Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Latvia and Estonia.

 To the governments of these countries.

What level of insanity? Allowed you to launch drone attacks against the Russian Federation.

Do you think? For one singular instance. That Vladimir Putin is going to allow this. Without retaliation.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

To The People OF Ukraine/Europe And United kingdom

 Please don't tell me you actually believe Russia is going to invade and put you all under a neo-soviet iron fist?

Or worse that NATO is going to have your backs if you do engage the Russian military.You are nothing but cannon fodder for the West's need to reign supreme across the world!

Do you really want to see Sukhoi and Mig fighters over your cities??

Do you want Russian and possibly Chinese hypersonic missiles dropping nuclear weapons on your countries??

I hope not......

Sunday, February 6, 2022

What Does Washington Fear???

 Loss of control over their self imposed manifest destiny that the Earth and all her riches are theirs to control..

The one thing they do not want is an Euro-Sino Russian Alliance from Paris to Vladivostok

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Truth About The West

 If You parrot the party line,hate who you're told to hate.Love whom your told to love,obey whatever you are told to do yoe are a patriot.

However if you question or have a different opinion.Stand up for the truth when you know things are wrong you are called extremist,radical,a threat to society and the established order.

Well the call me radical for i will not comply!!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Anti War Alliance Grows

 Come to my attention that India and Spain are refusing to participate in the Anti-Russian hysteria being provoked by America and NATO..

Kooks like sanity is breaking out..

Thursday, January 27, 2022

To The New German Chancellor

 I've heard that you have lead the way in not supplying weapons to Ukraine for this insane disaster in the making,well all i can say is good on you sir!!

I've also heard here that my govt might be planning sanctions against you for not complying.Next thing you need to do is to get off both knees and tell Washington and NATO to go to hell then certify the Nord Stream 2 pipeline..