Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Here Comes The Fire! Juruselem Is The Capitol Of Israel!

The American Preident Donald Trumo has officially recognised Juruselem as the capitol of Israel.

The "Pallestinians" whoever they are are angry..
The Turks are angry..
In fact the whole Arab world is angry..


There has never been a "Pallestine" only Israel/Judea!!

Niow comes the backblast,now comes the firestorm!!
Trump did the right thing and now comes a Jihadi Christmas
and a bloody new year!!

Come on...Who doubts it!!??

Monday, November 27, 2017

Final Enrty ???

Depending on certain circumstances i may not be able to publish to this blog for the foreseeable future.
But i will leave it up for any who find it of use,i am truly glad for all around the world who whave come by to read my words..

Thank you :)

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Another Declaration To The Ancients

Gods and Goddesses i beg thee forgive us our trespass and betrayal of you.What we did was so wrong.

There are those here who would willingly serve you as you should be.
I know much must change in our future,i accept that..
But in spite of everything i believe with all that is left of me that there
can still be a future!

Please!!!   Do not abandon us!!!

Friday, November 24, 2017

A Bloody New Year,From Islamic State

Has it gotten to your news yet readers??

Possible terror atack at London's Oxford St Station!!
Hundreds evacuated,area on lockdown,no news yet on casualties or injured..

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

It Comes Soon,Doesn't It??

20 plus aircraft just today headed out to carriers from Oceana Naval Air Station in Virginia Beach,Virginia!

Planes headed out to sea since September and not coming back!!
People see you!!
They know what's going on!!

The Mother Goddesses wrath upon all that seek to bring this forth!!

You Think No One Sees It??

Months of moving air and naval power offshore??
Leaving all those personnel on land to be exterminated??

How long,days?? weeks??
When does it start??

Saturday, November 11, 2017

A Time When Patriotism Is Viewed As Treason

Religious and political indoctrination?

PC or political correctness=Psychological Conditioning!

And we live in a time that those who dare to speak out against it are deemed extremist or far-right or worse still traitors!

Marine LePen of France's National Front:Villified by her own government as a bigot/islamiphobe and extremist.
Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen of U.K. Britain First: Persecuted by the British legal system as right-wing extremists.After exposing a Muslim rape gang they were arrested for inciting racial hatred!!
Pamela Geller of the American Freedom Defense Initiative and the blogs The Geller Report and Atlas Shrugs:
Banned from entry into Britain for fear of seeding race hatred.
Her channel cancelled on YouTube
Blocked on Google
Condemned by both the Left and Right for speaking the truth of Islam and the corruption of Governments worldwide!!

If this is the pursued future,we are indeed doomed!!

Be Afraid Again!

American President Donald Trump's nominee for leadership of the DHS testified at her confirmation hearing that American's owe the 800,000 DACA illegals the right to stay in America!

A protector of the Homeland??
A defender of our borders and security??


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Britannia Arise I Beg Of Thee

Your Government is lost and possibly about to fall!
Corbyn and his traitorous Labour Party are jockeying to seize power! Brexit stands ready to fall..

Why do you wait??!!

All that the British Isles have ever stood for is at risk!!
Take back power even if it means returning it to a sovereign King or Queen.
For it's history,culture,and literature to be allowed to fall into the abyss of the past cannot be allowed!!


More You Can'T Make This Stuff Up!

Further from Brietbart News the U.S.Army is deciding weather or not to give deserter Bowe Bergdahl  his back pay and benefits from his time with the Taliban!
I DO NOT care if the Google snoops see this!!

My loyalty to this Government and it's military are at this stage..
Preparing to call time of death!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

A Declaration To The Ancients

To the return of the Gods of Asgard
To the return of the Holy Temple of Olympus
To the return of the Tuatha De Danan
To the return of The Morrigan
So mote it be!!

Pagans and Wiccans of the world prepare!!

Be Afraid For The Future

How many of you out there think America is going to war??

Well we here in this once great country are petrified that is exactly what will happen soon.The Pentagon has already gone public that they are compiling proposed casualty figures for a ground war in North Korea.
Are we scared?? YES!!
Do we believe anything will stop it?? No..

Please do not blame this on the citizens. We are completely out of control over this.It is not our want or desire!!

You Can't Make This Up

Just hit the news here.
The NAACP has proposed a motion to have the Star Spangled Banner removed or replaced as being racist!!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Media Most Treasonous

First it's Keith Olberman on GQ media calling for foreign governments to overthrow Washington.
Now it's the old gang of lefties at Washington Post accusing the President of sharing classified information with Russian officials.

How is it that treason and subvertion are no longer illegal!!??

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Message To Angela Merkel

You're recent visit to Washington didn't go well??

Too bad..

You didn't get the concessions regarding NATO??

So sad..

You expected him to be a good little globalist and kiss you're wrinkled bum??

Delusional old harridan and Islams staunch ally!!

NATO The Multi-billion Dollar Waste

The largest military build up since WW2 is happening in Eastern Europe/

Trouble is it's not for defending Europe against Islamic terrorism.It's for "defending" against the invasion of Russia..An "invasion" that is almost 60 years late!!

A pathetic waste of time and manpower yes??

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

You Will Not Win!!

Christiandom has surrendered,we have not!

We are risen from the fog and the night!
You will hear the howl of Odin's Wolves!
You will feel the heat of Dragons Fire!
You will hear the shriek of the Crow and Raven!

The Powers of Day and Night return in defense and defiance!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Challenge Issued

To the Democratic Seditionist Party..

You claim to have recordings proving members of the Trump administration had communications with Russian intelligence possibly influencing the Presidential election..

Here's your challenge traitors...

Make the recordings and detailed transcripts of those recordings available to the public for their review.Along with naming ALL sources and agencies involved!!
But you can't show a hand you don't have as usual///RIGHT??

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Do You Agree That

In their embarrassment and disgrace in the recent elections the Democratic Party has degenerated to pursuing acts of sedition and treason to block the restructuring of government/industry/and the economy by the incoming Trump administration??

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

What This Video Proposes Is Criminal!!

The video linked here is a PSA from a group calling itself StandUpFor US.
A gathering of obscure American media personalities who are urging our congress to
oppose the policies and legislation of incoming President Trump!

They are also asking Americans to use their voting power to achieve the same ends!
But tell me???

Last i looked,calling on govt officials and the populace to oppose the legally elected President
constitutes acts of sedition and treason yes or no??

Sunday, January 1, 2017

A Wish For 2017:Russia and America

For political,military and economic alliances between both our nations for the mutual benefit of all our peoples.

To the end of the "need" for a nuclear deterrent and the end of nearly 60 years of senseless fear mongering and mistrust.

To state for the record for my Russian readers whom ever you may be.
My name is Jeffry Forbes i am an American living in the state of Pennsylvania,and i have no reason to consider the citizens or government of the Russian Federation to be my enemies.
And under our incoming President i look forward to a lasting era of peace between us..