Monday, April 28, 2014

The Plan Moves Forward

The decades long plan to break the will of their enemies seems to be going apace.

Corrupt from within.Make national,cultural,and religious identity politically incorrect.Subvert national leaders to promote "new ideas" for the "good of the country".Infect finance and business at all levels to promote foreign influence.
Break national and cultural identity.
Allow the unbridled flood of foreign nationals into target countries both legally and illegally.Get them into national and local governments on all levels.Bankrupt economies by paying out billions in government benefits and by denying the local populations that same money.

Promote "multiculturalism". Weaken the national identity by telling the populace they are "stronger" as "one people". The individual achievements of centuries are to be washed away in favour of the "new order".The Chinese i am sure will agree to that...NOT!
Promote racial hatred.
Reopen the old wounds,stir up old guilt's.As long as any nation or culture is divided against itself in cannot see the threats that will destroy them all.

This must be stopped!! Will the world that i still see come to pass,i would like it to be...

Friday, April 25, 2014

Where Does Reality Start Anymore?

Has it gotten to where life imitates art?? Or,does science never learn from past mistakes??

On the first part that employees from the tech firm Freescale Semiconductor and their development of a new generation of radar cloaking technology.The idea going round is that an unknown power wanting these individuals for their expertise were kidnapped.With possible pre-existing access to or separate use of radar cloaking tech to hide the plane,along with the faked engine transponder signals to mislead any search.

Now for this to be even possible takes the world into the spy realms of Robert Ludlum,or the secret global organisations of sci-fi such as HYDRA.Even i am having trouble rationalising that!!

Now for the second part.Supposedly in 1943 the American government was investigating new technologies for making warships radar invisible.And that this new tech was tested on the U.S.S.Eldridge to most unexpected and unwanted results being that of material,temporal,or dimensional displacement through the use of electromagnetic field generators.
Was that it?? Someone at the DoD dig this out looking for a name for himself at appropriations time? And went to Freescale Semiconductor to develop it?
You made a new prototype and decided to test it out an a 777 passenger jet full of people.

It didn't go so well,did it??

Or maybe reality is this.We've been taught to believe a lie as fact and that fact is fiction.
Oh,this could be good....

Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Trouble With Time And Bad Writers

Barack Obama,as i look at my computer clock it shows 10:38 pm EDT Saturday 19 April 2014...

So why is it that every time i read or listen to news it seems like it's 1962 all over again?? and since i'm only 51 that's quite an achievement!
I hear and see new spins on "Russian Aggression" this and Russian Threat" that! Am i actually going to hear CNN say "The Russians Are Coming"???? And so help me i will blow a blood vessel if i see ANYWHERE the words "Red Menace" used!! Oh..and the planned NATO build up in Poland?? Is it some form of black satire to think to start WW 3 in the same place WW 2 started??!!

Spare us the timey wimey and the mind trancing,it's just not working this time!!

And as for bad writing! Alleging pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk spreading leaflets that jews must register their identities and properties.Let's remember our history shall we??
That Russian Soviet forces helped liberate many of the death camps in Eastern Europe! Are you SO desperate for  PR spin in your favour that your trying to put forth that Russians are now culturally or politically anti semite??
If you tried to sell this plot as a political thriller in Hollywood it would be thrown out as hackneyed tripe!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

From Donetsk 15 April 2014

More evidence that the people of Ukraine want nothing to do with American/E.U. "help".
Clipped this of a Russia Today video posted yesterday I include the full video as well..

Yahoo News,Reuters,New York Times.I DARE you to post this!!!

How Much More Proof??

It's even being reported in western media of more Ukraine military forces switching sides in support of the "Pro-Russian" or maybe it should be called "Anti-West" movement spreading throughout eastern Ukraine.

Of course their have been swift denials from the government in Kiev.They have to say that naturally.After all it doesn't help your position that the troops you send in to quell an open rebellion turn around in support of it with their guns pointed at you now.
To the leadership in Kiev i ask this.How many in the military can you truly rely on? How many more will turn on you when you order them to kill their neighbours? Or do you think to hold power with just the influence of Svoboda Party and Right Sector alone?

End this now,for how many dead are you willing to see in a civil war? How many of YOU are willing to die for this lost cause?????

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If You Were Expecting To Find..................

an American who touts the appeal of "Western Democracy".Don't look here.
It didn't work during the Crusades when Rome went across the Earth shoving the Bible down the throats of those who did not want it,and it is not working now!

There might at one time have been some noble intent in their efforts to put everyone under a unified rule,but the power mad.Always infected by the dreams of the old imperial "glory days" found their way back to foul it all.And what do we have today children???

Political and economic carnage!!!Once mighty and just nations on the brink of collapse!!A third and more of their peoples unemployed and/or starving and homeless.The balances of power are shifting on this world,have no doubt of that!

Truth In Western Media,What A Concept

With all this talk of "Russian Provocateurs" destablising Ukraine.There is one thing not making it's presence known in main stream or alternative media.

Where are the demonstrators from the Ukraine population advocating western intervention?  All those in favour of extreme austerity.Pensions cut/prices doubled,tripled for food and fuel.Wages cut,jobs lost all in the name of being a member of the vaunted European Union..You don't see you???
The only reason they ever wanted you is to put another NATO state on the Russian border to "frighten" Moscow.

And the ONLY reason the E.U. wanted you,and i am sure you know this.Is to be an economic blood whore in it's continuing attempt to maintain it's own survival.

This next goes out to all those countries on the firing line in a possible world war.Poland,Moldova,Latvia,Belarus and all the rest.Now i 'm not saying go join with Russia but i AM saying do you truly believe in your most secret hearts where no one can see that NATO/ Brussels/Washington have your survival in mind??
No!!!! they will see you all laid to waste to the last man,woman and child if it means the success of their agendas..

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Enough Of This Tawdry Fiction!!

In the last 7 days before flight MH 370's black box transponder goes dark and the "latest revisions" of the last communications from the cockpit i have to ask in the name of decency PLEASE STOP!!

These continued updates,contradictions,and changes and as reported in a Russia Today article telling of "Sealed Evidence" I am asking not just for myself,but on behalf of all those on board that aircraft.


Is this some truly new mystery? A new era in air piracy?
Or is it something even more tragic? The revelation that that the command and control facilities regarding air traffic control and safety are more flawed than we ever could have imagined.That 239 lives were lost because the technology and procedures were not efficient enough to protect them?
You wouldn't want to admit that would you??

All involved need to start fessing up people.
Your constantly changing stories are convincing less and less.This is not the 1930's,where an aircraft could just be lost in uncharted areas of the world such as with Amelia Earhart!
With all the satellites both public and secret orbiting Earth the notion that such an aircraft can disappear without trace by conventional means is unsustainable.

To all the governments involved i ask..Where is Malaysia Air Flight MH-370????