Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blackravens Decent

The instruments on what the humans call the Black Knight satellite recorded his arrival.

For 15 seconds a rift opened at an altitude of 104 miles above the Earth.
And had there been anyone there to witness it,they would describe a humanoid figure
in dark clothing drifting motionless in orbit...Then movement,as it looked down at the
planet beneath.
A field of energy then gathered around it's body as it seemed to begin to fly down to the

One would not want to speculate on the immediate future of this world called Earth.
But that future will cahnge now that he is here.Born during a war in a universe gone
so long even time has forgotten it's existence.But time knows him...

His purpose was nothing less than the extinction of all evil.Stars darkened their light at his
passage out of fear.As with all things he evolved to realise there was more to his existence
than eternal war.
His powers grew to where travel between the universes was possible.And learned much in his travels..

But still there were the places where evil ran rampant.For the need to protect innocent life.

In these times he became known again.For where his shadow fell all evil died.
For when his name was spoken,it made the darkness afraid.

And now he is here on Earth.
What ever evil has earned  his attention.

You will bear witness to the decent of  Blackraven!!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Who Agrees With This??

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it..

Those who fail to learn from history correctly,are just simply doomed!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

All The Kings Men Couldn't Put The West Together Again

Brussels and Washington are in a panic!! Eurozone solidarity shattered if Greece leaves.
Thus begins "insert name here" exit. NATO alliance collapses as nations reform in new sovereign states under original currencies.

IMF,ECB,WB collapse and currencies seized to revitalise new separate states.America's leverage against Russia/China lost!
A New World Order indeed.Just not the one they intended..

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The Traitor Obama Confesses


Watch the rare moment as our Muslim President says during a televised broadcast how he is speeding up the training of ISIL forces!!!
Mistake my astrolabe!!!

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Return Of The Ripper

To long it's been our England has been sick from the Arabs and the traitors in London.

Fear needs to be taught.To the invaders and the elite that their actions will have consequence,
and that on no street in no town,village or city will you find sanctuary!

In the old places in the East End and Whitechapple is where the summoning was made.

In this place we set you loose so long ago.

Time to return and have fun some more.

So many to kill and so much fear to spread!

Red Jack,Red Jack,come back again.

Red Jack,Red Jack,ready you blades.

Red Jack,Red Jack,you time's again!