Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Games Afoot Isn't It??

Multi-Cultural Integration is what they call it.

Breaking an enemy from within is what it is!!
The British government allowing the formation of and the practice of Islamic Sharia law in Great Britain!!
Has Her Majesties British Government been so corrupted by foreign financial influence that they have abandoned all loyalty to the precepts that have held the empire and to their citizens together for over 1000 yrs ??!!

America is no better!!
No immigration limits on foreign nationals,no visa checks to make sure no none overstays their time.Virtually open borders.And let's not forget the "guest worker" programs.
They seem to feel the need that even with the 14+ million unemployed Americans in this country we need outsiders.
Let me get one thing sorted first.I am NOT a cultural or racial bigot!!I will respect the customs of another,but FIRST you will respect mine if you seek to live in my country!! As you would expect it if i lived in yours..You will speak and read my language and live by the laws here.
If you don't want that,then you know where the border is !!!!!

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