Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Pirates Of Cyprus

If you live in the E.U. get ready to put your money under your bed.Here's a link for you from Yahoo..

So that's what it's come to has it??Country bankrupts itself,goes to the ECB,IMF,etc for help.They say fine,we'll help if you put up money of your own.Raiding account holders money to pay for THEIR mistakes..
Proves one thing fellows and girls,the European Union is so far gone.So close to collapse that it's come to outright theft of citizens money.
The E.U. is important?? It is needed in the world?? Me thinks NOT!! Buy those safes for hiding that cash now......

Friday, March 29, 2013

Been Keeping Track??

That little idiot in North Korea is at it again!!

This is starting to play out like a bad film.And what's scaring me is this time I'm one of the supporting cast.

Kim Jung-Un,in what reality are you living in??You are threatening something that once started,nothing might be able to stop!!You do realise if you launch.South Korea,Japan,China,and Russia will counter-attack in minutes!! This fools war will not be allowed to happen with the coming changes drawing nigh.
There's still time for you to get on the right side of history,do you want future generations remembering it was YOU that  helped make Earth a nuclear wasteland.....Back away from this now..

America and Europe need this new world war to help keep them in power,to stop the change.Don't give them the excuse.....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

To The End Of Days Club

This is to every religious and philosophical  doctrine that advocates that humanity must be destroyed for whatever reason is in vogue with your mindset.

Is the concept of fighting back against the evil that daunting??Is the idea of getting past that manipulated hatred keeping everyone separated so impossible to you!!??Have they gotten so far that it is easier to lie down and die than live on??
And YES,I'm talking to all those in the shadow cabinets of governments around the world.Keep control of the masses through fear.Follow the word of the state and the churches and do as we say or you all die in blood and fire!!The human race will redeem when they cease to hear you as so many have...

I and all those like me say this to you and yours.Flee back into whatever abyss that spawned you,take your trite prattle of the Armageddon and leave our people and our world alone.

We No Longer Hear You....

MUST This Really Happen??

Heard the news of late??

North Korea threatens war to break out at any moment!!

America sends up stealth bombers as warning to the north!!

You don't have to be a strategist or analyst to know this,ANYONE for ANY REASON firing a nuclear weapon at anyone in the climate the world is in will bring about WW3!To the new leadership in China,i don't care what is bringing about this most dangerous game but it must end now!!
It's just too close to risk this insanity!!

Ten years,maybe fifteen.After the fall and  reorginisation of Europe and the United States this world and ALL her people could begin a lasting unified peace.To the ones obsessed with bringing nuclear nightmare to Earth.BEGONE!! You have no place in the future of this planet and you never did.
Your endless lies and false prophecies are being brought into the light one after the other to die and become dust in the wind.Kim Jung Un,whoever it is that is whispering the madness in your ear,be rid of them now!Far too much is at stake for everyone!!

It Must Not Happen!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

A Personal Word

I've noticed that those who come here never comment,not that i mind.It's your right one way or the other.

If you think because of some of my topics the shadow ministers of what is "proper talk" are looking in??
Well the probably are.And i hope they're getting an eye full!! i??
I am a Trekkie,a Whovian,politically IN-correct.And when the mood strike,like the last few days.I bash on the evil banksters,my own president,hell any one's president.
For all those who indulge in greed and avarice,i love a chance to verbally slap you silly.

Coming To America....NO!!!

Not just here,but what are these insane open border policies??Not just here but in the U.K. and Europe as well.In America they make the lame argument of "attracting needed talent".WELL THERE'S TALENT RIGHT HERE!!

Swarming across like locusts,looking to be taken care of on public money.Welfare,unemployment,free medical.Obama,Cameron,and the rest of you hear this....You want control?? DO THIS!!
For Great Britain:Allow only 5000 foreigners per year,legal entry only.The rest,arrest and deportation!!
For America:10,000 per year only for legal entry.Again for the rest.Arrest and deportation!!
No more special treatment,you come here to live and work.
You follow the laws,you learn the language!!No more multi-lingual sings,you live there now..READ IT AND SPEAK IT!!

You govt slags ALWAYS forget what should be your "Prime Directive"..The citizens of your own countries come FIRST,SECOND,AND THIRD in your minds and hearts.Is it SO hard to realise the simple fact that if you can't take care of your own first.How are you going to take care of any one else????????

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Did You Ever Wonder......

Why i write the things i do?? Look to the so called "media"..
Nothing but death,destruction,armageddon,end of days!!Endless rubbish,life not worth living et al!!Well my words here in the blog sphere are to shout back as loud as possible to all those that embrace hate,war,and bigotry across Earth...         NO DAMNED MORE!!!!!

Across Europe and America the would-be Cesar's are feeling their mighty empires crumbling around them,their banks which once commanded so much power and influence are fading!!Can you feel it yet?Rothchild,Bilderberg,Rockerfella??
Nations and rulers rose and fell,lived and died at your commands!But no more.Look on the horizon,do you see it??No more need for wars,for conquest.Color,sexual orientation cease to matter.We are all part of the same planet,and we are seeing the need for life....not death.

For those of you who may think as i do and embrace a living future.Spread the word for tomorrow.To the last of the empire builders,Fade into history,your time is done........

October 2055

At Buckingham Palace the New Britain Confederacy Prime Minister Michelle Balcklock  presided over the thirty second anniversary of the establishment of the first Martian Colonies by the Netherlands in 2023.

Canadian Northern Territories President Richard Brentwood speaking from the capitol in Albany,New York
is due to give a world wide press conference on the Mars/Cydonia Archaeological  Mission launched in 2051.Also anticipation builds as images from the Ares Deep Space Telescope on Phobos reveal what might be first contact  for the planet Earth.

So much has changed on our world since late 2013.
The fall of the European Union in May of 2013,and the formation of what would become the New Britain Confederacy.
The birth of New Palestine in 2014 and the Arab-African Alliance in 2016.
The change of what was America in 2015.The American Confederation unifying it's southern states.It's northeastern states joining with Canada.The western states becoming the North Provinces Of Mexico.

Let's hope the next forty-two years are as productive and interesting as the last  forty-two have been.

Cyprus In Freefall

Heard the latest???
The government of Cyprus is proposing a 25% tax on private bank accounts over 100,000 euros!!Are you seriously begging for a civil war??!! Looking for your wealthiest account holders,with a few strokes of a keyboard to remove their money!!
And Cyprus,are you forgetting the BILLIONS in euros held in you banks by Russia!!Everyone is clamoring about the "importance" of the E.U.   "WHAT IMPORTANCE"!!!
Country after country is looking for outside assistance.The International Monetary Fund,The European Central Bank are scampering like mad fools trying to keep this failing empire from crumbling!!

To Cyprus,i can only say this..LET IT FALL!!!
Leave the E.U. and start over!
The empire is dying,save your selves now..

Saturday, March 16, 2013

At Last It Makes Sense

The old refrain of.."How can God allow such evil in the world"...

It hit me just today.
He is waiting for you!!
Waiting for you to remember the difference between right and wrong.To stand up for decency,justice,and morality!!When you see willing,deliberate acts of true festering evil committed,to stand against and stop it!!
Not to stand idly by and do nothing.Or because it has become politically or socially incorrect to take a stand..

Some of you might ask..Who are you to say these things?? Well...WHO DO I HAVE TO BE!!
to speak out against what is wrong.To speak out against the corrupt governments and politicians to say your perversions of the law must end!!
To speak out against the corporations for the things they put in our food,air and water.For they care nothing of life..I say end this living horror story now!!Do you think you are immune to what you do??
I do not speak for any faith or deity,i speak in the name of life and the future of humanity alone.And there will be none if you all do not turn away from the darkness now.

The light,call it God or what ever you will is waiting for you.The future of  all life on this world is waiting for your answer....What will it be?????????????????

For Pope Francis I

The victims of what are now your child raping priests are hoping for a change of policy resulting in justice for the crimes commited upon them by the clergy.Such as public excommunication and surrendering them to civil authorities for punishment under the law.

But what do i think they will get??
Continued payoffs to the victims to shut up and go away.
Continued hiding of their serial sex offenders so they can protect the "reputation' of the church.
You can hide behind your secrecy all you want.You can pray for your sinners all you want..

But do you think you can hide your crimes from the god you pretend to represent??
Do you think you will return to him forgiven??For all the innocent lives you have so willingly defiled??
I'm thinking no.....
Change your ways now,or you know who you will really stand to be judged by and where that will be...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Disgusted Today

Our new Secretary Of State Kerry pledging American money to Egypt!
Our Vice President on his knees before AIPAC pledging American loyalty!!

Gentlemen and Ladies,here's a really radical notion.Use all that money where it should be used.
To put American business back on it's feet and AMERICANS back to work!!And restore that loyalty to the only place it belongs..TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! You seem to forget a very important thing,bought and paid for "allies" last as long as the money does and til it no longer serves their interests..
Is this how it's going to be??
Republican vs.Democrat
Republican vs.Obama
Washington vs.America

You have in your respective lusts for power forgotten a house divided CANNOT stand!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Going Down

They actually did it!!
Right now our pathetic President is on the media looking quite haggard,as well he should.He looks like he's hearing some very loud noises...
And he is.He's hearing the structure of the American economy crashing down around him!!
You just couldn't do it could you?? Take the steps needed to preserve our livelihoods and futures.No,the global agenda must continue no matter what!!
Thousands more people out of work!!

Total and complete incompetence from the President and both parties!!How far are you all willing to go??How much more of our industry will collapse because of you??
You are all unfit to lead,you have forgotten your first loyalty is to the people of the United States Of America..
Not to special interests.
Not to AIPAC.
Not to the Agenda.
To US and US alone!!!!!