Is Fading

All the propaganda,all the bribes threats murder and lies.

The American government and it's traitorous allies have overreached themselves to remake the world to their liking.Destroying governments,collapsing economies and displacing millions in the name of power and control.....Fading

Your precious centre of power.Iraq,Libya,Syria.
The very unholy triad to make an armada that would eventually move into Europe to join their"refugee/migrant" brethren already in place...Not to be

A new alliance has been formed.Nations who have unified in common cause to stop your infection of madness.
That they have their own agendas,that is certain.But i would rather face that then a world thrown into global jihad.So lets hear it for the hoped for heroes against global terror..


Once there would have been another name there,but it seems no more..

"Gun Free Zones"?? Free Range Killing Fields You Mean!!

With all the recent school massacres here in America in "Gun Free Zones".

I was wondering what those signs might really say with some help from Photoshop..

Am i being politically incorrect enough??? I hope!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Why The Hesitation??

You can't still be believing our main stream media can you?? About us i mean??
That we openly support multiculturalism and/or islamisation to the ultimate destruction of our cultures??
WE DO DAMNED NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You want to know who Americans really are,ask us??!!
For me on just this topic.Am i afraid the Russia wants to destroy America and take over the world???

NO! It's is 2015 not 1962!!
Before i die i want to walk the streets of Moscow or St.Petersburg on a winters night and be awestruck by the sight of it.To be in Crimea and stand on the shore of the Black Sea.
I do not want war with you,those with free minds here don't want war with you.

I want peace and a future for all on the Earth..

Indeed,How Much Does It Sting??

The wheels and gears of the Washington propaganda machine are glowing red from the strain of having their thunder stolen by a new alliance of nations joined to destroy the Islamic State and it's allies.

Iran,Russia and Syria.
You'll note that they're aren't any of the traditional "good guys" in that list right?? The days when the West was thought of as the cavalry,riding up to save the world from the bad guy of the moment.
Those days are very much over!!

Washington tries to convince you that America is still the paragon of power,prosperity,and freedom....BOLLOCKS!!
Too much of Earth sees US as the invading,manipulative parasite seeking to rule directly or by proxy all corners of the world.But our economy is in total ruin..$19 TRILLION in debt and continuing to accelerate unabated.
Thousands of us are fleeing to the four winds to find futures elsewhere while those who chose to stay are arming themselves against our government.

America,our allies either crumble around us from their own misdeeds or are turning from us having seen us finally for who we have become..

Monday, September 28, 2015

Messages To The Vatican 3

And what they do to innocent children has Lucifer laughing himself into apoplexic glee!!
Servants of the Light and Life???Maggots in a garbage pile enjoy a higher standing.
You'd all best find a personal and spiritual relationship with higher powers on your own.
In his own words Pope Francis last year declared the pursuing a personal relationship with Christ outside the Church was dangerous and absurd..
Me thinks The Vatican has fallen...Opinions??????

Messages To The Vatican 2

Don't think by the tone of the post below that i've found my christian soul..Far from it!!
The enthusiastic hypocrisy and corruption oozing from those self sanctified amoral criminals in Rome make me ill!!!
They have taken oaths in the service of their One God to protect and defend morality,justice,innocence and compassion for all regardless of individual faith...Correct??
Instead the embrace avarice and greed.They influence politics to spread "God's Word".

Messages To the Vatican 1

Frankie you amaze me.You speak with so many different voices i wonder who you are??
The one who said that having a personal relationship with Jesus outside the church was dangerous and absurd.
The one who continually protects his child rapists of the cloth instead of excommunicating them en masse.
How many more innocent children's souls will be desecrated while you "console" more victims..
The Papacy and the Catholic Church by it's continued actions have renounced it's allegiance to the light and it's covenant with God!!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

They Just Don't Learn Do They?

When the Japanese attacked America they were under this misinterpretation the they and their armies were inferior.That turned out to be quite the mistake,didn't it??

The Russians came to Afghanistan in the 1980s and found out why that part of the world is called The Graveyard Of Empires.
Then America and her allies came there for the second Gulf War and we learned the same lesson.

But now YOU commit the same mistake with your Trojan Horse invasion of Europe.Oh yes,you've gotten to the leaders of the major E.U. powers but many are turning on you.
And let's not forget the citizens shall we?? Now YOU are the invader,attacking them.Raping their women and children.
Remember,these are the descendants of two world wars!! The great grand descendants of the Crusaders and the ones who turned back Caesar..

This is the mistake you don't get to learn from.
I've seen the future and you're not there.....

Sons Of Islam,Such Troubles You've Been Having?

All that trouble in Mecca..

The crane falling into that mosque,then the hajj stampede.So many dead and injured..
And now this fire in the London mosque.Offended someone have you??
Debts for sins being called due????

Did you really think you'd win this time?
You were stopped before..
This time it ends...

Her wrath be upon you..
Have you seen the ravens??

Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Wonder Who You Were??

So many could not be saved from what happened there.
I am so sorry to see someone still walking those now desolate places looking for what once was..

Was it the probe from Earth that attracted your attention??
Know that you were seen and will be remembered.
Just as Mars is remembered and will be re inhabited and restored to life.

I hope one day you will pass on to join the others and be at peace..

Syria:The Russians Are Coming...Thankfully!

Oh how they must be shaking in their booties from Tel Aviv,London and Washington!!

It looks like Russia is coming to the aid of Syria and to start making large numbers of Islamic State soldiers die.

Obama,Kerry and company.Will you actually shed a tear for all of your pretty mercenaries coming deaths??
Because those Russian jets will be hitting IS troops.Along with Al-Nursa,FSA,Al-Qaeda et-al..And when Russian and Syrian infantry start bringing back IS bodies and look under those black hoods to see their faces..

In what data bases are those faces going to turn up...U.S.Military?? SAS?? Mossad?? Blackwater..oops sorry Academi??
Should prove an interesting show and tell...

Syria,Russia Let's introduce the next contestants on Terrorism Got Talent!!

NASA Just Admit It Please??

Mars,once a living and vibrant world.Home to a rich diversity of life and a civilization modestly on it's way in interplanetary exploration.
It had one very glaring flaw though.The mega volcano Mount Olympus!!

The shock wave all but crippled the biosphere.The pyroclastic cloud laid waste to everything for two thousand miles in every direction,
An eruption which lasted twenty six days left Mars buried in ash and debris in places seven miles deep..But it's biosphere is not dead,the storms are clearing the debris in places exposing some of what was left preserved such as what was found of Pompeii here on Earth..

That's what the Curiosity rover has been finding!!The suspended in time and volcanic ash of the past of Mars...Our past by the way NASA,you can't face telling them that either can you??

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

From Poland The Fires Are Growing

A Message To All Native Americans

You're all probably having a righteous laugh at all the rest of us over  how the descendants of the ones who came here massacred your people and stole your lands are now being pushed aside ourselves by a new wave of invaders.
As well and good you should laugh.That Karma can be such a creative bitch when she comes to collect what's due..

But do not think for one second that if we fall the new owners will right the wrongs of history and return what we took from you!!
You are just as much in their way as we are...

We put aside all our differences and fight as one people or we all will fade from future time...
Are you ready to be made extinct???
I'm not!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Questions For Europe

Pandora's Box has once again been opened.And this time all the citizens of Europe shall pay the steep price for their governments folly!!

Fourteen years of your major governments creating this and now they want you all to open your cities,towns,and villages to potentially MILLIONS of "refugees" for the creation of Eurabia!! Picture it?? Form Budapest to Lesbos from Athens to Cardiff...Be-headings in the streets..Your women in black horse blankets...A man comes to your door with $20 and a chicken to buy your 10yr old daughter for marriage or just sex...

Is that what you really want????????????????

To all the police and military of Europe.Most of your leaders are lost. Your families and children are under threat,as are all your friends.These invaders and their confederates to wipe away everything you all are from future time...

Are you going to allow this???? Crusade for good and all this time,there can be no alternative!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

To The Citizens Of Europe

It takes no genius to realise what is soon to happen.Tens of thousands of "refugees" storming across your lands,there has already been violence yes??

What happens when your winters come??
All those out in the open,at the borders.The migrant camps,train and bus stations with little to no food.Every lorry and other means of transport will be hijacked by them!!
Look for lorry drivers,train engineers,and ordinary people left bleeding or dead by the motorways.

Nightmare is coming for you,be warned.

Through The Looking Glass

Loyalties abandoned.Citizens discarded.

When did this happen????

They spend 15yrs blasting these countries to the fifth circle of hell and then turn about and offer home and haven to the very people whose lives they destroyed.
But they forget that their countries are mismanaged to the point of collapse.Citizens denied health care and housing,left to live in abandoned buildings and graveyards.

Vile and disgusting treason yes!!But they do it with their eyes wide open and apparently sane but they can not be,can they??

The Year Of The Red Snows

By the prickling of my thumbs,something wicked this way comes.
Fortress Europe?? What about Fortress Arabia??
I look there and see mile high walls 20ft thick!! Israel will never allow it,they pay outsiders to leave to keep Israel "pure Jewish".

You think it bad now? Wait till the winter comes,those in transit will be a hundred leagues worse.Every lorry,motor vehicle,train and bus will be seized!
You think the migrant camps and the borders have been bad so far?

Europe Winter 2015.The year the snows ran red!!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Message To Jeb Bush

Hopeful uplifting messages?? Jeb where exactly do you have your head right now???

Trump speaks to American's fear,for both those born and naturalised here are afraid!! The legal immigrants are afraid that the way of life,the customs and culture they chose to embrace when they came here will be destroyed.
We American's are afraid to walk in public for fear of being killed like Kathryn Stienley.Our country has been bankrupt by decades of mismanagement at every level.

We simply cannot support this endless tide of economic parasites while letting our own suffer and die!
Jeb Bush,you love the latino so much?Start heading south!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

For Vester Flanagan aka Bryce Williams

A picture DOES say a thousand words.

More Butchery In America

CBS reporter Allison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were murdered this morning during a live broadcast at a Virgina water park by an as yet unknown assailant.
My deepest sympathies to the families and friends of these latest needless killings..

America claims exceptionalism as a culture??? HOW??!!!
It is cold numbers that the United States has more mass killings than any country on Earth.
We have become perverse!! Our media make superstars of these animals..
Deep inside the life of-Insert Name Here.
The online manifesto and secret motivations of-Insert Name Here.

Book deals,biopics,special magazine editions.And what makes it worse?? Too many of us ASK for it!!
We have become a society without any real life heroes and have been since seduced into glorifying our villains
Major Nidal Hassan:Terrorist and murderer.
James Holmes:Mass Murderer.
.Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev.

So much of the world disparages us for our cultural hypocrisy?
Do as we say not as we do.
You wonder why?? I don't..

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The only apocalypse you will find will be yours

Why are you in such a rush? All these plans for September??
Are you afraid of something coming for you??

You should be!!

The knowledge and the powers you stole were never yours to keep!
Their followers were never destroyed. The barriers you put up are failing.Some of the most powerful are already here,the hunt for you and yours has started.

YOUR end is here,prepare.......

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Their Is No Fate!!

You've made working Replicators.Bioprinters for flesh and bone.
Miracles in micro-electronics and mechanics for limb replacement and spinal repair.
New tech developments in energy for a clean future.

But in spite of all that you are still falling for it!!
The deceivers and their books of prophecy...Terror tactics for keeping the faithful under control!!!

And they are so afraid now,aren't they??
The scandals.The secrets exposed.The atrocities on the innocent children for sooo long!!
The abandoned churches,the empty collection plates.

Peace and unity movements outside of Government and Religious control.Planned mass killings,
cultural and racial divisions.
Keep the people turned against themselves and believing we are their future,that is how we stay in power!!...But it's not working,is it??

Got to love the Internet :) people are talking to each other.
The Russian talks to the American,the American talks to the Russia and finds out...YIKES!!
They're really NOT megalomaniacs bent on world domination!!!
They're turning to older faiths because of their disenchantment with established religion.

To the Elite and their zealot priests.
Your words and schemes fall on increasingly deaf ears!

To those who still believe their lies.
Rise up and fight!! To quote the old cinema classic.The Future Is Not Set,Their Is No Fate That We Do Not Make For Ourselves!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blackravens Decent

The instruments on what the humans call the Black Knight satellite recorded his arrival.

For 15 seconds a rift opened at an altitude of 104 miles above the Earth.
And had there been anyone there to witness it,they would describe a humanoid figure
in dark clothing drifting motionless in orbit...Then movement,as it looked down at the
planet beneath.
A field of energy then gathered around it's body as it seemed to begin to fly down to the

One would not want to speculate on the immediate future of this world called Earth.
But that future will cahnge now that he is here.Born during a war in a universe gone
so long even time has forgotten it's existence.But time knows him...

His purpose was nothing less than the extinction of all evil.Stars darkened their light at his
passage out of fear.As with all things he evolved to realise there was more to his existence
than eternal war.
His powers grew to where travel between the universes was possible.And learned much in his travels..

But still there were the places where evil ran rampant.For the need to protect innocent life.

In these times he became known again.For where his shadow fell all evil died.
For when his name was spoken,it made the darkness afraid.

And now he is here on Earth.
What ever evil has earned  his attention.

You will bear witness to the decent of  Blackraven!!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Who Agrees With This??

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it..

Those who fail to learn from history correctly,are just simply doomed!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

All The Kings Men Couldn't Put The West Together Again

Brussels and Washington are in a panic!! Eurozone solidarity shattered if Greece leaves.
Thus begins "insert name here" exit. NATO alliance collapses as nations reform in new sovereign states under original currencies.

IMF,ECB,WB collapse and currencies seized to revitalise new separate states.America's leverage against Russia/China lost!
A New World Order indeed.Just not the one they intended..

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Traitor Obama Confesses

Watch the rare moment as our Muslim President says during a televised broadcast how he is speeding up the training of ISIL forces!!!
Mistake my astrolabe!!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Return Of The Ripper

To long it's been our England has been sick from the Arabs and the traitors in London.

Fear needs to be taught.To the invaders and the elite that their actions will have consequence,
and that on no street in no town,village or city will you find sanctuary!

In the old places in the East End and Whitechapple is where the summoning was made.

In this place we set you loose so long ago.

Time to return and have fun some more.

So many to kill and so much fear to spread!

Red Jack,Red Jack,come back again.

Red Jack,Red Jack,ready you blades.

Red Jack,Red Jack,you time's again!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So Your Rover Found Another One

When the flaming cauldron you now call Olympus Mons vented it's fury for just 29 days,that's all it took to cause us to flee with all we could save to Eridan.
The final blast and the shock wave it produced left our world uninhabitable,we could never return..

But time has passed.
The orbit has stableised and the natural processes have stared again.Though the dust storms still ravage the remnants of the old cities from so long ago.That's what your rovers have been recording.
Pieces of old buildings and some actual machined metal.
The preservation of ages in deep sediment and ash,much the same as the relics recovered from Pompeii and ships from the ocean bottom.

\Why don't you just tell them the truth??
It will not shatter them as a species to know that they did not strictly originate here on Eri...sorry you call her Earth now.
'They're ready for it you know.And for what's coming,they need to know now!!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Revisionist History...Always Bollocks!!

Removing the Confederate Flag?Another attempt at revisionist history to pretend that something didn't happen and it will go away#$%$ ON THAT!!
For 150yrs we've need to move on to build a united future for America and it hasn't happened!
Race hating bigots on both sides would wither and die were that to occur.
The ones like Sharpton who still convince blacks that they still wear a collar and leash around their necks
Well look close at the hand at the end of that leash.Your willingness to believe and your hard earned money keep Sharpton and his cronies in power!
Black Elite?White Elite,same thing.Keep the rest hating and believing their lies,while we keep starving and killing each other.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Could It Actually Be??

When trying to form an opinion based on what can be at best called conspiracy theory it's hard not to sound like a nutter yourself,so please bear with me.

From "information" i've read and from my own assessments might it actually be possible??

That the Western nations,seeing the impending extinction of their power on Earth began a plan that should not exist outside the realms of print and the cinema.That the birth and spread of what is now called The Islamic State has been birthed,raised,and spread across the world by the stronger governments of the Western World itself??!!
Stories/rumors that serving soldiers of Western nations along with untold numbers of mercenaries in their employ are behind those black masks!!

 If it is so,it is a war crime that might have no equal in human history!!

Just a thought though...

Oh The Changes,The Changes

Hard to keep up isn't it??

India signing an agreement for the groundwork to join the Eurasian Economic Union.
Australia signing a free trade agreement with China.
Greece hopefully looking to jump from the E.U. and become a sovereign state again..

Oh,and let's not forget in Britain.Tory and Labour MPs  joining forces to set a date for the referendum for Great Britain..all of it to leave the European Union themselves.
Piss off to the SNP,tying your futures to a dying farce!!

They must be in a panic and rage in Washington.So many once dear allies looking elsewhere to promote their futures!
Decades of manipulation falling to ruin....How sad...NOT!!!!

Hold on tight for what's still to come this year and next.I know i am :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Are You In A Panic Brussels?? You Should Be!!

The cracks are getting so much wider..

Orban in Hungary is seeking legislation to close their southern border to migrants.

Tsiprias in Greece is on his way to Russia to deal with Putin.Best guess,a Russian bailout arrangement including exit from the E.U. the reinstatement of the drachma along with the prospect of Russian political/military/economic presence in the Mediterranean.I'm liking that....

Cameron's Tory government is divided with backbenchers forming the Conservatives For Britain,with the end result a more than welcome Brexit..RULE BRITANNIA!!

All it's going to take is one leaving,and when they don't just simply fade from existence.Listen for the dominoes start to fall!!
America's power will be broken because their former slaves will be too busy clamoring to restore their individual economies and currencies!!

What was that?? Did i hear a domino fall??????

Sunday, June 7, 2015

It Is Our Turn Once More

Your treason and deceit gave you knowledge you should never have had.

The betrayals that ended the Great Houses.That murdered the ones who maintained the barriers that kept this world safe from those who would feed on the life here.And how you succeeded for so long.

The Black Crusades all but destroyed the races that shared this world with the Humans,but it didn't work!Enough survived,along with the old knowledge to rebuild.It's been slow but they are turning once again to the pagan and wiccan practices once more.The spells and counter spells are being cast as we speak.
We are in the world again amongst the Humans.They seek once more the ways of the Goddess and Mother Gaea.

Bide your time well,it will be enjoyable to send you back screaming where you came from....

Legal Immigration Has Become A Joke

Procedures,documents,oaths of loyalty and all allegiance.Where has it all gone??!!

It's gone in the name of cheap labour!It's gone in the name of modern wholesale slavery...YES SLAVERY!!.Not the PC term "human trafficking".
On top of that refusal to assimilate,refusal to learn the language.Whole cities recreated to bring the language and culture of the countries they supposedly left behind.all this with the full consent of our governments they are turning our countries into theirs!!

In 1999 i left my hometown in South Florida principally because my town had been given over lock stock and street to Cuban and Haitian illegals.I no longer felt as though i lived in the United States any longer.How many of you reading this can say the same thing??
Our respective border securities have been cast aside,our cities turned into something we can no longer recognise.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

For The European Union

When oh when are you going to stop being the $20 whores for my government and stand up for yourselves??!!
You bend over and take it like obedient little slaves.Crippling your economies with Washington ordered sanctions against Russia all the while allowing the mass invasion Islamification and cultural destruction of the nations of all Europe!!

The sick dance of "Fear The Russian",all the while the Islamic State spreads it's poison throughout the mid-east!Hitler is laughing himself sick in hell..Mighty Europe,the nations that crushed the Reich now submissive little prostitutes for Islam.Your weakness sickens me!!!!!!!!!!

Where is the British spirit the beat back Cesare and Germany in TWO World Wars??!!
Where is the Crusader spirit that beat back the Ottoman Empire??!!

Britannia and all the rest of Europe.Pagans and New Crusaders all it is time to rise up and beat back the night,now and for all time..So Mote It Be!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Forty Nine States And Counting

Read this before it gets filed as well...

Water sources in California are disappearing faster than ever.And their are NO plans whatsoever to deal with the human/ecological/economic catastrophe that will be the result!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

My Personal Message To The Islamic State

Let my voice stand out among the appeasers and the mind tranced.

May all traces of your influence upon the Earth be removed!
You call yourselves "Agents Of The Apocalypse"?Self styled,self appointed with only the power of your sick twisted hatred of all light and life to drive you forward.
Servants of Allah?
No god of light no matter who they are would ever support your perverted ideals.You are human evil run rampant and need to be made extinct!

And those of the Dark Realms who you claim to follow?They laugh at your pathetic motivations to subvert just one world!!
Your only future is mass extinction and damnation!
No other future will be allowed!!

Oh The Reasons And Other Things..

Why is the Islamic State becoming a growing power??:
The destruction of the following governments has given them territories to,Iraq,Syria,and now Yemen.

The complete corruption of the American,British,and European governments has allowed a cultural invasion that left unchecked will leave any resemblance to the nations we were raised in gone!
An Arab future??? No Frank Herbert,i think not!!!

Monday, March 30, 2015

To The Madmen Who Call Themselves Scientists

Twenty years or so ago it became rather obvious that Earth was in the initial stages of beginning it's next climatic re-patterning.
But when you saw this coming what did you do?

Think of what was best for the survival of all life on the planet,and take whatever measures needed to insure life would continue???


You allowed the governments in their lunacy to "not to cause a global panic".But also to make sure their petty dominions would not be shattered!
You've kept the news of California only having less than a year of ground water left suppressed well enough.But what in the name of sweet sanity possessed you to use untested terraforming procedures on a living world in a futile attempt to maintain the original weather patterns!!??

This winter,you've been spraying in such quantities to cause wild temperature extremes.You have been putting so much of your metal toxins into the air people have been tasting it when they breathe.

So thick that mobile and wi-fi communications are being disrupted.Concentrations such,that it's affecting mental faculties and respiration.Stop this madness now!!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Islamic State Marches On Still Unoppsed

The Syrian city of Idlib has fallen to Islamic State.
A city of 165,000 souls soon to descend into damnation! Syria itself cannot last much longer without help.
In the province of Hama eight Shiite Muslims were beheaded by IS soldiers and the responses to the reports amaze me..

Such rage indignity and horror at the actions of the Islamic State..
And still not one nation raises it's hand in defense of Syria!
Not one nation sends it's armies en masse against them!

Instead they tell you the Russians are coming!
They tell you pay no attention to the Jihadi behind the curtain.All he wants is your wife for a slave,your children for brides,and your head as a bedpan...

Friday, March 13, 2015

Morrigan's Wrath Upon The Islamic State

ISIS,a question?Armada of Crusader countries?? You must only refer to Iraq and Syria.
No army of nations has been raised against you.
Your foreign recruits from around the world that have returned home have not been banished but welcomed back to be treated for their "confusion".

The "civilised" West refuses to call this a Holy War,i do not!You will not have the future,you will not have this world or her peoples!
May Morrigan's wrath come to wipe the pestilence of the Islamic State from all time!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Plans Within Plans

Very Cardassian our Arab adversaries are.

Forge political and financial ties to every Western government dependent on their oil supplies.Control and dampen the development of new energy technologies.Extend their reach into the decision making policies to influence world affairs to their interests.

For more than a decade it's been coming.The Western "apologists" and "appeasers" pouring out trillions in foreign and military aid while letting their own populations and countries die.

I am loving the attempt at resurrecting they musty old ;The Russians Are Coming,The Russians Are Coming!! It's the old magician's trick,look here instead of there.The Russians are the latest in an ever growing list of countries that,if they stand in our way they will be destroyed!
We tried with Egypt and failed,but they are still at risk.
Libya once boasted one of the highest standards of living in North Africa.Now it's a terrorist charnal house.
The time for rebellion needs to be now!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

To The Citadels Of Power In Europe


2000 years of religious/tribal/political wars amongst yourselves and i was assuming after Hitler and the Holocaust you had finally pulled your heads out of your arseholes and saw reason??..Was i wrong!!!

70 years is all it takes is it??!!

To forget the horror?? The sight of burning cities??The smell of burning flesh in the air so thick as to make a demon vomit??
All in the name of "Western Dominance" you are willing to let the maggot brained followers of the little corporal go forth on a new genocide across Ukraine!!
Paris,Berlin,London,Madrid and all the rest of you.Have you all been corrupted so far that you are beyond redemption??
Explain to me how you would be willing to darken the souls of your people and to curse your names and countries into future time to even to consider allowing such a thing???

Prove me wrong...PLEASE!!

Will This Horror Never End??

Read the above for i hope it to be the ravings of a madman.The monsters with their torches to make Ukraine "pure" for the white race have come once again with the apparent full consent of the leadership in Kiev and their masters in the West!!

Was NOTHING learned before??
Hitler must be pissing himself with laughter in hell!!

This time i'm going to ask...CIRCULATE THE HELL OUT OF THIS!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Remember That Line From Star Wars??

About how you tighten your grip the more slips through your fingers...

Brussels and Washington are overreaching.Too many military campaigns,too many governments corrupted from within or destroyed with staged freedom/democracy marches.
And lest we not forget the miasma of Radical Islam polluting the Earth..ISIS,Al-Shabab,Boko Haram and all the rest with their dime store novel inspired names!

Europe is disintegrating.In Great Britain rumors abound that if Labour didn't have a clear victory in the next elections it would ally with Sinn Finn,which is linked to the Irish Republican Army!
The new Greek government is making noise of looking to Russia for financial aid,Orban of Hungary is looking for closer ties to Russia.
Candyman Poroshenko's war against Donetsk and Lughansk is collapsing due to mass desertions and defections...aka all those new "Russian Troops"..

Putin will never back down over Ukraine.Escalating this into open war will leave Europe a smoking wasteland for decades!!

Hear me all of you!!!
Stop this,and stop it now!!
Look out of your windows in the major European cities..
Beautiful places yes??

The elites have their damned war!!!
Smoke,fire,ruin!!Screams of pain,the stench of death in every breath!!
Just for power and supremacy???...I don't believe that should happen....Do you?????

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

When The Night Came In Vengeance

The witnesses that retained their sanity tell stories that would have made Lovecraft and Poe shake their heads in wonder.

The stories of when the sky darkened as black as night.As though the sun itself hid it's light in fear of being seen by what came to the human world.
Mosul,Iraq was first when the storms and lightening came the likes of which none had ever seen.Lightening bolts jumped between clouds and then descending to cut into the earth like the angry claws of a beast!
Winds,tearing across the land and whipping through buildings to scour everything in it's path.The true voyage into nightmare came with the fog.

Rising from every crack and shadow as though a living thing.And maybe it was,because with it came the Hidden Things.
From then on the darkness of that supernatural storm erupted not only the hungry sounds of those that came to feed.But the pure sounds of terror of their victims,piteous cries for mercy.Shouts to Allah for protection!
But there would be salvation for none that night!

When the clouds cleared and the storm ended.It was found that along with many citizens,that every Jihadi warrior of ISIS was found dead to the last man and boy.
Not just dead,but skinned,dismembered and fed upon.And as a seeming warning that they were to come again..

To the north of the city exactly 100 ISIS bodies were mounted on makeshift stakes of wood and metal
and burned into the ground were the words...


Monday, January 19, 2015

Tolerance And Inclusion??? BE DAMNED TO THAT!!

3000 plus dead in Iraq/Syria
2000 plus dead in Nigeria and surrounding countries
17 dead in the Paris massacres..

All in the name of Islam and Sharia Law!

It is permitted to lie to the unbeliever.Isn't that what is said in the Koran??
Handing out white roses,joining solidarity marches...Lies and deceit to asses weaknesses is all it is!!
To reflect a picture i saw recently..
Do NOT mistake our leaders weakness and appeasement for ours!
You wish war??!! You will have it!! You want your blood running in the streets?? So be it!!


The Plague Of Boko Haram

Africa,do not look to the west for aid.It will never come,the "leaders" of Europe have been corrupted to the last.
Merkel in Germany all but wears a burqua in public.Hollande is a coward.Cameron wants a Muslim in Downing Street!!
And our own Grand Caliph Obama cheers in glee every time he hears of the success of Boko Haram's advance...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

One Surrendered And Two Left

The youngest of the murderous Islamic trio responsible for the massacre at Charlie Hebdo Magazine in Paris turned himself into authorities.His partners are still at large..

My question is WHY was he taken alive!!
And do not give me that limp wristed argument about how he must be questioned for what he knows..
It is past the time to set the example globally.NO MERCY/NO TRIALS!! Go on your rampages against the innocent and your only destination will be a body bag!!

The ones who go to fight for their blood soaked "holy cause" must be exiled for life!
Hollande,you let them all in,and no disrespect to the dead but you got what you had coming.This as well as the 12 mourning families is all on you!!

They hunt and kill us all with seeming impunity because they think us all to cowardly to reply..
I'd like to think we're not.....

What Did You Expect To Happen???!!

You let them go! In however many numbers to fight for ISIS in Syria and Iraq or wherever,and you state publicly of your fears that they would launch massacres once they came back.
And what did you do to stop them???


In the name of your vaunted "international law" you would not make them "stateless".You would welcome them all back to "rehabilitate" them.Give them counseling to make them see the "error" of their ways...Maybe they came in with the rest of the migrant invaders at Calais??Wouldn't that be a laugh,after all you let them come and fester there when a military controlled mass deportation should have started ages ago!!
For every attack,for every innocent death...


Tolerance And Acceptance? How Is That Working For You Hollande??

First i offer my deepest sympathies and condolences to the families of those killed at the offices of Charlie Hebdo  Magazine in France.

Love the Muslim? Be tolerant?? Be accepting of their ways??? Is this what you want in the streets of France Hollande???!!
Offend the Prophet/Offend Islam and be killed where you stand!!

For the French government i will only say this.It is PAST time to throw off your reputation of boot licking submissives to invaders! The sign at the Paris city limits needs to stop being "We Offer Our Lives And Property To "Insert Name Here"
The time for change is NOW! Not just in France,but across the Earth to turn back this invasion of the Blood Cult Of Islam!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Want To Hear Something Good??

The classic Tainted Love done by Bicetre Featuing Sof Strait...Listen here..

Find her on Facebook and tell her what you think.

The F-35 Superdeathtrap

Yes i know,not exactly a real word.But the F-35,that bloated expense,over promoted,misrepresented money pit has reached a new era of surreal.
Read here...
And here...

A brand new software glitch that is keeping it from firing it's weapons will not be resolved till 2019!!!!
Lockheed Martin,you have been responsible for some of the best aircraft civilian and military for many years.WHAT the hell happened???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What bunch of slack jawed,one eyed,eight fingered apes have you had working on this thing??China and Russia as well as the rest of the world must be laughing themselves sick over this.With the exception of the poor fools you conned into buying some of them..
And let's not forget kids,Lockheed Martin is also building NASA's new ship.The Orion,the craft that's supposed to be taking American astronauts back to space..